Depends on what the Surgeon is trying to save a patient from... If a patient has the Yellow Fever, and comes back from a war, in which he was shot in the neck and survives it is supernatural. If he just just us to remove a cyst, then what? Not supernatural really.
Yes. The surgeon didn't do the healing. Uh, he prayed and it happened. That's plenty proof. (You know I just love how whenever we try to throw whatever proof of anything its aways "NO THATS NOT VIABLE PROOF MORON LOLOL". Over exaggeration, but it makes you think. Dude, if the patient didn't die, OBVIOUSLY something happened. Oh and if you read my second paragraph you'd get it. Also, just because you don't see doesn't give you a right to argue that point. Misunderstanding leads to failure.
So you are saying that the only reason the patient survived was because of the supernatural? The surgeon operating on the patient had nothing to do with it?
Most surgeons dont pray Id say, but people survive anyway... My grandma recently underwent open heart surgery, no one prayed, but she is more than ok now.
Interesting point you bring up, I don't have a plausible answer for that, we don't really know if the Surgeon had prayed or not, but perhaps it is still supernatural because maybe the man lived because God chose for it not to be his time to die, just like your grandmother.
But you are just saying that because someone prays or doesnt pray, and because you cant prove that it doesnt happen, then it does. Thats a common reasoning behind religion, and Ive seen it in these debate threads, saying that because you cant totally disprove God, then he must exist undoubtedly. And if you say that "Who's to say the Holy Spirit doesn't work anyway?", whats the point of praying if the Holy Spirit will act anyway? EDIT: Oh and rain, thank you but dont worry about my grandma. It was open heart, but it was luckily not something incredibly serious, life threatening, more of a minor problem with her aortic valve... but thank you for the concern.
Showing Faith in God is what one must do to show they have Faith in the lord himself in times of sadness and crisis.
I would never say that. 1) Maybe God's not done with their life yet. They probably still have something in their life to accomplish - and that's why God didn't let them go. If someone has completed their God given destiny - there's really no point to life anymore. Go and enjoy Heaven.
My family is very anti-religious though, really, my family says they are jewish for the sake of my ancestors having been jewish. So with no faith in God at all, why does God choose to help my grandma get through surgery? EDIT: @aMoeba, sorry if I accused you there, but Ive seen a lot of people in these debates and other places that use that as their reasoning in God... and what of unborn fetus's that had miscarriages and babies that die quickly after birth, or someone with a mental or physical condition, maybe paralysis or w/e, that cant really do much, or dont have a chance to do anything in life? Why are they chosen to die before a chance to live or accomplish anything?
The same reason I just said. Is it now that God shows his love you don't accept it? I truly hope this isn't the case. God works with whats there. He didn't abort the baby. They still go to Heaven. People who can't make decisions on their own go to Heaven. If someone was normal and got in a car crash and couldn't make decisions he's already had his chance.
Now wait that contradicts in teh God or evolution debate... cant remember which, where we were debating heaven a week ago. Someone said that unborn babies like that go to hell.
lol ok... well no Im not ignoring compassion God gave me for saving loved ones... especially because I dont believe he had any part in that surgery except the surgeons involved.
Im not calling surgeons supernatural. Im saying that I dont believe anything supernatural at all went on during the surgery. Just a surgeon, and other doctors, operating.