I guess. What was wrong with SMF though that seemed like you needed to install a completely new forum?
Lack of security (SMF is freeware) We were very limited to controlling issues, while vB is very customizable for users and their permissions. Mostly behind the scene stuff afaik +More random things for users I'm only a mod thou so I don't know the half of it
^ did it occur to you that this is not their job, its a past time, and they can do what they want? anyways, i completely love the new version. VB is far superior to SMF. all the time that i was complaining and saying "oh well this OTHER forum i go to does this this and this" i was referring to a forum that used this same exact system. VB kicks ass, its way better. like WAY better. you guys will get used to it. it rocks. edit- oh, i did have a question for a mod... where do you disable and enable the reputation feature? i didnt see it in the user cp, i might have missed it... can someone let me know where to look? thanks.
I was reluctant at first, but it is actually a gigantic step forward. A few things need to be simplified/ added/ fixed, but it is getting there. It really is awesome, though. We can even attach .psd files!
Its ok, I think the previous versions home page was better, it didn't have just one announcment, and finding and looking at maps has changed alot. But I'm getting used to it so all will be good soon.
There's no flow, and almost every forum on the internet is using this same format now. It was refreshing to have a forum which didn't copy everyone else. While yes, there are some good things about the new site, I think the old one was good enough that change wasn't necessary. If this thing is going to work, there's going to have to be some heavy modification to be done.