yea my parents know i play halo and that i swear. My xbox is in my basement and i have a 3story house.(not including basement.) and my mom is usually on the third floor. So she never heres me. My dad doesnt really care. He plays videogames and he knows how frustrating games can be sometimes. So he dont care. Although the only time i really go into a frenzy of swearing and yelling is when im playin call of duty and 1 of 2 situations come up. Situation one: im playin cod4 haveing a good time. and ill decide to go and play halo, then as soon as i say halo everyone starts trash-talking me and halo. And how its not realistic or that it sucks and a bunch of other ****. It just pisses me off. Situation two: Now this happens to me 2 or 3 times a day so i dont get as pissed off as i did the first 9 or 10 times it happens. And im talking about when obnoxious british/english kids come in and start trash-talking america and how were all fat and have redneck presidents or black presidents or anything else that is a modern day sterotype for america. it just pisses me off. And most of the time those situations are when my parents are home. So no they dont care. And just to answer your original question, Yes my mom does know i play halo.
My Mom hears me swear occasionally on live, but I get asked more "Don't you play anything else?" It's pretty funny because I actually do play other games than just Halo quite frequently, but I swear on those too. I try not to, but my friends I play with that I know in real life are just so swear-at-able.
Well, they should know what you are doing. If you don't want them catching you curse, simply control yourself.
I don't swear when I play any game besides Halo. Yes, they know I play ii, and when I swear I say, sorry in Advance.
I really don't swear over Xbox Live. Sometimes I will curse under my breath if someone does something really stupid, but I avoid insults and swearing. Swearing doesn't get you anywhere.
My mom doesnt give a **** If I cuss, or play any video game, or watch any movie, or use any recreational perceptive optimizer. <3 my mom