Needs to be moved somewhere else less cerial. Maybe Gaming Discussion. After all, you could do this in any game. I'll make my sibling sign up. Lawl.
Its just supposed to be my results of screwing with photoshop while I'm supposed to be doing my homework.
Although I would like to question how a Warthog signifies a "Dumbass". The warthog is one of the most tactical pieces of equipment in the armory. Don't believe me? stands to prove my theory. This is not meant as a blatant advert.
You've never driven around in social BTB flipping warthogs and running teammates over with no gunner? You haven't LIVED yet. And that may be why the warthog is upside down. And I wouldn't say it's tactical, but more cheap in a legit sort of way.
Yea you just drive around in a fixed pattern and never lose speed while your gunner rips people apart with his extreme-heavy machine gun. And I've driven a gunner to double killionaire, triple kiltac 53 kill streak. And it was nowhere near as much fun as just messing around.
Fixed pattern? Way to get stuck like that Heh, you don't enjoy that? Well, fair enough. I do. I get satisfaction from that
Driving is a good break from playing competatively. You can't choke or mess up, it's all good. I class myself as pretty dam good at driving a Warthog, and i still think there is little to it than a decent knowledge of how the thing handles, which you couple with your substantial knowledge of how the said map functions. MLG > MLD i'm afraid.
Couple with a bit of common sense in not running over the guy with sticks/plasmas/missile pod/ and that the hog can;t shoot downhill etc.