Hi FH. If you create a video using the Doctor Who Trailer Maker, post a link to the final product here! I'll start it off. My Doctor Who Trailer
HOW DARE YOU!!! I watch every episode like the day after it airs in Britain... I haven't seen the season finale yet though...
o. sry ppl. its just tht i know an american who duznt know wut dr who is so i assumed only britain knew. sry. i will edit my original post immideatly. (sorry i cant spell immediately). lol
Yeah dood! I'm Australian and I LOVE Doctor Who, I'm in the same boat as Sarge, I see each episode about a day after you guys do =D I can't wait to see this seasons finally. But then it means it's over for another season =[ Not to be picky but you can't seem to spell anything... Oh one other thing, your link in the original post doesn't link to a video, nor does it link to a trailer maker. (If it was supposed to)
I can spell, it's just that I was in a hurry to type for some strange reason. Sorry about not spelling and not using proper grammar.
hmmmm.........how strange...... try typing in the link below. BBC - Doctor Who - Games - Series Four hope that works. its only supposed to lead to the trailer that i made. but you can click new trailer to make one.
this is getting off topic. please post the trailers you make with the doctor who trailer maker which can be found at: BBC - Doctor Who - The Official Site
hmmmm...... well they come up for me. type in |www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho| without the |'s. go to the create section and it should be there