a lot of people complained about my map Domain being to sloppy. so its back and better than ever. with better interlocking and a new balcony over one of the back alleys. its set up for mlg rules heres the map. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing and the gametype. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing now for pictures an overhead view of the map. notice that i fixed the bridge that people were complaining about one of the back alleys another back alley with the new balconey i was talking about a pic of the main elevator that takes you to the second story walkway The walkway and middle area. the sniper at the top of the elevator. you run into it automatically if you take the elevator so thats my map. i'd like to hear what everyone thinks.
this looks like a pretty awsome map i like how ever thing is so neat must be god for objective type games also what was V1 like can you send me a link to it first learn to spell and second it is not sloppy how many maps have you posted i bet none so shut up also please send him -rep
actually its only set up for ts and ctf. i guess territories or koth would be fun. you guys can add that your self i hope. the origonial is basically the same thing minus the new balconey and a lot messier. but here you go anyway. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/17088-domain.html
what ever. i did my best and i really don't care anymore if you think its sloppy. its fun to play on, and you can't get out. thats all that matters
Looks VERY clean and meticulously (extremely carefully) constructed. However, something about it just doesn't click for me, I don't know what. It looks good, just not my style.
You fixed it slightly! But I'm afraid it's still a bit sloppy. Here are my suggestions. 1.) Enclose, or add too that extra space on the side 2.) All double boxes and single boxes on the ground as a floor be upside down to make it more like a floor. 3.) Tidy the walls a bit so they're straight AND they match. 4.) Put a picture of chuck norris on your background. THIS REALLY WORKS 5.) That middle part with the sniper is still messy. Either completly straighten and interlock it, or ask for help.
Are you kidding me, you guys really think that this isn't sloppy at all. The map looks great but EVERYTHING is sloppy. The boxes going around aren't interlocked, the walls, even the barrier isn't straight. The bridges look bumpy the fence walls are slightly lopsided and boxes are sometimes randomly turned flat when they aren't at other points. I totally agree Skirym. Sexy dude, you have 307 posts right now. You should know what straight and neat looks like. Also how many maps have YOU posted. I certainly don't see that many (1). Skirym just joined, so give him a break, he'll get some maps up.
oh my god, walls are sloppy, need to be interlocked and placed properly, i saw a box i guess 'falling' into a room, you should have used the save and quit technique to make this better.... 4/10
Don't listen to Sexy Dude, your right the map is messy. I've given you +rep because of Sexy Dude. May you post many good maps at Forge Hub.
the interlocking is fine at most points, but some double-boxes aren't even upsidedown, and furthermore not interlocked. since i see you know how to, i suppose there is a reason? also, bridges are neater upsidedown, but if they're not interlocked and on floor level, they are useless. the upsidedown bridgs just lying on the boxes will produce a huge bump, if not even an unecessary jump. Great design, but i suggest you interlock the majority of double-boxes and fix the bridges.
Looks great but kinda sloppy i see some interlocking but not all all is better than none and some! The sniper spawn is great ttho =]
looks pretty good but i think some places look abit rushed, i think you could add more cover and interlock the bridges into the box so that its smoother but some good ideas and a good improvemt
I think it's funny how you can correct someone on their grammar... Anyway, about the map: looks alright, nothing I haven't seen before. Maybe good for a few CTF games but that's about it