Doom Pit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Doog Nit, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    It does seem rather noobish but i played on it and belive me it is more of an aestetic feature than a pit of death. belive me you have to try to fall in there. I also noticed when people fell in there you could throw abubble sheild to them. It was actually a very fun experience. And the soccer ball really is an amazing aestetic feature.
  2. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Hmm people have been telling me I need to put more cover I'll definitely put it into consideration. I though it was fine, but about 3 people have said something about it.
    And I don't know if I believe this will be featured since it's not getting that good of a vibe from the community so far, so I guess we'll see.

    Well yea that's why it's this way. This was one of my first slayer maps on Foundry a long time ago and I figured since it was pretty much garbage I'd completely redo it. The thing about mine is that it doesn't continuously explode (instantly respawn) they're just there in case someone inattentive enough falls inside.

    Thanks man I'll admit the idea of a fusion coil pit is a bit overused, but hopefully people will see the originality of my specific one. It's much different if you examine it and compare it to others. Hope you have fun on it man lemme know if you wanna do a game or two online!
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Number 76!! Great job once again, Doog Nit. If you haven't noticed by now, I'm a big fan of your maps. You seem to have mastered every aspect of forge, and really, there are no limits with your maps. Not just the map, but with you in Forgehub in general, there is really only one way I can think of that you could improve: the quality of your posts. Your post is what draws people in, and I personally find the quick-flickering images a bit annoying, plus the low-quality action shots. I wrote a blog about this, and if you would like some artistic help with your posts, I'd be glad to help out.
  4. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    21 comments in 2 hours. This map is good enough for people to comment and not walk away.
  5. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I'll get back to you on that once I get a new mic. Mine broke this weekend...
  6. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Always nice to see a fan :D And yea thanks for the advice that sounds awesome I'll go check it out soon. Thanks for the tip!

    Sounds good see ya when I see ya.
  7. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Great map, I downloaded and I'll get back to you when I get a chance to play it. Just one complaint, the name. It seems a little boring, and like a map with instantly respawning, forever exploding, fusion coil pit thrown together in under thirty minutes. Besides that, it looks great. I especially like the vent you out on there, allowing for fire and grenades but not for people to go through. It's like the opposite of a shield door.

    Nice map, I think with a few tweaks in a version two, it could be feature worthy.
  8. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    You probably don't know, since I've never actually spoken with you, but I have a lot of respect for you. You're posts are well thought out, maps are nice, and you don't seem to be too full of yourself. Before I talk about the map I though I'd let you know so you don't think I'm flaming you.

    I know this might be getting repetitive, but the biggest problem of the map is the lack of cover. Usually bases are something to fall back to when you're low on health, but in this case it's too low. It's extremely well made, really impressive, but not for gameplay porpoises. You seem to overdo aesthenics and have a disregaurd for gameplay. The point of interest areas aren't very well thought out either. In this map especially, with the hill being in the middle, you need to get to high ground. But it didn't even out to well. What i mean is, a map like Construct, in Halo 3, where there is multiple levels. People try to take advantage of the top level because you can control the mancannons and fire down on enemies. But he bottem level protects well against this thread. In this map if you get to an upper level you can rain bullets everywhere because there isn't much cover. I don't mean to sound like an ass, because you prove to everyone that you can forge, but the gameplay isn't there on this one. I'm hoping you'll soon create a map where you incoorperate multiple levels, and have it test many times by the guild, so you can get you're second feature and premium. Honestly; I'm rooting for you. I personally don't think this map will get it done though, not saying it won't because with updates to it it could become a lot better, but I would be extremely surprised to see this one featured.
  9. ladiesman20007

    ladiesman20007 Ancient
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    Ok ive really had enough of this. there is plenty of cover ALL OVER THE PLACE! fOR you people that can't see it. Also, the pit is a great idea and if you can't manage to stay outside of it you are a BK.
  10. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Well as I've said before, the fusion coils do NOT instantly respawn. That would be really annoying if they did. They are simply in there so that if you fall in, either someone can kill you easily, or you can commit suicide.
    Thanks for recognizing the vent that was actually my favorite feature since it just looks cool. And I'm expecting to do another version since for some reason my first ones are never up to par. So I've taken your and everyone's advice into consideration. Thanks for the feedback!

    Yea I'm with you on this one. I agree about pretty much everything that you said and am looking forward to making a v2. The only thing I don't agree with is game play. Game play for everything except CTF was perfect for me when I tested it and that's the only reason why I posted it instead of changing some things. The bases provide enough cover for my taste, but i definitely agree that more cover could be placed throughout the entire map. Although not much more since it's already kind of cluttered. I'll try to find a way to put everyone's good ideas/advice together to make a v2 and hopefully it will be much more pleasing.

    Although I agree with a part of what you said, come on man you're pretty much asking for a ban ladiesman.....I don't see how there could be a lot more cover either, but a lot of people have said otherwise so although I don't understand fully, I should at least try to cooperate with their advice and see what happens. If I make the v2 and everyone still complains, then I'll just start from square one again with a new map.
  11. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I just meant the name sounded like one of those maps If I can rack my brain for something I'll give you a new name...

    EDIT: I got it portmanteaus! Combine two words to create new words, like synonyms for doom and loud. Here's some I came up with...

    Emphataclysm (Emphatic & Cataclysm)
    Resonilation (Resonant & Annihilation)
    Tumultuysm (Tumultuous & Cataclysm)

    You could proably think of more, but that's all I can up with real fast.
  12. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Ahhh ok my bad my bad. Yea if you think of an epic name, then lemme know I just kept it simple, but an epic name would probably get it noticed a lot more!
  13. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Yep, well stated, When you name a map doom pit it just doesn't sound like a professionally made map.

    Version two ideas
    ~ Rockwall type way out of the pit. maybe put a piece of equiptment down there so that they have a chance
    ~Clearly elevation wins on this map and you need to make it so that a single team does not grab the sword and sniper. when in territorys in the far cornes you can hide behind one of the double boxes and take no fire. Please fix this.
    ~Name change, as previously stated Doom pit just doesn't sound good.
    ~No more cover is needed. it really isn't very open and when people play they will realize that.
    ~The vent on the bottom double wall just doesn't fit. maybe you should move all the walls down so it looks better.
  14. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Awesome. Simply......awesome. You're advice is probably the most useful out of everyone and I mean EVERYONE's advice. All your points are correct and capable of being done so thanks a lot! Seeing your vision (hopefully) has inspired me to start making the most epic v2 or v3 I possibly can. A lot of these people that have replied I haven't agreed with too much, but I 99% agree with your statements. The only thing I wouldn't agree with is the vehicles. I think it might be bad to add vehicles since it would be impossible to get the mongoose/ghost up to the top of the Doom Pit. I guess it could work.......hmm...anyway that's the only thing that I'm questioning. Anyway, sorry to ramble, but if my map (v2/v3) ends up getting approved, or even featured, I will owe it to you. Thanks a bunch man really. Great review.
  15. SPARTANZ77

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    doog nit are you serious? another epic map? i just cant keep up with you! you need to stop making awsome maps cuz there filling my hard drive! anyway man 100000000/10 and downloaded sorry i could not test this with you,but ill get my shitbox 360 back soon
  16. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Don't know if you saw them or not, but I'm reposting my list of names. They're portmanteaus of synonyms for Doom and Loud (for the explosions). Unfortunately pit doesn't have to many good synonyms.

    Emphataclysm (Emphatic & Cataclysm)
    Resonilation (Resonant & Annihilation)
    Tumultulysm (Tumultuous & Cataclysm)
  17. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    Well your welcome, I really tried to get the " well the pit is stupid idea" off this map, because one little debate on that kinda made people agianst your map, im just trying to get people to understand that this map is good, and that the pit could actually make the more fun.

    Great map agian
    glad i could help you
  18. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Man, I cant believe I let this slip to page 4 without commenting! :(

    This really does have a shot it being featured, Doog, I wont be surprised if your name reads Premium underneath.

    The only bad part about this map, and mind you, im just a nitpicky person, is that could be some more cover on the ground, nowhere else. I say this because if your team has a crack shot with a Sniper or BR above the pit, you could potentially have a slaughter-fest below. Just sayin.

    Overall, one of the best maps ive seen on FH for a while: 4.815/5

    Merry Christmas!
    Desert Rat 852
  19. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Yea I'm definitely going to make a v2 very soon and change what you said there and more. Sniper spawn can't be where the main sniping point is that doesn't really work out and I gotta make another way up to the tower.....or maybe delete it....anyway yea also the cover down low will be more fortified hopefully meeting up to all of your standards. Thanks for helping me test it out man get ready for v2! :p
  20. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    I think thar by adding vehicles, adding more to the areas around teh 2 semi bases, spacing, moving the sniper, and making the sniper tower more accsesible, it would draw gameplay throughout the map, instead of just right at the deathpit. its great that you have a centre of gameplay, but it needs 'spacing'
    I might suggest not completely getting rid of the sniper tower thingymajig, but rather making it smaller, more acsesible and out of the line of sight of the two back room bases. this will help make the map bigger feeling and less centred on the pit o death; which frankly i think will help with the gameplay. (whoo! one long runon.)

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