Donkey Kong v1.1 (4000+ Downloads!) (Recommended players: 2-8) created by Morilec and Hpbuttons Description: Remake of the classic Donkey Kong arcade game. Took days and days of work to complete so we hope you all enjoy it greatly. Map includes mongoose at top to mess around with if you make it, and a sky box to view those attempting the climb. ATTENTION: Must be played with required game type for the challenge, although we encourage others to play and make their own. Objective: To avoid all falling objects and reach the top of the hill. Screenshots: That looks unavoidable - Overview of ramp - View from bottom of ramp - So close.. - If you're going to die, go out in style - View of raining debris - Sky view box - Final comments: We made this game very hard to reach the top of the hill, although it is definitely do-able. If you find it too difficult, feel free to edit the game type to your liking. Map and Game Variant: DonkeyKong v1.1 Map DonkeyKong v1.1 Gametype If you have any questions feel free to ask, and be sure to please comment! Be sure to check out our first infection map, Dawn of the Dead. - Morilec and Hpbuttons
Instead of a "slayer" gametype, is it possible to make it a FFA Juggernaut so that everyone is a VIP, and the person to reach the top, and into a checkpoint wins the round, with most rounds out of X amount wins the match?
wow looks like a lot of fun! youve got a dl from me! hard to tell if theres any merging, but looks perfectly flat from what i can see. nice job!
Yea you guys can make your own game types, Territories, VIP, whatever you may prefer, we left it open for just that reason. The game type we made has just the player speed decreased, and you take more damage. No real goal, just make it to the top, and watch others fail. But our modified traits for people in the game work greatly with the map, so feel free to make your own game types with or without the traits in our game variant. Thanks for downloading, and hope you guys have fun. -Morilec
I'll probably download when I get my wireless adapter back.But how are the vehicles thrown down? Man cannons or something?
You never mentioned gravity increased. Can't people just get out of the map? [I have very annoying friends that seem to search for ways out of maps. Just trying to prevent that.]
With all the small issues people might have fixed, I look forward to downloading this map and future maps that you may have.
Hahaha. I played the game, and it was strangely addicting, even when all of my friends left, I played on. Although, is that many explosions necessary?
Very fun and frustrating map. 75% of the time, I don't see what it was that killed me, though. That's kinda annoying. Nice work, but I agree that perhaps there should be some kind of VIP game type with the top of the hill a goal, and maybe a teleporter back to the bottom so you can get more points for reaching the top.
Thanks to being featured in a Machinima video with 43,000 views. We now have 4000+ downloads on the map! Thanks guys
It was just ok.. Next time make the ramp much longer and make the player run 75% not 50%. Fifty was too slow and boring. The shields did not seem balanced either. Most of the time I died, it was from a near by explosion that was not in my control. Good effort and idea, I just think that if you make another version and made it a bit more epic, that you might really have someting. 3.5/5
Actually, when I was playing and I died, I appeared out of the map. So I think you need to search for one more spawn point. And I agree with Dream, I kept getting blown up by ghosts and the fusion coils fall to fast to get past. (Woo, I rhymed)
Couldn't you make it slightly easier? For example, you could add miniature blocks that you can crouch behind.
It's slightly easy too get out of the map. A radio antennae acted like a bridge for me and I walked up it and crouch-jumped out. Shots of Radio Antennae falling into place and getting out of the map may provide key evidence on how too stop it. Spoiler