The new reticule is possibly the worst thing in the game. The reticule of CoD works perfectly because forming two lines between two sets of points then finding the intersection is much easier than finding the center of a circle. If Bungie can hear this: I DO NOT WANT TO USE GEOMETRY TO FIND THE CENTER OF A CIRCLE EVERY TIME I NEED TO AIM
You really find it hard to find the center of small circle? It's really not that difficult and to be honest, it's not even gone through my head to have even been an issue at any point for any reason.
The BR was too overpowered at times. In Halo 3 where someone just chucks a nade at you then one shot dead. With the DMR, you chuck a nade then it actually takes a couple shots to kill the guy. I do miss it at times because sometimes with the DMR is giant bullsht.
The BR and the rest of halo 3 will alway have a place in my heart, and i will miss it.... in which case I will load it up and play again. Agreed. Do you really find it that hard? I havn't come close to even thinking about it.
I lol'd. Simple solution: when the circle turns red, SHOOT! Anyways, I'm pretty impressed by the DMR. It has a greater range, but compared to the magnum at close range, isn't very effective. It's balanced now. The only thing I'm worried about is how much more powerful the Magnum is compared to the AR. They improved the AR, but not enough to combat with the magnum, so now it feels like a useless gun again.
Oh, c'mon. Don't be like that, bro! We are all entitled to each of our own personal opinions. I have mine, you guys have yours.
I wasn't telling you that you can't have your opinion. Just that you can keep with the old while I move with the times =D Either way, the BR just feels that much more noob friendly now that there's the DMR. I just love the accuracy of the DMR, that is when you use it properly. =D I was messing around with Armour Lock for a few games, it's good and all but I do seem to want to go back to Sprint, not to mention the fact that I have to change my control scheme if I want to use Armour Lock. I will admit that it would probably better as a defence AA rather than offence, even though it can be used offensively.
I think the BR was overpowering every other weapon in halo 3. It was by far the best which isnt actually a good thing. The DMR only fills a cirtain slot but does it fantastically
The thing about the circle is that it lacks the precision of regular crosshairs. Waiting for the reticule to turn red is pointless because the majority of my kills are beyond the range where that happens. There is a very good reason real scopes have crosshairs instead of little circles for aiming. Besides that, why would they even think of putting a firecap on the primary weapon of the game. I only get a shot out of the DMR every third trigger pull and every other one for the needle rifle. I actually use the magnum instead of the DMR because it lacks the firecap, and has something close to actual crosshairs. I get bored after three shots (yay ADD) and want to go find someone else to shoot, so why would Bungie make every gun take even longer to kill? People hate slow video games just like they hate slow cars, computers, planes...wait people actually hate slow everything so why would Bungie make a slow game.
If you're pulling the trigger so fast that only every 3 trigger pulls shoots a bullet when you're using the DMR, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG! Simple as that. And if you're doing that with the Magnum as well, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!
I miss it. I just love the feeling of getting a four shot and loved listening to it shoot. I dont likes the DMR. It is to slow D:
How is pulling the trigger extremely fast the wrong way to shoot? If I hit an enemy with 8 shots and he hits me with five because I shoot faster, guess who wins.
Not you, because the faster you fire the worse the accuracy. It only takes Five hits to kill an enemy with the DMR. So if you have to shoot 8 shots to kill him, you're doing it wrong. Like I said. The person shooting slower that only shot 5 shots kills you.
The 8/5 thing was just a comparison of fire rates. I was just thinking of the magnum that can fire incredibly fast compared to the DMR. And sadly Bungie decided to not give a single weapon realistic kick, so firing as fast as the weapon allows works fine.
We should also remember that this is a beta and that a lot of things could be changed in what actually ships in the fall.