Do you think Bungie giving recon away a Mistake?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Hobo Wrath 69, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Hobo Wrath 69

    Hobo Wrath 69 Ancient
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    I got on today, and some guys had recon and wouldn't quit bragging about it.
    Then i told them to STFU, and after we won our game and they lost, they started sending me messages and harassing me saying I was jealous because I don't have recon. I think it was a mistake giving recon away. What do you think?
  2. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I think it was a mistake giving recon to ass holes like that. But now that it is available for everybody, they have nothing to brag about.
  3. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    It was a good idea, since they can use it as an (albiet minor) incentive to sell games. It's also a responsible move, given the protracted period of account hijacks we saw last year.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Yeah, go and brag about your armor that anyone with ODST can get.
  5. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Sounds exactly like the whole Hayabusa thing. Which, of course, everyone predicted. Don't mind them. Just take solace in the fact that they are complete morons.

    I've got all of the achievements you can get by yourself towards it so I just need to find some others to do the others.
  6. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    It's just one more thing that people add to the list of reasons to get ODST when they are trying to defend the price tag. So on Bungie's side, yes, it was a good idea. From my point of view, it's ****ing stupid.
  7. T Cal

    T Cal Ancient
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    personally i like the recon armor. but once i get it im not goin to brag to everybody about how i have it and they dont because there is no reason to. lots of people are going to have it and i may not even wear it for awhile because some ppl will be like " o wow you have recon, you are gay" so i think thats its not only the ppl that brag about it it is also the ppl who say that anyone that has it and wearing it is gay that make it unenjoyable and make it seem pointless because either way you get harrased
  8. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I got an extermination on a team of people wearing recon yesterday in the Prepare to Drop playlist. The entire match was pretty much me raping the other team with dual magnums (two shots to the head kills in the playlist gametypes). I was wearing recon too though... except they were bragging heavily about it. So after the match, I got a bunch of hate mail because I completely raped them... They said they should of won because they all had recon armor...

    Yeah... some people are just stupid. Although it is fun bragging to friends in the customs lobby, because they're all jealous that I got it before they did. :D
  9. Spawn of Saltine

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    I feel like getting to the 4th set on heroic is a very difficult vidmaster.. Its atleast worthy of letting you get recon. I'm gonna attempt it today cause me and my buds got the Deja Vu yesterday after like 3 hours. So this is my last achievement til i get recon.

    And bungie isn't giving it away, like I said. It does take some tough work. virtual work.
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    It wasn't tough. At all. It was just 2 hours of boring Firefight.
  11. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Yes, because previous owners of recon totally didn't brag.
    Also, I think them giving it away was a mistake. Not for beating all the vidmasters, but for things like being splattered by a traffic cone.

    Just because people were "original" owners of recon, doesn't mean they're more deserving.
    The ones that had recon are probably jealous that they aren't a "special few" anymore.
  12. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    Recon armour in Halo 3 was something to be earned and something to aim towards. Icons in the halo 3 community like Digital Ph33r worked for recon, he made unique machinimas and introduced alot of people into the machinima world. That's an example to what recon stood for and how it could be obtained, and now to him, it's worthless.

    If you saw someone in Halo 3 with recon, before the Bungie vs world events, it was quite a rare ocassion because it wasn't easy to come across. You knew that the person must've done something pretty special to get it and, well, I guess people respected those people. Now, you see someone with reson and think "oh, another person who's completed the Vidmaster Achievements". It means nothing. And for that reason I think it was a BIG mistake, unless they bring out some kind of new armour to seperate the regular player from an icon in the community it's all worthless.
  13. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Tough? Not really.
    Two Hours? Yeah.
    Boring? HELL NO

    I thought that this was fairly challenging and INCREDIBLY fun, and I'm happy that Bungie made the achievement that they did. It does require a good amount of coordination, and it ends up being two hours of incredi-fun.

    Recon is just recon, in a few weeks it won't be any better than Hayabusa.

    And deaddraco, nobody got recon for getting splattered by being hit by a traffic cone. Rumors ftl.
    #13 iRaynne, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
  14. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    No. I don't think it was a mistake. I love the way Recon looks and I am looking forward to unlocking it myself as soon as I get some free time.

    If you think that some kid who has Recon who is bragging is going to make me sad, think again. This is not Bungies fault. Recon is sweet and I am glad everyone has the chance to obtain it. I am not going to let someone ruin my fun just because they have a bad attitude. You should not let it get to you so much. It's just a game..
  15. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    There are only two ways you can get Recon... Either you have sex with a Bungie employee, or you get it from the Vidmasters. The first time I thought Bungie giving recon away was a mistake was back when they had screenshot contests for it. Almost every single screenshot that won sucked ass. One of the screenshots that won the Landscape contest was a ****ing close-up of a flower! How the hell is a flower Landscape, or scenery!?

    I look at people with Recon the same way I look at everybody. But the moment they start to brag about it, I raise hell...
  16. KsqueaK

    KsqueaK Ancient
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    i completely agree with that 100%.
  17. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    Well recon has never really been an issue for me since I have always preferred being an elite than a Spartan, but what I can say about bungie giving away recon is this, Recon is and armour permeation that does nothing for game play. You it was used to signify these people who had achieved something in the halo community but these people are known for their deeds and not their armour so I can’t really see anything overly significant about it. Yes there will be people bragging about it for a while but after a month or so that should stop and it will become just another armour. And what we haven’t mentioned is that once reach comes out recon armour is going to be redundant since the majority of the halo 3 fan base will move on to halo reach. From a halo fan’s point of view recon being released hasn’t truly affected me in any way, however from bungie’s point of view releasing recon is a powerful marketing tool, there will be thousands of people around the globe that will buy odst simply for recon so they will gain a much better profit off odst if they release it and so from their point of view I would say that it is an extremely smart idea.
  18. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    It's weird... I have Recon now and I still get messages from fools asking me how I got it.

    I always just say that Bungie likes me... just for the lolz.
  19. RCGV

    RCGV Ancient
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    The guys you were playing with are assholes, plain and simple. I support Bungie's decision to make recon attainable.

    It would be nice if elites could use recon armor, though. And the katana as well.
    #19 RCGV, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
  20. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Yes,but the recon they have away is mildly different from vidmaster recon. Its to do with the little patch on the head,but that aside...Recon was something you wanted to own,would you perfer to have some thing 100 people own,or 1,000,000 people own. I rest my case.

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