I recently realized that music does heavilyaffect the way I act. When I listen to the streets, Bliss n Eso, Bob Marley, etc I'm much more calm and less arguementive. When I listen to certain tupac songs, Kano, gangsta rap, and metal, I'm in a worse mood and get anxiety. Also, when i listne to Lupe Fiasco and The grouch I'm much more inspired to do school work. What do you all think?
There you go yomtvraps your respect as been increasing.. Yes it definity effects your mood because I remember a time I was mad then I listened to one simple song and wanted to go hug someone hah
Not sure how this is classified as a debate, but music can definitely affect your thoughts and emotions. From personal trials I've found that certain songs only change my mood temporarily, but the artist's general message can stay with you for a long time.
I thought people would argue that it doesn't. I guess this could be moved though if this doesn't fit the debate criteria. Also certain songs can stic with me for probably up to a week. So the length of its affect could be argued.
I believe that music does indeed affect your mood alot. If you listen to metal or rap you can feel more violent etc. There were studies in europe where on different nights they played soft relaxed music and loud, fast music. They found that on nights there was loud, fast music, the people drank alot faster, and alot more.
It really does depend on what rap you're listening to. Bliss n Eso and The streets aar both semiconsidered rap and they positively affect my mood.
True, some songs have messages that you remember for the rest of your life. Especially in childhood. I still remember how certain songs had affected me as an adolescent, and the lyrics and meanings are still with me.
It's not really extreme when it comes to music changing my mood, but it's there for sure. one thing i get from time to time is insane nostalgia. It's enough to stop me in my tracks and just think for a second.
You know, I feel like writing an essay on the topic, so skip or bear with me. There is no denying that music can heavily affect a persons mood. For decades, centuries, thousands of years, music has been apart of human culture. The beating of war drums, for example, rallied the adrenaline of soldiers before a fight. The singing of a bard pleased the ears of royalty, and caused them much relaxation. Such emotions are still roused by song and sound to this day. Let me begin my recount of my experiences of music and emotion with the one experience that changed me outlook on music forever. It was my first, true moment, when the music empowered me, and which I smile upon now. It was my first local show, a band called blessthefall (a quite popular screamo band at that) was playing at a venue called The Clubhouse. Now, I had been to a concert once before a year past, with Stone Sour headlining. While that was a great experience, it's impact was not as deep as this one show. To this day, I haven't been to a show as good, though they come close. It was a hard time in my life, and much pent up hurt was inside. Held emotions were rising from an entire life of collective pain, of which I cannot begin to discuss, for I would venture off topic. The first two bands I watched were great, and one I was especially sad to learn through time I see them play only once again before the band broke up. Back on course, it was when blessthefall (and no, the lack of capitalization or spaces is intentional) that the music got to me. The breakdowns, the vocals (and no, they don't only scream) it just got me going. All what I had held up inside myself, just seemed to pour out of me, or at least most of it. In any case, the burden was lifted for the time being. It is a feeling I cannot properly describe with words, but I can still almost feel that energy thinking about it. I still go to shows, and whenever I am down, they make me excited, eager to face and challange life. I make my mind up about things that had been plaguing it, and come up with ways to better myself, or my goals in life. Why though? Perhaps it is the energy in the music, or maybe the energy of the crowd, but that engery makes me more confident in myself. And this energy I summon even when I am not at shows, mostly, for gaming. As I play Halo, a fast paced action game, it helps me immensly to listen to music, without which I am not that great. At first, I listened to screamo, because it gave me power and confidence when I listened to it, and that showed in my game play. However, I have recently turned to another form of music, techno. I, for one, dislike rap and hip-hop for their choice of lyrics, repetive sound, and slow beats. Techno, and it's various forms, however, are more intriguing. Ranging from fast beats, to beats that match the pace of your heart, along with changes in tempo and sound, can get my blood pumping, while giving me a constant flow of similar energy. While screamo had its intense rythm at times, it would also slow, or shift dramatically. Techno however, even if the tempo would change, the beat remained constant, a steady thud to which I could rack up headshots with. It fueled me, and made me happy, and peace at mind is how you truly win with Halo. But that is hard, considering that you have to put up with "Halo bullshit" that can send you teetering off an edge. While both forms of music excited me, it was a fine balance. It got my heart racing and blood pumping to keep up with the pace of the action, but that positive force can turn negative fast, and rapidly fuel frustration. If I started yelling, "What is this ****!" I would attempt to calm myself, however, the beats of excitement turned into throbs of anger with my attitude, influencing my game. So, in those cases, I would either turn off my xbox and cool down (which I rarely did) or find a more subdued, relaxing song. Bittersweet Symphony by the Verve, for example, is a favorite of mine. Its melodic chords, and soothing lyrics, calmed me, but it still has that tang of excitement in it, rising and falling with the symphony. So, with this balance of intensity, and calming forms of music, I am able to function at the top of my game. However, there is more to music than affecting your own, personal mood. It's energy is often used to influence others. I could say how artists creating songs for their fans, and go off about that while stating the obvious, I will delve upon a better example. The film making industry. Cinematography and acting alone are powerful forces to compell an audience, as well as the use of sound effects, but it is the music that seals the deal, and makes firm emotions. Action movies using intense scores to match the intensity of the fighting. Adventure movies use epic scores to capture the excitement and thrill of the expedition, and at the same time create wonder and amusement. Dramas use scores with sad undertones, to better outline a significant revelation, or bond the audience more with a character. Music is used constantly in the film industry, or their presence at least. I can give examples of movies such as No Country for Old Men that contains a single song in it, in which the lack there of added to it's brilliance, but that is another subject. Video games also use the same concept. Epic music scores enthrall gamers, and it is often obvious that should a games campaign fail, many times I, myself, have pointed a finger at the lack of a good music score. Advertisements also use short catchy beats to attract the attention of a viewer. Long has music been used to attract peoples attention to a certain event or going on. However, the use of music is vast, and how it may inspire us is also a broad subject, which I can further continue discussing. For example, how certain songs can bring back certain memories, tastes, and smells. However, I feel as if I had made my point in a long enough response, and I am tired for it is late, so I wills save those discussions for a later time.
First off, what a post. Second, I can relate to every word you just said (btw my gf likes blessthefall). When my mind has to be concentrating, i'll play some electronic music to inexplicibly get me into it(Justice, Shiny Toy Guns, Daft Punk etc). If i'm pissed off, when i hear Bright Eyes, my mood instantly goes up. I was never into deep meaning in music until i got into Bright Eyes, Conor Oberst is a musical genius. Feel good music is always nice, bittersweet symphony like you said is a perfect example. The nostalgia i was talking about in an earlier post really comes out when i go back and listen to a song that's tied to a good memory (or bad). It puts me back in that place and time. The White Stripes do it to me all the time. The music i enjoy goes all over the spectrum, right now, i'm all over Lil Wayne.
it true i does i listen to music from Kansas to Disturbed when i listen to Kansas I'm much more calm then when i listen to disturbed
To me, much of Halo's music either makes me really sad, or jumpy. But never both at the same time, that'd be kinda weird.
Music is a representation of the soul. And as a representation, it easily affects your attitude. But really, there have been studies and stuff on it... and it does. To be honest, i don't see anything to debate about.
Yes it does affect your mood; it's really not debatable. I always tend to listen to music that reflects my mood, as opposed to changing it. Most people who don't listen to heavy music think it all sounds the same but there are different genres that I listen to depending on my mood.
Yes, I heard somewhere that music goes to a part of your brain that actually alters your mood. Upbeat, happy music makes you happy. Sad music makes you sad. Etc, Etc, etc.