Does anyone want to make a team?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CowardKLNGtime, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. CowardKLNGtime

    CowardKLNGtime Ancient
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    I'm sick and tired of having my team go negative while I go positive. I feel like ripping my hair out when I know I am good, but my team lacks support. I'm not saying I'm the best but in TS I get 10+ Kills and rarely go negative. So if anyone wants to play with me, do tell. I live in the EST time zone, just letting you know.

    Sorry, I usually play Ranked Team Slayer. I will go team doubles if someone wants to.
  2. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    And your Highest skill is...?
  3. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    Honestly, highest skill means nothing. I'm only a 22 in Team Slayer (because I usually play Social Slayer), but I play like a 35 to 40. It all depends on your actual skill. You can't judge someone by what the computer says they are.

    P.S. I'm up for a good Team Slayer team. GT= Blue Pariot
  4. CowardKLNGtime

    CowardKLNGtime Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Highest skill is twenty seven. I got to that on the break, but in the past days, sharing the connection and having inferior teams, have dropped me down to 22.
    Other info: My Mic is broken, I can talk but can barely hear others through the TV.My sister uses myspace so a lot of the time I'll be lagging out. If that's happening I get off, or play in forge.
    I'm fourteen, and my service record at bungie is linked here. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Service Record
  5. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    I am attempting to raise my team slayer rank, but I have the same problem as you... i believe i am a 24/23 right now. I'd be glad to play with you, and I have a friend who can play also if you have room.
    GT: Chief wiggum 00
  6. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Captain Grade 1... who says he goes positive... and his team sucks..... Something just doesn't sound right.... Erm if you need me, my Highest skill is in Wolves so I can help you out...

    GT=Th Kn1ght
  7. CowardKLNGtime

    CowardKLNGtime Ancient
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    I posted my profile so you can check it out. Usually whenever I get to ten points and my team is trailing behind with 2's and 3's.
  8. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    I really don't care about people's ranks. You are stupid if you prejudge people by a symbol next to their name. My main account, apart from my 2 other 1 month 50's, is a Colonel Grade 2. I am proud of it, the MLG Community knows who I am, and there has even started a Trend to purposly get low ranks, but be a famous, good player.

    With that said, you should scan through your friends list, and see if you have anyone looking for a Team. If not, you can orgonize one yourself, and try to recruit the best people you know. But before you enter Matchmaking with that Team, practice Scrims (Scrimmages) adainst other Teams with the relative same skill level as you. (Not rank, just based on how good they are.)

    Although if your Team needs any Help getting started, or getting tips, just look at my Sig :)
  9. KB

    KB Ancient
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    It gives you a good idea on how good people are though... I know rank gives you a quick assumption but a lot of the time that assumption is correct. I am willing to join this team because I want my Team Slayer skill up because I don't get around to playing it much. Just hit me up when you want to do it.
  10. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If anyone wants to ground pound or laser hump in squad battle, I'll be up for it.
    Drop me a FR @ Dthen, prefferably with a message saying why you fr'ed me.

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