Hey guys, this is (obviously) Southern. I'm actually doing a preview this time, for a 1v1 map made by me and GrimCreepr. Docking Bay started out as a small close quarters map where you snuck around through some crates. Grim came in, and we added the exterior walkways and Red Base platform. Enjoy. Red spawn camera. Red base. Blue base. Blue walkway. Red walkway with tac jump to rocks. Overview of the middle, where the map was born. Inside the big crate in the middle. Behind the big crate in the middle, with a view of Blue tower. Awesome 'splosion is awesome. Weapons: 2x Spikers, 0 clips, located at each base. 1x NR, located on red walkway. 1x GL, 90 sec. spawn, 1 extra shot. 1x Sticky. 1x Active Camo, spawns 2 minutes in. 3x Propane tanks.
For those who don't already know FriedFoodStuffz = GrimCreepr Anyways, I think that this one has a lot of potential as a cool, micro 1v1 map. It's major issue right now is the spawning because of its size. During a break on my project over the weekend, I took some time to add an extra route behind the base. The five or so tests I have done since then have showed significant improvements to both flow, and safe spawning. Here is an overview for the version i've made tweaks to in my spare time. I also changed up the spawns to help create more safe spawn areas. It has been a nightmare to fix, but you rarely spawn in another players gun-sights now. Granted, with a map this small, resolving that completely is next to, if not, impossible. I hope that you look into that upscaled version I mentioned. Maybe i'll have the time, and will whip up a proof of concept to help sell my case. Otherwise, this map is shaping up to be something very cool. The sneaky aspects are definitely a unique element to this map. The satisfaction you get when you successfully sneak up and assassinate someone in the crate area is worth playing this alone. But things never slow to a crawl. These (very brief) moments are filled with tension, as you hunt each other down. I hope that you look over my version sometime soon, and consider the changes I have made. But hey, I don't want you to feel like i've highjacked your project, so won't be offended if you don't.
Ah, I love micro maps. They give you enough budget left over to give the map some great aesthetics and are always a blast to play, but the problem with them is usually spawning. This map looks fantastic, but I don't see many areas where it would be very safe to spawn. You can almost see the whole map from one spot. I'd add some more human weapons to even up the weapon set too and I recommend turning radar off in a custom gametype. Are you going to put up a DL link?
Like I said, spawning has been a pain in the ass, but it's getting there. I'm confident that I can find a solution that eliminates 90% of the spawning issues, without altering the design too much.Unless Southern can be persuaded to increases the maps size, there really isn't any way to eliminate it completely. Also, I know it's hard to tell from the screens, but there are tons of LOS blockers that prevent the player from seeing too much of the map at once. So rest assured there. I actually added a DMR on the extra walkway in my version. There is also an AR in the tower. obviously we couldn't add too many weapons, but I think everything we have here compliments the LOS quite well. As for no radar, we are definitely testing that. My only concern with this is players having trouble keeping track of each other in the center. The LOS here is REALLY short. And with so many tac jumps in this area, I worry that gameplay will become too random. We'll see how the testing goes. One last thing, I always keep a backup on my fileshare of any maps i'm working on. I certainly wouldn't mind if you just happened to find said map on my fielshare and gave it a look. But, out of respect for Southern (this is HIS project, I just jump in from time to time) I won't be posting a DL link.
Hey, I made some changes to your version. I mainly just used some extra cash for out of map aesthetics, a ship by red base and docks by blue. I'll be putting more in, like possibly a Warthog on a crane out of map. I liked the extra hall though.
Your right, you guys really did break up those sightlines. I don't know if you meant to do this, but the healthpack tunnel doesn't have a killbarrier above it, nor does the ledge with the small antenna on it. I can't say anything about the spawning until i've played, but other than all that it's a sexy map. Also what is the CPU trait?
No sir, they weren't. Maybe I viewed a different version because there weren't kill barriers on those areas and there was a CPU where the new walkway addition is.
You must have only done a forge through. There actually is a SKB on top of the crate, it's just buried inside of the walkway large/crane arm. You were right about the antenna though. One of us will patch it up soon. Thanks for pointing it out. Oh yes, and the custom powerup is a 15 second cloak. Playtests have shown this to be the magic number. Anyways, if you happen to get a games on this, I'd appreciate it if you uploaded it to your fileshare.