Do you want bloom, bleed.through and weapon damage options?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by OvErKillTaCuLaR, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. OvErKillTaCuLaR

    OvErKillTaCuLaR Ancient
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    Please go here , vote yes and bump the thread to go viral.
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Please quit your crying and just adapt to the game.
  3. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Those are pointless, impossible options. Bungie will not waste hours of their time adding options like those. As much as you dislike it, bloom is a solid part of this game. Disabling it would be like haveing an option to take out strafing, aiming, and all weapons.

    My two cents,
  4. English Mobster

    English Mobster Forerunner

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    Oh, Jesus Christ. Quit your whining.
    "Oh the DMR isn't as good as the BR from H3 Whaaaaaaaaa!"
    The BR in H3 wasn't competitive, it was flat-out broken. Reach finally fixed many of the things that were wrong with Halo. Whining and complaining that you want your broken things back isn't going to change a thing, and it's not like Bungie's going to put the effort into bringing them back just for you.
  5. OvErKillTaCuLaR

    OvErKillTaCuLaR Ancient
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    im neither complaining nor whining. id just like the option to make the dmr/pistol a 4sk without breaking the game or have bleed through disabled. This isnt my petition I just wanted u guys to know this exists
    #5 OvErKillTaCuLaR, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Don't use FH as an advertising board for your petitions.

    That being said, I hate weapons bloom. But eh, I don't know the way Bungie structured the game for updating. It's wholly possible that the game options bit isn't available to updating.
  7. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    I am fine with bloom, what I would like is bloom to be more punished.

    As it is right now, you can win 60% of fights by spamming, if you are going to go retard, you go full retard.

    No-Bleed, is just stupid. If you think it makes the game better, you know nothing about gameplay design.

    Weapon damage is "meh", personally I think all games should have it for the sake of overpowered weapons being able to be adjusted without a full-on patch, but I am fine with Reaches weapons, the damages are FINALLY balanced.

    Edit:Also, don't tell people to adapt to broken mechanics, that is like someone telling you to stop bitching and adapt to a broken leg, when you have the option of going to the doctor.
    #7 RehnX, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  8. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Bloom is okay with me, in close quarters, it's not like it matters. At longer ranges, I'm used to shooting slower and in bursts, because I play Call of Duty too. I don't know why it bothers people so much, that someone made a petition to remove it.
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Wait a second, you can deal with bloom and weapon damage and your only real issue is with the two melee system when any fraction of a shield exists... and you're telling us to not say to adapt? LMFAO... if you can't adapt to popping the shields first before meleeing when you know that's how it is, then that's your own issue... not a game mechanics issue.

    Just because your leg doesn't feel the same, doesn't mean it's broken. Overreacting is always the first thing children do to something they don't like or is unfamiliar to them.

    Whether you like them or not. Whether you quit playing or not. Halo Reach will still be played for years from now because people will adapt to the game and enjoy the custom made content. Even if all the people that got rank and cR banned and the people that feel like you quit the game, there will still be millions of other people that will still play this game.
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Gun inaccuracy based on trigger spamming has always existed. Go on Halo:CE and try it yourself. Reach simply visualized it and made the med-long range weapons less helpful in close quarters (how it should be).
    Check this out

    Overall, stop whining because you cant get kills and get used to it.
  11. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    That is the game mechanic issue, it is a bad mechanic, a shooter loses any sort of advantage from SHOOTING, because no matter how much damage is done the battle is even in the eyes of the melee engine, it does nothing but reward bad players for not being aware enough to get first shots, or I dunno out shooting their opponent.

    Bungie has had to patch both H2 and H3 within the first few months because of the melee system, I don't see the thing changing.

    No matter how you dress it up, **** is still ****. But the valiant fanboys defending Bungies every error has always amused me.

    lol, no.

    There is only spread on the Pistol if you are pants-on-head-retarded and hold down the trigger. If you pulse it, even with an auto-fire controller, not only is it faster shooting, but it is dead accurate to its max range.

    Regardless, bloom in any game should follow a star pattern.
  12. Mr Lamar

    Mr Lamar Forerunner

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    I want them to take the bloom visual away. I'm fine with bloom, but i always get distracted from actual aiming because i try to make sure it isn't blooming too much

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