Docking Area

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CaptnAwesomee, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. CaptnAwesomee

    CaptnAwesomee Ancient
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    ZOMBIE!! Longshore made into fair/awesomee zombie map

    Map: Docking Area
    Abandoned after the flood invasion of Earth. Remains show an effort to Escape? CAUTION sewer waste maybe dangers. By CaptnAwesomee


    Docking Area *UPDATED* 10/6/09

    GameType *UPDATED* 10/6/09

    Halo 2 Classic Style Zombie
    Normal Speed (Both)
    Normal Jump (Both)
    Weapon Sword
    Weapon (Human) ShotGun/Magnum
    No Shield
    100% Damage resistant (Both)
    100% (Default) Weapon Damage (Both)
    No Radar (Both)

    The Map is almost the same to Longshore but more fit and forged into a creepy zombie scene. If you play the map, weapon layout is vary fair and pretty easy to find (shows people have dropped it before due to death or any other reason... killed by zombie) Examples like on the bottom deck there should be two boats but the other boat is off into the water instead of the normal spot like in the normal Longshore so pretty much the map is longshore turned to zombie looking map! Hope you enjoy!

    Magnum 5x
    Assault rifle 10x
    Battle Rife 5x
    Sniper Rifle 1x
    Carbine 1x
    Shotgun 5x
    SMG 9x
    Flamethrower 1x
    Rocket Launcher 1x
    Machine Gun Turret 1x

    "I've been waiting to see what people do with Longshore for infection and I guess this is a start. I like the originality" - Deknozx

    "Longshore has alot of great potential for infection maps and i think these first ones, including yours, are breaking the surface of great maps to come" - Organite

    "This is the true meaning of infection. Perfect map. I just wish bungie made infection this good." - Pyro6666

    "This map can may as well be the Origin of good Longshore zombie maps, I mean the places you picked to place items will be used in many maps to come! This map will bring in offsprings of other maps almost like this. Hopefully more people make zombie maps like this. fair/balanced yet fun with everybody." - IloveZombies

    Took out Filters so you can see what the map looks like
    PS, I had more pictures of the map but could not add them due to the 20 picture limit

    This is What it looks like with the Filter. Pretty Creepy...


    #1 CaptnAwesomee, Sep 30, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  2. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
    Senior Member

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    map looks good, although 2 points:

    1. maps section is for finished maps ONLY

    2. pics are a bit small, larger pictures, along with weapons list and picture captions would be great.
  3. CaptnAwesomee

    CaptnAwesomee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its done just wanna make a v2 just in case but thanks
    Halo screenshots is down = ( so i had to use photobucket
  4. Lord 0f All

    Lord 0f All Ancient
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    Interesting. Next time please tell what your gametype is and how it relates to your map. From the video ad pictures, alot of things lok like you just tossed out some boxes. Also your video was horrible. Please use theater or at least forge next time. But some parts of your map are good and since it is still in testing you have a chance for redemption.
  5. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    Photobucket is still able to make larger pics so you should fix those.
    Also Forgehub has a band of awesome people called the Testers Guild you can make a request to them in the designated forum.
    They will help you work out any kinks if need be.
  6. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've been waiting to see what people do with Longshore for infection and I guess this is a start. I like the originality such as part being underwater from the pictures, i'll download and try to post back sometime during the week. Also I really like how the map looks dark in the first picture, I really think you should try to do this with the map, it would be very interesting and give it a more infection like feel.
  7. CaptnAwesomee

    CaptnAwesomee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Deknozx, The Filter is on and it looks really creppy =D . hope you enjoy it

    Map has been from *UPDATED* 10/6/09

    Map is more balanced
    -Took out Spartan Laser
    -Removed weapons and telaporter to sewer
    -Fixed Battle Rife Spawn from the boat
    - Replaced Spartan Laser with New Rockets
    - Added boxs to jump into the bridge extends when pressing the button
    - Took out hall way hidding spot
    *Overall More balanced* TEN TIMES MORE FUN!
    #7 CaptnAwesomee, Oct 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2009
  8. ITz2Legit

    ITz2Legit Ancient
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    From what I have read from your Update this seems like a good map! Very Orginal I like were you placed the sniper and the map looks overall balanced! with that filter on this must be creepy. hope to play this soon! maybe this has a chance on the Bungie living dead Playlist...
  9. CaptnAwesomee

    CaptnAwesomee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, This map was edited for that reason! I want this map to be on this bungie living dead playlist! I made it way more balanced for zombies and humans. The gametype evens out the game. chances are if you dont use my gametype or defult infection game types it wont be too fair at all. But thanks for the comment
  10. ODST

    ODST Ancient
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    Awesome Map! I've just got done playing it with 8 people and this has to be the funnest out of the Longshore maps I've played! I like it how the map is well balanced and fair yet it keeps that fun creepy zombie touch, This should or could be on a match makeing playlist. The V2 made it more fair becasue of the people always camp in the tunnel, good thing you fixed that! Overall Sick map. Looking forward on your next map Captn Awesomee
  11. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    oh wow, first time to this forum. There seems to be alot more feedback than on the database. I'm gonna start posting here. oh, and as far as your map, Longshore has alot of great potential for infection maps and i think these first ones, including yours, are breaking the surface of great maps to come =D
  12. ThrstyShamWow

    ThrstyShamWow Ancient
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    Man, I've got bad news for both of us and all the forgers who've made their own infection variant for Longshore, hoping it would go into matchmaking. Click the Rumble Pit playlist and see for yourself : : Matchmaking Playlists

    It looks like Bungie already made their official variant, called Dead Docks. I can't find it yet in the community files, maybe it's only the name they chose for the community map that they will put on the playlist. I dunno, but that really piss me off...
    #12 ThrstyShamWow, Oct 8, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  13. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    okay, looking at the pics it looks great...only one thing--shotgun right next to sword propably isn't a good weapons placement...whoever gets there first will have short-range domination the entire time.
  14. IloveZombies

    IloveZombies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Same, I have to agree that this map is pretty fair, not that many places to camp that you can hold off for a very long time. This map can may as well be the Origin of good Longshore zombie maps, I mean the places you picked to place items will be used in many maps to come! This map will bring in offsprings of other maps almost like this. Hopefully more people make zombie maps like this. fair/balanced yet fun with everybody..

  15. CaptnAwesomee

    CaptnAwesomee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, Your Comments ROCK! The V2 Verson is a hit, makeing it less campable, or you can say harder to camp in areas you think that would be easy to camp.
  16. CoachHines

    CoachHines Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey! I fond your map on Hub of the dead, Awesome map. I love theses types of maps where you can just run around and try to survive! It simple but Fun! good luck


    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    Looks like it has potential for a wandering-style zombie map, but it lacks many individualized traits that most great maps include. By this I mean, there is nothing that popped out to me to differ it from any other Longshore map I have seen. I still admire the thought process behind its construction. Also, the teleporter that leads to the box underwater probably needs to be an extended area so that humans have room to move and zombies can swarm the humans. Some of this stuff I have said may sound confusing or ignorant, but if you can understand my point it may help you with your next version. 3.5/5
  18. CaptnAwesomee

    CaptnAwesomee Ancient
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    the box in the water Thats the zombie starting point lol that way they don't get spawn killed you can't get in there. But I like your points thanks

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