
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Pegasi, Dec 6, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

    5 vote(s)
  2. Okay

    3 vote(s)
  3. Average

    2 vote(s)
  4. Good

    14 vote(s)
  5. Great

    74 vote(s)
  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Created By: Doog Nit

    Gametypes Supported: SpeedSkate, Just Skate, Sketchy Skating

    Recommended Players: 4-8

    The mother of all Halo Skate Parks to date, Doog Nit has really pulled out the stops to create an aesthetically authentic and highly functional recreation of a park near his home. Featuring polished bowls, steps, ramps and beautiful rails, DoogNitized really captures the feel of a skate park whilst being friendly to Mongeese and Ghosts alike, both of which are provided along with a perfectly placed spectator box.

    Far from being a purely aesthetic masterpiece, DoogNitized comes fully playable straight out of the box with 3 dedicated gametypes. SpeedSkate is a variation upon Rocket Race, with the Rox swapped out in favour of Shotguns for this close quarters arena. Sketchy Skating is a unique brand of Infection in which Zombies are slow, cannot use vehicles, and must rely on their Plasma Pistols to hinder the Humans' vehicular meanderings and get in range with their Energy Swords. Limited ammo will be the fall of a careless Zombie, but Custom Powerups spawn at intervals to give temporary infinite ammo and a brief respite from the 10% shield decay. 3 rounds of 3 minutes and one life apiece. Just Skate is pure skating joy, FFA play so that you can content yourself with highjacking and mongoose beating, but all players are invincible so that the fun stays clean. With its wealth of gametypes and rewarding gameplay, DoogNitized stands proud as both a great party game setting and something to speed around on when you've nothing better to do. This map should most certainly be the first on your download queue.

    #1 Pegasi, Dec 6, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  2. Furry

    Furry Guest

    The first really innovative (forge-wise) skate park. I love all skate parks on Halo but this has to be my personal favorite. The pyramid is shear genius and the half-pipe is unlike any other. Not to mention the sick grinds you can do and epic stair jumps. This map collabarates casual gameplay with some kick-ass mongoose maneuvers.
  3. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    Greatly deserved Doog! Definitely the best skate park out there. Even moreso than "Skate Park" It has alot of innovation, including the sick grinds, pyramid, and the amazing half-pipe. I must say I saw this coming! A little help from [insert staffers here] doesn't hurt either!
  4. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    I think this is a good example of very careful and meticulous forging. It is neat, well laid out and aesthetically pleasing. I can see a lot of good uses for this map
  5. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I can't say for **** that this deserves a feature, but hey whatever. I think Scarfac3d deserved it if anything, Doog's bowls aren't close to smooth, and the ramps in the center seem pointless. Begin the flaming but I completely stand by that.

    edit;; all I can really see is Doog's skate park is more filled in and equipped wit the means to support a hectic race type mini game.

    MEGA counter edit;; true... I'll give it to him. WELL PLAYED PEGASI, well played.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'd personally take issue with anyone that flamed you for this, since you expressed an opinion and backed it up with reasoning, much as I may disagree with your sentiments. My personal view is that this is much more of a complete Skate Park than I have seen in any other, similarly themed map. It produces an immersive environment that I have not seen paralleled. I would also stick up for the smoothness factor, I have had no trouble with smoothness anywhere on this map, and found both Mongeese and Ghosts to play very well on it, very smooth and fluid as a whole. The ramps in the centre offer a smaller, more trickable jumping opportunity IMO, and I think they are a worthy inclusion. Still, to each his own, and I would hope that no one of sense would begrudge you your reasoned opinion just because it contradicts their own.

    COUNTER EDIT: Lol, I just saw your edit, and it pretty much confirms my feeling that the overall product is more 'complete' than any rival parks I have seen, I think it produces the most immersive effect out of any Skate Park map to date and, as such, is most successful in its aim. As you so rightly say, it's highly equipped for actual gameplay, and even works its own style of play into the mix. It's also damn fun to drive around :p
  7. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Great job doog

    *scarfaced enters*
    hate this map, it sucks
    *scarfaced leaves*

    Epic map bro, 'gratz on the epic feature of epicness. Just make a different skatepark. And you will win. Thats all. kthnxbai

    No I'm just kidding, this is epic, just played a game on it (gametypes are pointless hahaha) but just driving around is cool
  8. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I thought this deserved a feature when I first played this. It just feels so...real. I really like it. Great job, Doog Nit. And you only joined two months ago, and already you've pumped out over 4 great maps. I only wish I could Forge like you. Great job!

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yo man i knew this was gonna get featured! anyway very nice i still have it on my HD so im gonna play on it soon cuz this motivated me too lol very nice bro!
  10. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah man thanks everybody I'm so thankful to everyone who helped this become what it is; there are too many names to list, but thank you to all of them! Thanks for any comments on the map I don't know if I'm supposed to, but I'll try and reply to everyone that asks for it. Although the tone isn't what I'd hope for, constructive criticism is encouraged LetalisCarbine. However, there's not much that I'd want to say to it that Pegasi hasn't already so yea......but I do indeed respect your opinion. Sorry if that didn't make sense my head is a little scattered as this is my first featured map! So yea! Thanks again! To everyone!

    OH and Special thanks to Blood Fire - great job on the video! I'm not even exaggerating when I say it's one of the most epic map videos I've ever seen! Thanks a bunch!
    #10 Doog Nit, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  11. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Picture Response

    I know I posted this before but....

    A picture is worth a thousand words.

    (Rethal Sepsis in the back and me up close)

    Congratulations on the feature man. This a great map to play when your bored. Also, I appreciate the multiple entrances from the ground if you happen to come off a jump, get hit by your friend, spin out of control, hit the wheelie machine, and careen off the ledge in a massive fireball.

  12. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    This map is so freaking awesome! It's best to play with a ghost because you can pull off allot of tricks and get allot of speed. This map has amazing geometry and interlocking. Me and my friends are playing on it right now and they say its awesome. We're just on forge but I'll try the real gametype later. I had my eyes wide open when I saw the pics of this map, no joke! Greatest skate park ever!
  13. Robotnika

    Robotnika Ancient
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    This map is really fun to mess around on. It's also very aesthetically pleasing, and certainly stands out from most other Skate Park-themed maps. Very superb job.
  14. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    Personally i don't understand how a mongoose skate park got featured when there are plenty of other really outstanding peices of work out there like -Moon Waffle- which plenty of my friends are still drooling over and now which just came out yesterday -Remedy- which i think is truly unique and well deserves the feature but on the other hand i really enjoyed this map and im happy that it got featured good job Doognit !

    EDIT- I put renegade but i actually meant Remedy MY BAD =(
    #14 Yo Mommas Foot, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  15. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    This definitely takes all the positives of the previous skate park maps and combines them together to make one helluva skatepark.

    Shall we name doog nit the skate park king?
  16. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Wow! It only took two weeks to get featured. That's a real honer man. And I notice in the original thread it's a casual map. Aside from Cat n Mouse this is one of the very few casual maps that got featured, or at least as far as I've paid attention to. Anyway I'm here to congratulate you. Only one more and it could be red for your name mister :D
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Can it be supposed that, by featuring this, we neglect our attention to other maps of a different nature? This far from the only Feature on Forge Hub, and such will continue to be the case as other, equally deserving maps are Featured. Skate Parks should not be belittled as below the standard of other maps, competitive for example, and equally deserve Feature (if they be of such a standard as this one) alongside maps of a different genre (be they competitive, mini-game, or any other nature of Forged Map). Rest assured that other maps do not escape our attentions by Featuring this one. Please consider thus: Features, far from giving the message that "this map is better than any other map that could have ben Featured in its place", we, by Feature, seek only to convey our sentiments that "this is a great map that we, by our discerning standards, consider to be worthy of Feature." As such, DoogNitized should be taken as a standalone product, worthy, in our eyes, of Feature, and not as a slight to any other map which could, in your eyes, have been featured in its place.
  18. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    Thanks for that advice but i still think that Moon Waffle or Renegade could have been featured not saying that you guys overlooked it. but that is just MY opinion and other people may look at it differently.
  19. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    now delta, we all mostly know that those are your intentions, but as certain maps are featured, others are missing the chance for quite a few weeks: lessening its chance for a feature.

    although what with mastar hand being featured, after a few months, i cant quite be sure

    other then the pyrmid, which i felt could be better, this map deserves it.

    and 70% of that reason is because now you have created barriers around the map, which will allow for better VIP and less falling off.

    i have the first version but i will definetly re-redownload.
  20. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Kinda contradicted yourself there a bit lol but thanks for the congrats I'll check out those maps and see if they are indeed as epic as you say. If they're as good as you say they are, I gotta see them now!

    Skatepark king? I dig. ;)

    Thanks man I had no idea about the statistics since I've only been here for about a couple weeks or so. And yes I'm hoping I'll become one of the reds one day as well :)
    #20 Doog Nit, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008

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