I think Bungie should update the Pre-DLC maps with new immovable objects and update the heroic maps with filters. What do you think?
This has been discussed before but is not possible. you See, once a map has been made with a psyphic code going in and adding new things to it is completely impossible. in order for bungie to update these maps they would need to collect every copy of halo 3 and change the entire coding for the game which is out of the question. It is not possible requesting lock now!
I was thinking of this earlier. I thought how amazing it would be if you could block out certain parts of Pit or something. Huge update? When you d/l dlc from bungie, there are no updates. You are wrong. How did they take the shield doors out of Snowbound and Epitaph? You may think that is because they took away and could not be added, but look at Pit Stop. They added invisible barriers to the attics. Why do you always want threads locked?
True, they did do that but they put them in as new maps. I think what he is referring to is bungie isn't going to make a double of every map. That would be difficult and we would have way to many maps Imagine double the amount you already have.
I have only asked for a thread to get locked 2 times. And it is impossible because epilogue and boundless are entire new maps and have absolutely nothing to do with epitaph and snowbound. Do your research man before you say things like this. And pit stop was a patch, bugie can do things like that. Adding all these objects to pre DLC maps may not be impossible but it would take tons of man hours. just PM Urk about this.
It is impossible to add new Forge Objects into Pre-DLC maps. Why that anyways? We have Sandbox coming which will bring a whole new generation of maps and put Foundry asleeep, just as Foundry put the others asleep. But I see what you mean here, it would be cool to have boxes and walls on maps like Guardian, Pit, and Narrows. We could really make some new things with that.
Do you honestly think that the started from scratch on epilogue and boundless? If that is really why they can't, then source this "research". I am pretty sure that the files or whatever you would call them for parts can be placed in different maps. If you notice, open boxes are the same on Foundry and Rats Nest Why couldn't they add them if they can add Invisible walls?
yes except they would have to release like ten new maps and code the objects into each map every time which is not an easy task. Then everybody would need to convert because of forge maps and some people not having a certain map which would start to become annoying. And if you have noticed those objects came out in the entire map pack and not just two individual maps. they were able to code the objects in one time and not TEN times which is what you are asking for. If you have a plan to solve all these problems then please continue otherwise please shut up!
I don't understand what the big deal is. Walls are the same on Foundry as the are on Blackout, two different map packs. Many people work for Bungie, so this could be done very quickly with multiple people working on it. Then they could sell them. Hell, I'd pay 20 dollars or more for them all. This is only one of the things that would help Bungie; they could edit the maps and have them in Matchmaking. Thus, making the game better. Under stand this: I am not saying it will happen, but it can.
the thing that bungie did with epiloougue and boufless was essentially hack there own game and make the shield doors forge items for there own dev tools. they did not coed the game again all they did was mod it, modding is different from making new objects that werent there appear all of a sudden, it is like if you ever download a modded mpa with tons of lightbulbs everywhere,( the light onn foundry copy and pasted) you can't actually go into the forge menu and find it it is only in the'r special system which i dought they will give us.
It isnt impossible, arcade games get updated every so often, all bungie need to do is send a message that the map apcs have been updated and tell you to redownload (people who have payed dont have to pay again because they have updated the file and its not a new product) people with the old one have the old one, thats final, they can download the map pack at anytime for free if they already have the old version. My thoughts on this however is that no they wont, what are they going to make from this? Some happy forgers? YAY LETS SPEND 2 WEEKS UPDATING THESE MAPS AND PAYING ALL OUR WORKERS FOR UMM, A FEW MORE PEOPLE BUYING THE MAPS AND THE REST OF THE PEOPLE DOWNLOADING IT AGAIN (Sorry caps lock addiction there)
They'll update an old map so that it'll play better, but they won't update a map with forge objects. Why? Because they want you to buy the newest maps they just released! I'm shocked they went back and tweaked so many maps as it is. Lets be thankful for that!
What do you mean by that? The "spiritual successor" maps? By all means, hold your breath while they're working on it.
I mean maps like boundless and Pit Stop. I truly hated snow bound, it was a camper's dream. Now that most of the shield doors are gone, that map plays so much better.