Why do you like the new Doctor? What has made him likeable? David Tennant had a great way of going from serious face and looking like he knew everything in the Universe to lightening up the mood with a joke. The new guy just smirks at everything and acts like his **** don't stink about everything.
Can someone please explain River's and the Doctor's timeline? I remember she showed up for a David Tennant episode saying that she was his future. Look someone please just explain it.
Think Benjamin button, his future is her past. So basically, he knew everything about her when they first met, now he is forgetting about her as she gets to know him more.
basically, the when she appeared in the tennant episode, that was when he first met her, so she knew that that was the last time she would meet him, and so gives her life.
Personally, I like Matt Smith as the Doctor. He brings this sort of dark hearted arrogance with the new Doctor's persona... I mean, watch the scene in the Impossible Astronaut where he confronts River: "Trust you? Really?". Ohhhhh, goosebumps. I think this itteration of the Doctor is the herald of darker things to come... Bring on the Valeyard! Or how about the Doctor's recent endorsed act of genocide. No Doctor has ever done this before. Heck, even in Genesis of the Daleks when the 4th Doctor had the chance to wipe the Daleks out of existence before they became a threat he couldn't do it. What I want to know now is, why did the Silents have a "Tardis" (as that room was said to be in "The Lodger"), especially if they're parasites that get their tech off of their host race (the Humans on earth). Who is The Silence? Surely its not the Silents, their voices do not match... I think the Silence is something apart from the Silents. They're simply a red herring if you think about it. And whats with the little girl at the end of "Day of the Moon"? Exciting new season! Love it!
First off, I love Eleven! I think you might be overthinking it too much, Schnitzel. I don't think there are two separate "Silence" and "Silents" races. The voice on the TARDIS that said "Silence will fall" wasn't one of the Silence, but I do think Spoiler the Silence as shown in Season 6's premiere are the enemies that did in fact take control of the TARDIS and cause it to explode. Why they would do that, at the cost of their own existence, I still don't know. As for the little girl in "Day of the Moon", Spoiler All current evidence suggests that she is Amy Pond's yet-unborn daughter. The pictures in the orphanage proved that. The current complication is that Amy is somehow pregnant but not pregnant. The Silence must have taken her daughter from a different timeline, with technology of an exoskeleton "Space Man" that ate her. Reminds me suspiciously of Cybermen technology, if you ask me. Maybe the Silence have "infected" more than one race. As for the little girl regenerating at the end, it means she's a Time Lord. Or part Time-Lord, anyways. So, if she is Amy's daughter, put two and two together: Eleven is the father. I might be dead wrong, but that's my theory. Can't wait for the next episode!
Let us not forget, Timelords are sterile and incapable of reproducing. They are "weaved" into existence via some timelordy machine back on Galifray.
amy and rory cant die because they see themselves waving at them in the first of the lizard episodes.
He'd be a git if he were a kid (although he does look like one), but he's 906 years old... He's reaaaaally old. And a bit conceited. I looooove when the darker aspects of his personality come out to play though. David Tenet at the end of End of Time was epic. And the Dream Lord from Amy's choice. I can't wait to see where this series goes... And I'm dying for the Valeyard to pop back up again. As for Timelords being unable to reproduce... It may be old cannon, but its good cannon. If the Doctor knocked up Amy some how I will be sorely disappointed with this series... Probably will still watch, but thats a major turn from the old series. Perhaps too major... Hell, a lot of old Who fans turned away from the re-boot with the Doctor/Rose romantics.
I thought the ending of the pirate episode was sweet, but the episode as a whole was boring. Hopefully this week's will be better.
i enjoyed the last one. was good. but the writing just isnt good as it used to be, not everything is explained.