DOOM 2 COME Game types: Team Slayer, or Team Doubles Weapons: Sniper, Beam Rifle, Shotgun, Sword, Rockets, Flamethrower(hidden), SMG’s ,ect Description: I have a new map on halo 3 called Doom it takes place with two sides both with heavy armored forts. One side is the human side with guns such as the shotgun and the sniper,(smgs, ect) and the other side comes with a Beam Rifle and a sword Lots of bridges and a teleporter in the middle of both bases. Some hidden guns lots of hiding spots and 2 shield doors in front of the 2 bases. To Download go to and please look up the video tour on my you tube account at This was my first Map I’ve ever made so I have Fixed some Things and its beter than ever Check it out and if I missed any guild lines please let me know so I can get them changed as soon as possible make sure to watch the video tour for a good idea of what the map has to offer
Looks great but theres no cover in ther building and interlocking wouldve made this map way better also you shouldve added and extra building for the two teams to clash in.
Looks like you made an open square 2 boxes high, put a shield door in front, and threw around a few weapons. It might be okay if you tried to make it look neat, or give it some sort of layout, and get a better weapon placement. The post itself is right, but I don't think the map would be very fun. ____ BlackDarkness, it's interlocking, not fusing, I hate when people use different words, nothing towards you, just the words merge or fuse.