Do you want MLG In Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Zow Jr, Aug 23, 2010.


DO you want MLG in Reach?

  1. YES!!

    34 vote(s)
  2. NO!!!

    21 vote(s)
  3. What's MLG?

    2 vote(s)
  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Glad I can do that to one person laugh wise (and tat last post was even said on a serious note) You should have seen the immature P.O.S. I was about to post, had it not been for mah EM EL GEE PRO sense of judgement. lolz
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Dude, I don't know why, but in my head I read that in a really camp voice lol.

    But seriously, I agree, this thread is the definition of nonsensical. Simply put: if you don't like MLG, don't play it. Having the playlist in the game in no way forces you to even go near it, so why are you extending the fact that you don't like it to conclude that those who do should be denied it as a playlist? The only valid reason to remove the MLG playlist in Reach would be if there wasn't demand, which there clearly is, this appears to be what bugs you most: that so many others like something that you don't.

    In fact, the only possible upshot would be that all the people who would play MLG would then be thrown in to the playlists you like to play, and then you'd have to deal with them more often. Considering the fact that their very existence, even when it doesn't affect you at all, seems to irritate you so, why would you even want to force them in to the playlists you yourself use and have to deal up with their 'ignorance' significantly more?

    Again, if you don't like MLG, don't play it. What I suspect you secretly want, rather than removal of the MLG playlist, is for all the MLG players to suddenly turn round and go 'we were wrong, MLG is stupid and you were right! Hooray you!'. This thread is inflammatory, it's like saying 'no offence, but you're stupid and fat'. An attitude like this, however, is completely fair enough:

    But your OP presents no actual reasoning as to why MLG shouldn't be a playlist other than the general gist that if you don't like something, it shouldn't exist. On the subject of why you don't like it and think it's flawed in the realisation of the competitive principle, I could go and address each of your highly agitated and overly pushy points, but actually there's no point. The question of whether MLG validates itself competitively isn't even relevant to this discussion. Even if we ignore the premise of MLG as competitive Halo and just treat it as 'Playlist X' which exists solely on the basis that people enjoy it as a gamemode, then it has as much right to exist as any other playlist that enough people enjoy.

    I, for one, love MLG to a slightly unhealthy degree, but I totally understand that some people can't stand it and can even see why. As far as I'm concerned: to each, their own. I think you'd do well to mull over that statement a little, and start to draw distinctions between stuff that's actually affecting you by its existence, and stuff you just don't like.
    #22 Pegasi, Aug 23, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2010
  3. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I play video games for fun, to waste spare time, and I'm simply not competitive at all, unless it's a competitive non-MLG custom game, than I'll actually be competitive and try. As for the MLG playlist in Halo 3, I simply just couldn't stand it. I was bad at it overall, more than 50% of the people I played with took it way too seriously, it's just a game, I had people who would go ape **** on me because I didn't play like how an average MLG player would play.

    I'm not going to say that every one in the playlist is like that, because they aren't. Like I said in my previous statement if MLG is in matchmaking that will be cool because then everyone will be happy, I simply just won't play it. I like the concept of it, just I'm not good at it, nor do I feel like using call outs in a game.

    Also, I feel as this post is quite pointless because there is no reason why I should have to explain why I don't like something, but whatever haha
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Tbh, I love MLG and I'll happily admit that there is a massive degree of douchebaggery in the playlist. It's competitive + predominantly teenage boys + the anonymity and animosity of the internet and the result was never going to be very fun for the most part. Not to take the onus of the fact that this overly vocal section of the MLG community needs to sort themselves out, just my thoughts on part of the problem.

    Since you don't play the playlist very often, I'm gonna assume you're a pretty low level in it, which makes the fact that people rage at you for not living up to their demands even more sad. Not to say that this attitude is justified at higher levels at all, but if someone is getting that raged over, say level 1-10's that aren't playing like T2, then they really have only themselves and their warped sense of entitlement to blame.

    As a huge MLG fan, I'm throughly on your side over this one.

    Lol exactly, so you shouldn't. Just as I shouldn't have to explain why I do like it, let alone to the point of convincing a single person in the aims of justifying the playlist's existence in the first place (EDIT: OMFG, I just realised, OP are you Shishka!? ... :p).
    #24 Pegasi, Aug 23, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2010
  5. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Please, stop. You will start one yourself, and you are one of the bad MLG players. Those who are good, but lack social abilities except to those better than him himself. I love MLG, I also have the ability to overlook, forgive, and think before giving in to senseless MLG rudeness.
    I am a good MLG player.
  6. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    no, i do not want MLG in reach because i have to agree. most of the people people who play MLG are try-hards who care WAY to much about winning a videogame.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    If I were you, I wouldn't be so quick to judge someone's character so specifically from a single post, nor would I talk about personal conduct then end on such a distinctly self satisfied note. I can speak personally for Ladnil being a chill and mature guy, he in no way has less respect for people just because they're worse than him as you're saying. He just gets a little cranky, as do I tbh, when someone constantly berates him and and others for doing something that they enjoy, with no real basis and flagrant disregard for the various counter arguments they put forward.

    *sigh* have you even read the thread apart from the OP? Why does you not liking something mean those who do like it should be denied it? Please, just answer me that. How is Reach having MLG actually hurting you in any way?

    Thank god you redeemed yourself from the first part of your post by avoiding yet more unnecessary and irrelevant flaming of people just for liking something different than you, oh wait....

    Riddle me this: since when did you become the arbiter of how much is 'too much' when it comes to caring about a video game? I'll agree, as I said before, that people have no right to lay in to you for not living up to their standards or whatever. Any given player who goes online is at complete liberty to play however they want, tbh they can deliberately suck if they want. I'll think slightly less of them for deliberately ruining the game for others, but it's still their right. No one has any responsibility to me, or anyone else, to play to a certain level or even in a certain way.

    However, I do care a lot about Halo. I genuinely care how well I do, whether I win or lose, whether I get my BR (RIP) that bit better, or any number of things. This doesn't mean I'll start laying in to others for what they do, so who the hell are you to tell me I care 'too much'?
    #27 Pegasi, Aug 23, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2010
  8. Tucci

    Tucci Ancient
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    Jesus, Pegasi. Did you get your 50 in Troll Slayer? Damn. I completely agree with you. If you don't like MLG, dont play it. If you live for MLG, dont talk crap to others for not playing it. END OF STORY.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'm a goddamned 5 star general in it, dude ;). However, I'm like level 1 in the Being Concise playlist. You, on the other hand, seem to have that thoroughly down :p.

    Bolded = QFT.
    #29 Pegasi, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  10. Tucci

    Tucci Ancient
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    Actually, i have a 55 in Being Concise. Bungie knew that i was so awesome, so they gave me an extra 5 levels. T2 was soooo jealous.
  11. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Two thoughts I wanna add to the conversation.

    One, what does how people act in a playlist say about the Playlist itself? All this says is that the idiots, morons and jerks tend to gravitate to it. It doesn't say anything about the playlist.

    Two, the only reason MLG gets this attention is because it comes from an outside entity seperate from Bungie. If it were a play style that Bungie came up with like Rocket Race or Squad Battles MLG would be discussed just as they are. There wouldn't be this "huge issue" among a seemingly large part of the general Halo community. It would be a playlist just like any other. People need to stop looking at it as a product of some outside company and just as a playlist as it is in game.

    How is the MLG playlist different then any other playlists? It's an other way to play the game. Do you like to play along, play Lone Wolf. If you want to play with a team, play Team Slayer. Want to play with 16 players? Play Big Team Battle. Want to play a highly competetive team game? Play MLG. Everyone likes to play Halo differently. That's the beauty of this game. Everyone should have a playlist to play, atleast, in a way that is akin to playing the way they like. Don't to play a certain way, go into a different playlist. The only reason MLG is attacked is because it comes out of a seperate entity.

    Personally, I like playing MLG on occasion. I'd like to be able to play it in Reach. If I don't feel like playing it, I'll go to an other playlist. That's what I like about the game, you can play any way you like. Just because I don't like something or you don't like something doesn't mean the option to play that way shouldn't be in the game. Besides, it's not like MLG being in Halo changes it in any way. It isn't like it makes it impossible to play the way you want.

    Also, like to echo everything Pegasi has said.

    My 2 cents. A bit ranty but whatever. That's what I have to say.
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I was venting, and I have no apologies. I have very little but contempt for the attitude that nobody should strive to be good at the game, and everyone should use all of the weapons just because Bungie put them there, even though they're ineffective.

    The OP's complaining that MLG strips out the close range combat is laughable when Halo 3's close range combat consists entirely of "can my weapon kill him in one hit? No? MUTUAL BEATDOWN LETS GOOOOOO!" The best close range combat tactic in Halo 3 is to stay the hell out of close range combat, and yet some people insist on fighting in close range for no discernible reason, and then complain when their opponents won't stumble clumsily into their deaths.

    I'm also not great at MLG, but I enjoy getting better by playing with people who will challenge me and I like the MLG gametypes a thousand times more than standard for usable weapon starts and no radar. The rest of their Halo 3 settings I completely understand, but frankly don't care about.
  13. lunatic

    lunatic Ancient
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    I really don't mind MLG at all. I consider myself a "Gamer" but I have fun with it. The people that give MLG a bad name are the kids screaming about a stupid noscope or yelling at other kids for not being as good at a VIDEO Game. I wouldn't mind it being in the game though, why not please everyone.
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    No, all of the weapons are incredibly awesome when used in the right situation! <3
    Okay, this i actually disagree with. You described the ideal of close range combat for an unskilled player. But think about it; a truly good player wins regardless of the circumstances. I, for instance, am a tricky little ninja and will either jump over you or walk under you, or do SOMETHING unexpected to throw you off guard before I out-melee you. That is how i play (shoutout to Heretic BTW, most epic map for my gameplay EVER!!!!) and its incredibly effective. The thing is that i generally dont use my weapon that often at close range. Because Halo 3's weapons promote exactly what you just said; stale gameplay.
    I so damn agree with this.
  15. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I've been trying to play more MLG because a lot of my friends are starting to play it for some reason. The MLG gametypes aren't my favorite, because i'm mostly not a competitive person. BUT, whenever I do want to play competitively, I go to the MLG playlist and try to get better.

    I'd like to see MLG in Reach for sure. Hopefully they'll get a little more adventurous. More weapons, include some armor abilities.
  16. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I've just been lolin at these post.
    Pegasi, luv ya baby.
  17. UncagedStalker

    UncagedStalker Forerunner

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    I voted Yes in this poll. I would be interested to see what they do with Reach, particularly in the gametype and map departments. I would also like to see their opinion on Armor Abilities and Loadouts, since they seem to be controversial yet positive changes to the way we play Halo.

    I saw the way they bent and shaped Halo 3 into a highly competitive game. Given that Reach now has millions of options I would like to see what competitive fun we get out of them this time.
  18. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Wow this got a lot of... feedback. Well thankfully halo reach will have effective close range combat (seeing as how you can't spray an melee so easily) so maybe MLG will take that into consideration when making games for Reach. (Cheers to AR DMR starts!) I really am actually hoping that MLG comes into Reach. Let;s see hwo they either screw it up or make it better either way I'm still not going to play it as much as you'd expect from a pro gamer. (We are all pro in our own special way, MLG or not) the point in parenthesis is further backed up by my philosophy on being a pro gamer. (Tis not the skill it takes to wield the weapon, tis the skill of the player wielding the weapon) If anyone does not understand this or needs further insight, please let me know.
  19. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Did they take out Arena mode or something?
    Just curious as I thought you guys may have forgotten.
  20. JIX

    JIX Forerunner
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    I don't really care about MLG. I have never played it and I probably never will. So it doesn't bother me that it's in the game for the people who do enjoy it I guess. And if they are as crazy as I've heard then at least MLG will keep them all out of the playlists that I actually like.

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