Don't Get Greedy [DELETED] I have discovered serious problems with this minigame. If you replied to this post saying how good it is, obviously you didn't play it. Mod, please LOCK or DELETE.
I'm going to take a guess that each player has one life, so that players have to try to guess when the fusion coils will blow up, and stay as late as possible. I think that's right. And, by the way, it's a great concept. however, assassinations on is probably why I wouldn't enjoy it. I can't stand any situation when a player and I are trying to get behind each other. Not really my style. But I can tell you a few things you should watch out for in this game. -If there's a timer, players will memorize when the fusion coils go off. -It will end up being more about assassinating your enemy that playing the game and will take the meaning out of your original idea. But you could have done so much more with this, had you wanted to. There's room and budget for aesthetics here, but yet there's not really any incorperated in. I think that if you ever decide to remake this, you should really focus on aesthetics, too.
1. I guess I should remove assassinations, but there isn't really much else to the gameplay. 2. You can't memorize the times. Why not is a secret 3. Any ideas for aesthetics?
I like the idea too, and the assassinating wouldn't really bother me. But if it could ruin the game for other people than you should take it out. On the aesthetics idea, I might be cool if you built a giant floating room, with the bridge on the out side, and the fusion coil platform hanging down from the ceiling. Adding a lot of colors would help. Good idea though.