Color doesn't help at all in my opinion. It really isn't that hard to notice someone... even if they're black and hiding in a shadow. Although, I have noticed that Active Camo camouflages you pretty well.
I mostly play team games, so its not a huge issue for me. I pick a color that I like, I don't think of a color to help me hide. But no, even in FFA armor color doesn't add to any sort of camouflage, the armor kind of shines which always shows where the player is.
My armor color is the color of the Chicago Bears. Blue and orange. I think that stands out. But I'm mostly in matchmaking, so you have forced colors anyway
I'm white and purple i thinks... It helps with avalanche and snowbound Well, the white half does at least
It might help you if you're gray, and you're close to some walls, and get shot, it will be a bit harder to see you, that is, if you aren't bleeidng. Dark Green for maps like Guardian, etc. Depends on the map you're in. If you're in a darker map, wear darker armor, brighter map, brighter armor.
It kinda does. Green in the vegetated area on Guardian, Steel near some metal walls, especially on Narrows, on the Blue side. To add to this, make sure that your armor doesn't have extra stuff on it, like the E.V.A. helmet's large orangish-yellow visor. Go for a helmet with little orange visor.
Studies have actually shown that players that wear the color red are more likely to win than players that are wearing blue. Its just a statistical analysis, but an interesting one at that.
Armor color definitely does help people hide in some maps. Most of the time, blue or gray is enough to blend people in just enough that you overlook them at first glance, especially if they are in the distance.
To answer your question, yes, color does help you blend in with your surroundings somewhat- provided you're wearing the right one. My spartan is white with cobalt shoulders, so my main color only helps me blend in with snowbound and avalanche.
too me, it only camofluages barely and even then you should be a dark color, like Blue, Steel, or Sage, but too be a dark color only for camoflauge is not the spirit in Halo
Blue will camouflage you the best in this game from a distance. The farther you are from an object, the "cooler" the object looks. The color changing is caused by our atmosphere, and Bungie did a good job recreating it in game.
Isn't it something like the blue hues along with steel and green help you blend in well? All I know is that my friend told me something about that using darker cool colors help you blend. I'm blue by the way, with silver second and gold detail.
If you want anything near camoflauge, you gotta use a helmet that has a TINY visor, and no extra color (hayabusa grey) and like mark VI shoulders as well as no katana im sage (dark green) cause i like that color anyways
I think it does. So I play in green, and then if I've got a sniper go next to a tree (on highground) or something like that. I also think blue has an advantage over Red, as it's a darker colour.