Title: Dooms Day Device Download: CLICK HERE At the peek of the Halo Wars, Area 51 developed a weapon of unspeakable power. Unconfident in Earths defenses against the Alien forces raining down on cities all over the world, Area 51 created a weapon of mass destruction capable of destroying the Earth a thousand times over with enough fire power left to last another hundred years. Inside Area 51 are a number of hangers housing weapons such as the Ark of the Covenant, your mission is to protect this new weapon from falling into the wrong hands or from being destroyed by Alien forces. Battle throughout the Weapons Station; be cautious not to fire at anything explosive within the core of the Dooms Day Device. Extending from the Core are power cords that are sensitive to weapon projectiles and can cause massive damage to anyone around when the cords are ruptured. The Dooms Day Device is in its test phase, be careful wondering the hanger because the weapon is test firing at 1% inside a firing range. There is no room for second place in this war, if you fail to secure the hanger, then we all fail. Good luck! (Observatory Room :: Overlooking the Device : (Dooms Day Device "Inactive") (Device Power Cables) (Ruptured Power Cables ::: WARNING EXPLOSIVE :: (Propane Tanks Inside Device Core) (Rupture the Tanks and the Power Cables Ignite) - YouTube Video Trailer "Coming Soon" + Dooms Day Device Control Room - 1 Rocket Launcher - 2 Propane Tanks + Dooms Day Device Firing Range - 1 Grav Hammer - Active Camo [PERK] + Dooms Day Device Range Observation Tower - 1 Brute Shot + Observing Room - 1 Mauler + Ground Floor Power Cords - 1 Flare [PERK] - 1 Frag Grenade - 1 Plasma Rifle - 1 Regenerator + Second Floor Northeast Sector - 2 Battle Rifles - 1 Plasma Pistol - 1 Frag Grenade + Second Floor Northwest Sector - 1 Carbine Rifle - 1 SMG - Spike Grenade + Second Floor South Sector - 1 Assault Rifle - 1 Power Drain [PERK] - 1 SMG - 1 Plasma Grenade + Second Floor Center Sector - 1 Battle Rifle - 1 Frag Grenade + Dome Observatory - 1 Shotgun - 1 Bubble Shield [PERK] Thanks for stopping by
I love the pic it looks like a awesome cannon. but you should post some more pics showing us the rest of the map.
Im in the process of doing just that, I have photos and videos. I am sorry but it is my first time here and I need to get to know the rules and how things work around the forums.
Wow! I am impressed! Awesome map and post for a "new guy"!! You have my DL...keep up the great work...I look forward to seeing more maps from your creative mind!
Thanks for the quick response, Please let me know if you have any new ideas or areas you would change to make gameplay run smoother. I did my best with the limitations I was given. Goodluck in the TEST FIRE AREA... that Device puts out a massive blast every 10 seconds... It used to be INSANE when I didnt have the POWER CORDS and I used all the Fusion Coils in the machine on GLITCH MODE and it was constantly firing.
I like the concept of this map, I am gonna dl, you also gave me an idea for a current map I am working on.
I like the way you got the fusion coils under the fence walls, must have taken alot of patientce i think
Has anyone encountered any problems in this Map. For example: the Dooms Day Device Failed to Fire? Or, The Fusion Coil Power Cords OverLoad and Disappear in the middle of the game? I am asking these questions because I have on a few occasions ran into these problems will I was adjusting the layout of the map. Please Rate/Comment on the Map and not just Download it. I really need feedback on what needs improvement, because I received such great feedback from the DOCKING STATION map I was able to go back and make Major Improvements.
It's good that this was made with playability in mind, but the device itself could have been made a little more creative than a simple coil cannon. What about an entire firing array?
I had that with the first version, But it made the arena unplayable... no one could cross the firing range without instant death. so I felt cuting back on the strength of the blast and the length of bursts would make it playable.... you can change whatever you want when you download it.