DOWNLOAD Don't Look Down DOWNLOAD RACE TO 10 Large multitrack multi level combat racetrack 2v2 NEEDS GAMETYPE RACE TO 10 "I will get that point,petrelli style"!!! "bye" DON'T FORGET TO VIEW THE PICS FULL SIZE Don't Look Down - Sanbox edition{DLD_SE} is built on the same principle as it predeccesor,two parallel tracks the intersect and crossover allowing for GTA drive by style combat.DLD is not about speed its about skill if you go flatout you will fall off,not game over you just move to the next active point but it dosen't help.Remeber it is not about speed its about skill The gametype RACE TO 10 is designed for these tracks there are 10 points on the track meaning that if one team tears ahead the round will end faster but close games will last longer The route from the pics isn't clear but when you play it its really simple you have a marker to follow and you crossover at either end its easy to show people but not easy to explain........I miss gamevee If you're looking for something challenging,fun and different this is for you FAQ Q.Why isn't it interlocked? A.I'm going to say this once IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE it for driving not walking it is smooth and fast,except for the slow bits! Q.Whats the route? A.From the pics it not easy to tell when you play it you will see its beyond simple Q.What happens if I fall off? A.Falling off is not game over you can use one of the 6 paths back on to the main track or the the points on the track are gone move on to the ground section Q.Where are the weapons? A.The only weapons on the map is a 7 wood in the starting points simply select the weapon you want in the menu Q.What happens if I die? A.If you look at the pics you will see mongooses{that's right google it}dotted around the track this is where you respawn PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT ON THE LACK OF INTERLOCKING I have addressed it,it does not affect gameplay and I am not going to defend my work THANK YOU AND ENJOY
I'm not sure exactly what this is.... but It kind of looks like a sort of rocket race type thing from the pics but with different wepons. Correct me if i'm wrong but It doesn't look like that much of a race map. It does look very interesting though =)
Golf Game????? I don't know what to say to that read the post I am choosing not to take that in a negative way,Halo tracks in my opinion is boring just driving round and round and round and so on The simplest way to explain the route is you drive to one end,crossover, go on to the ground drive down the middle back up on to the track drive on to the sand then crossover again back on the track jump the killball then you back at the first point As I said ion the post its different which is never a bad thing
I don't really understand what you are supposed to do. From the pictures, it looks to be most fun on Rocket Race or something of that killing/racing genre.
I like this. It sorta takes racetracks too a new level with the added competition. It looks to be pretty hard to stay on the track.I am a little confused with the game type though, do you spawn with a 7-wood or is it at the beginning of the level. To me it sounds like it would make it nearly impossible to stay on the track. Have you tried the game out with other weapons as well. I doubt something like a plasma pistol would work well but maybe rockets. I don't know. I do like the concept of the map but I think your post could have explained the game type and the map better. Eather way am going to download and see how challenging it is. chow!
Please read the post You start in the tube pieces head down to the kill ball then into the tunnels through the t walls up,down and round to the jump over the kill ball then along the ground toward the blue light back up on to the track jumping the kill ball then you back to the first point I cannot explain it any more than that IT IS NOT A ROCKET RACE MAP although it is closer to RR than your standard race track 7 wood are scenery you cannot start with them from the menu which is why I put them in rockets are way too powerful guns are best drive by style and its not that hard to stay on the track
this map looks prettty interesting for a race course. i think it would be better if you put descriptions of the pics, then it would be less confusing
No I'm not my GRAMMAR is fine my spelling is pretty good too I also don't write useless and offensive posts If you want to stay on this site sign up for an attitude transplant PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT AGAIN UNLESS ITS USEFUL