
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Zombievillan, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Created by Vorpal Saint and zombievillan
    2 to 8 players (4v4 recommended)​

    Dockside is a symmetrical map built for the more popular competitive team based gametypes. The layout caters to KotH and Territories thanks to the style that the map is sectioned off. Mainly revolving around a center structure branching out behind two "courtyards" if you will, leading into the bases. The map is dedicated to objectives but plays team slayer quite well. The weapon setup is practically married to the map in the fact that it works so well with the geometry of the layout. The lines of sight can have you stepping in dangers path when attempting to gain an advantage or a need. Dockside really shines in Territory gametypes as well a KotH variants but the most basic objectives of CTF and Assault will never let you down.​

    The map is based off of a collab created by Vorpal and I in Halo 3 called Alizarin. The original was an asym built mainly for doubles and 3v3. Vorpal took the concept and ideas from the original and started a layout that doubled the size. He brought me in and we took it to a whole new level from its begining stage. Now its complete and neither one of us could be more satisfied with the outcome that is Dockside.​


    Sniper spawns next to the main front entrance


    Healthpack LoS from opposing base

    "Courtyard" area between the base and outer side of the center structure


    Outer room of central structure


    Rocket spawn in back of the central room

    Neutral Healthpack

    Front central room
    In CTF, a needler spawns in front of the pillar while in Slayer, KotH, and Territories it is a Drop Shield​

    Which leads back out to the outside central platform
    Here, the Sword spawns. The oddball and nuetral flag spawns on the extended bridge small.​

    Weapons list
    4 DMRs----------------30 sec----------2 sc
    2 Needle Rifles---------30 sec----------2 sc
    2 Plasma Pistols--------45 sec------------na
    2 Sniper Rifles---------120 sec----------1 sc
    1 Rocket Launcher-----150 sec----------0 sc
    1 Sword---------------120 sec------------na
    1 Needler (CTF)---------45 sec----------2 sc​

    4 Plasma Grenades
    2 Frag Grenades
    1 Drop Shield (Slayer, Territories, & KotH only)​

    So thats the map guys. Vorpal Saint wanted me to post it due to the problems he has with his own computer, but dont get the wrong idea. He had more work in this map than I did, though I did alot. So I want to make sure Credit is given to him for what he has done. Its actually been complete for awhile now but we were waiting on some input from some people that just forgot about us and we ended up waiting for nothing. Its here though now and Vorpal and I would like to thank all of the testers. Its been awhile since they helped test so I cant remember who exactly it was but you know who you are, so thanks.​
    #1 Zombievillan, Aug 23, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  2. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    i like it. its clean and simple. if you have any budget left, maybe you can add some crates in the open areas for better breaks in line of sight, but it doesnt seem like cover is really a problem. good work.
  3. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Wow very pretty. Looks like a clean forge. Nothing to complicated and the layout looks great. Kinda reminds me of longshore for some odd reason, but the weapons seem interesting, and looks like a fun map. Definitly got my dl and i will probably play some splitscreen with this :D
  4. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I loved this during testing, it was one of my favorite 4 v. 4 objective maps of all time. The layout is really nice, promoting the use of many paths, even ones further away from the base. King of the hill was actually my favorite on Dockside, the placement of the large hills made you really have to fight for seconds. The railings were very interesting, a piece that isn't used very often due to its placement with coliseum walls, which I am happy to see you used few of. I can't make it any clearer how well this turned out. It is visually appealing and supports one of the best layouts for a 4 v. 4 map I have seen. Amazing!
  5. I3ush

    I3ush Forerunner

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    Looks like we have another FHF. ;)

    Anyways, this map looks great. All your maps aren't exactly the best looking maps, but it seems like the gameplay would be amazing. The lines of sight are perfect, the weapon placement is spot-on, and overall this map looks amazing.
  6. Mr H1dden

    Mr H1dden Forerunner

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    Duuude, you lookin' good in dem jeans. But seriously, the map looks clean, thought out, and probably has a perfect flow. I won't know until I check it out myself. I'm a little worried about two snipers, each with spare clips in them. IMO you should add some cover in those open areas. Good job, brah.
  7. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    yes, Yes, YES! :DDD Favorite 4v4 map ever. easily. It has a little of everything. It makes me think Narrows-Pit cross, which are two of my three favorite Bungie maps ever. It also so many little things in it. The lift/jetpack jump, for instance. I shall recommend this for feature, and hope to play it again soon. :)
  8. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's nice to see you posting regularly now. This map has a very clean and easy to understand layout. I knew I was going to download this even before I saw the post. My only complaint would be the lifts that take you to the center, if you could dress them up that would be nice. I actually got a game on this and not a single person complained except for that guy that kept getting out DMR'ed. I see that there's already a new map on the way from what I can see on the sig. Until then.
  9. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice and clean map, should play fine. BUT LOOK AT THE ****ING RAILINGS
  10. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Are you implying they are bad or good?

    I like the railings.
  11. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    You and you're peek-across-the-map windows, I love 'em. This map has simple yet elegant aesthetics, and I don't know what that guy meant about the railings, they look spiffy. More importantly, the layout is very well-thought out. Most objective maps try to use sideline buildings and fail miserably because they don't see enough traffic. But between the cover, the rocket spawn, the LOS breaks and the strafing advantage, I'd say the middle to side structure works really well. I found some z-fighting on the blue side of the bottom of the middle building with the coliseum walls. If you need me to I can show you. It's the right side of the only colly wall in the 7th pic. Very nice work, Vorpal Saint and zombievillan.
    #11 CyborgAnthro, Aug 28, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2011
  12. Explosium

    Explosium Forerunner

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    Hey man(s), I downloaded this map out of curiosity. Looking at the pictures, I thought "This looks like a map with far too little cover, and some lines of sight that will lead to snipers dominating the map."
    I was super wrong! Can I first of all say I don't think the pictures you've put up do this map justice! This is a fantastic map with some really clever lines of sight, and as long as you keep moving, snipers aren't a problem. I thought the lifts were a real touch of genius, and perfectly angled, as they help keep the flow moving around the map.
    My only criticism is a small spawning issue. I figure this map is more meant for Team Slayer games than FFA, but when playing a FFA one of my friends spawned right next to a grav lift, crossed the map, grabbed the rockets and blew me up all in the first ten seconds. I was confused and there was pretty much nothing I could have done. Other than the initial spawns though, the spawning was fine.
    Great job, you two!
  13. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well thats probably because its not setup for ffa. It doesnt have the layout for an ffa game. There arent enough safe areas for ffa spawns without spawning near an enemy. Its strictly team games only. Objectives and slayer.

    But I am glad you liked everything else. ;D

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