I know it's the colour scheme Donii. I'm tellin DC killa here that his colour scheme is too contrasted, and to bright of a pink. Do you understand? I would be mislead if DC killa put up CnC by habit.
DON'T LIKE BACON??? Who the **** do you think you are. Bacon is amazing. Bacon is terrific. Bacon will make your head explode with it's awesomeness.
Then he shouldn't complain when, ya know, CnC ensues. Oh wait, he didn't complain, that was you....remind me why again?
Yes he can, because this site doesn't allow thread name changing. It screws up when you do. Remind me why you complained first.
I meant i wanted a CnC, thats why i put the prefix. Although it is kinda habitual to do it. Can someone give me an acuall CnC?
I think the color scheme of this signature is fine, Its not too pink. Um, I'm not sure if those bubbles are c4ds are not, but some of them are distracting and could have been erased. The text is horrible, perhaps bringing it closer to the focal, also redo the clipping mask. I think you have the wrong colors for the text. I think the greatest part of the signature is the focal. I think you did a good job with that. Um not much to say, one of your better signatures, I would have to compare it with your other ones though. Maybe your best.
Thanks for the acuall cnc. The big bubbles are clipping masks. And the text is a clipping mask to, thats why its that color. Thanks again.