I think the body looks kinda weird but the sword is awesome. Woohoo giant ass sword! Personally though im not a big fan of the 500x200, try making it smaller just to see how it looks.
k il probably go for like 350x160 or something. and i made the sword long cause i didnt want to go through the trouble of making a point out of it. EDIT: there they are. i personally like 400x160 better. and now i think of it, the sword kinda reminds me of final fantasy lol, they way they carry around 400 pound swords like it were a feather
I think with that 3rd version of the lion one, even the second version, they need to be sharpened. Just to clear them up a bit. Are you using Photoshop or GiMP? The resize seems to have blurred them a fair bit, photoshop doesn't seem to do that for me, if anything make it clearer. If you are using photoshop i htink you might have some of the settings wrong, I can tell you how to fix that though.
Easy as pie =] Just Press CTRL+K and make sure you have your Image Interpolation set to best for reduction, if you're using photoshop you should never want to make an image bigger then you find it in because that will make it look worse. Simple =]
i know that. but this was making it smaller. and thanks. i have 6.0 by the way. doesnt look like we have the same. oh well. your beautiful reynbow EDIT: oh and how do you post the image link without posting the image? like in your thread?