Donkey Kong A King of the Hill map with a wild twist inspired by the arcade classic Donkey Kong. Download Donkey Kong Map Download Donkey Kong KOH Gametype Description: Similar to the Volcano map I did several months ago, I wanted to create a King of the Hill map where the hill was just as much of a hazard as the players trying to capture it. Quite simply, the hill is located at the very top of a large, wide, ramp. The twist is that while players are fighting each other for the opportunity to climb to the top, wave after wave of explosive barrels are rolling down toward the bottom. As you can imagine, this makes for some interesting, and usually hilarious times. Getting to the top can be tricky, as avoiding the random explosions, as well as the not so random ones induced by your opponents, is an ongoing challenge. But, once you've reached the top, as king of the hill you'll have a great view of your opponents as they attempt to dethrone you. However, a king with too much advantage would just be unfair, so there are some creative options available for king removal. Option #1 would be to make your way to the platform in the middle of the map that holds a Spartan Laser and a straight view through the skywalk into the hill. Once the king has been ousted, you can jump down and attempt to be one yourself. Creative option #2 would be to make your way around to the back of the hill, where you'll find some firebomb grenades. High above, you'll notice that you're under the hill, and that the hill floor is just fencing. Now, you can shoot at the king if you want, or... you can toss a grenade or two up there and suddenly the king of the moment will be standing on a floor of fire. This is particularly effective because the king is unable to jump while standing in the hill. (The ceiling above prevents it) It was primarily built for King of the Hill, but the map's also good for slayer, and with a few spawn point adjustments, I think it could be fun for infection too. While the hill itself is the star of this show, you'll also find a series of pathways and tunnels that carve their way through the base of the mountain as well. On the lowest level, you'll find the hammer. One floor up, in the middle of the mountain, the rockets wait patiently amid a glowing corridor of shield doors. So there it is. Check it out, Love it, Hate it, Let me know what you think. Keep in mind, that while I think I've got some cool ideas, and can put together some decent, well designed maps, I freely admit that my abilities are nowhere close to some of the Forge masters found on this site, so if you're unimpressed with my lack of interlocking or geomerging, ...Sorry. I'm just not that good yet. Download Donkey Kong Map Download Donkey Kong KOH Gametype
Very nice. You say you're not too good, but I think your pretty good. Only problems would be the interlocking and/or merging. You would be the most amazing idea maker, just need to warm up to forging a little bit. 4.7/5
wow, this map idea is amazing...good work, i wouldnt change anything but neatening it up and interlocking...all of your ideas are great and work well with the map... 5/5(well with the v2)
The rolling fusion coil thing is pretty neat, and you expanded enough beyond that one idea to keep the map from becoming bland. Like the laser and the fire grenades, those kinds of novel, out of the ordinary, attack options work well on a map like this. The lack of interlocking isn't a big deal, the hill structure looks good despite that. You might want to interlock the platform holding the laser though, or have a single bridge or double wall up there instead of the two bridges and wall. Hitting the edges between the wall and bridges really throws off your aim, especially while zoomed in with a laser.
Thanks for the feedback. And for the advice about revising the laser platform. I'll smooth that out tonight.
it looks really good. my first thought was that the "hill" should be a little bit longer to reach the top but i played it and it works graet. infection on this is pretty good i was suprised. nice map 5/5
Just a quick question... I was wondering if this map is posted in the right place. (As it's only the second map I've ever posted, I'm still a little new to the site.) Anyway, does this fall into the category of a "Mini Game Map" or is "Casual Maps" the correct location for this. I suppose it doesn't matter too much this month, looks like it's a little hard to get a map noticed in any thread -- seeing as how forged mythic maps are dominating the landscape at the moment. (and rightly so, I suppose. I personally can't wait to get my hands on Sandbox)
I really like the idea for the map. I also think it was a good idea to make it a king of the hill map.
Thanks. It does work best for King of the Hill, but me and about 6 friends were playing free-for-all Slayer on it the other night and it worked really well for that too. Obviously, there's less incentive to climb the hill when it's not KOTH, but for anyone brave enough to venture up there, some of the better weapons are the reward. The tunnel that cuts through the base of the hill and the tunnel that cuts through the middle level made for some interesting fights, and the corridor that runs along the back of the "mountain" was also a frequent hot spot. It was a good time. Glad people are enjoying the map. (Shortly after I posted this map I finally decided to take my forging up a notch and did some experimenting with interlocking. It went really well - I created a new slayer map called Watchtower.)