Don't Fret about Forgeworld Guys!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thumtac, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    3 years halo 3 was out. 3 years. What halo 3 was at the end of those 3 years was WAY different than at the beginning of its life. Take forge for instance. Forge was just a map Editor. If you wanted to make your own map, tough **** because it was impossible.

    But what happened? Bungie delivered in the 1st DLC with foundry, a very forgeable map. But still forgers griped because the tools of forge itself limited foundry. But we discovered work arounds. We discovered tricks like interlocking, merging, and switches. But still we griped even more about the overall crapiness of foundry's layout. Bungie could've stopped with foundry because that was a pretty sufficient forge map, right? Wrong.

    Bungie did the unthinkable. They released sandbox, the halo 3 forger's dreamscape. Tons more items of different sizes and shapes and not the repetetive walls and blocks of foundry. They gave us three different areas, the open middle, the enclosed crypt, and the open air sky bubble. Let's remember that sandbox didn't come out until about 1.5 years after halo 3's release.

    Point is that Bungie listens to its fans and delivers. They are taking into consideration all the critiques and criticisms about forgeworld and as we speak are developing the forgeworld mk. 2. What it is we don't know but we know that they will surely take into consideration the faults of forgeworld.

    Be patient guys. Bungie is not leaving us with forgeworld. Forge 2.0 has only just begun.
  2. Graybes

    Graybes Forerunner
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    Do you know how to report/suggest things to Bungie. Something besides posting on the main halo reach forum? Because I post something on there and 10 seconds later my thread is on like the 5th page. There are some important things, like a bug with the soccer ball that I'd really like to formally submit a report on but I can't find any spot. There are some other things, simple things that should have been in forge/custom game type options in the first place that hinders a lot of customization
  3. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Everything in Reach was based on this principle, not just forge.

    Also, there's nothing wrong with forge world... It's literally 1.5 times the size of sandbox and easily four times as customizeable.
  4. Vbdude

    Vbdude Ancient
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    Yup agreed wiht the above psoter.
    Nevertheless I love Forge 2.0 even more(I was a giant Forge nut in Halo 3 :3). Nww I've even got my first giant Reach map coming out and honestly, Forge World exceeded ,thats right, exceeded my expectations of what Bungie unvieled before Reach was released and ultimately pulled off. For my first map I literally let my fantasy flow and I still have 2 thirds of my budget left, and the map is huge haha..and I'm still building.

    Well enough of my rambling, I strongly believe that Forge World is going to be "the worst" (if you an say that) Reach Forge map. Since BUngie is so involved wiht the community, I can't wait to see the "Sandbox" of Reach :p
    #4 Vbdude, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  5. WaxyPumpkin72

    WaxyPumpkin72 Forerunner
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    I've found out that if you type your thread in a text editor or something, then copy/paste it into the new thread on bungie, the amount of time it takes to post a thread is much shorter, and it will appear as the first thread on the page.

    Does that make sense? :D
  6. D1KK0

    D1KK0 Forerunner

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    I'm sure they will at least give us some new objects/textures something else for forgeworld if not another whole new forge map. I <3 Bungie.
  7. sora0314

    sora0314 Forerunner

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    I was very cuntent with forge world the only 2 things i diddent like was no pallets (but yet you can spawn them on reflection) and only being able to spawn 2 lights
  8. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    Wrong, forge is not a map editor, as Bungie even stated.. it is more of an object mover/creator. If it was a map editor, we wouldnt have to deal with or hasel with the barriers and all the other restrictions. If map editor, we could put in just about anything created in the game. Also I do believe they will deliver, but some things need to be updated and changed.
    I do like Bungie, but I am kinda disappointed in the new forge.. and I also found out that they lied in their October playlist update, one specific thing about the hot potato bomb, they said they fixed it, so the bomb would actually show a timer, which it in fact does not! I was in two days ago in matchmaking.
  9. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Forge World was actually smaller than I expected, but nonetheless it is still amazing and I love it.
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I can come up with quite a few things that are wrong with forge world:
    -What happened to pallets/breakable items/immovable objects?
    -Buildings are nice and all, but they're so 1-dimensional... all they do is make a frame
    -Ramps? really?

    I'm not saying it sucks, just saying it could use a few tweaks here or there.
  11. hidden assasin

    hidden assasin Ancient
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    *Starts to clap*
    You have brought the hope man, your right also, Bungie is a very faithful company that relies on its fan base, they never thought forge would be as big as it is now, from sanb0x to forge world, what is Forgeworlds advanced self? think about that
  12. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    yeah actually in the noble map pack being release on november 30th, they said that it will also be a very forge-able map. i hope it has more cool stuff like the pallet!! its set at 800 microsoft points ($10).

    tehe me too <3

    theres a reason for that. because they give off so much light, it really can slow down the frame rate. lighting in games requires a lot of CPU. also if you really need some light, just use some oversheilds, active camos, or either of the custom power ups. they arnt prefered, but in a worst case scenario, they are definitely useful.
  13. Evrito

    Evrito Forerunner

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    You know i was thinking the same thing about the way forge evolved. I am sure that after a couple of months not only will bungie release the new map that is forgable, i am sure that the community with come up with more tricks just like what happened in halo 3. And eventually i bet there will be a new sandbox that makes us weep at the sight of it.
  14. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    I think you're mixing up map editor and map creator.

    I don't know how you can be disappointed in the new forge, even if you're a little disappointed in forgeworld. Forge 2.0 is great, I just wish forgeworld had some breakable objects.

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