personally...i wish it had been fully worked out before going online. Skin is total bleh. I miss the side panel, putting the shoutbox there was ingenious, and i miss it. Bunch of the forums are gone, front page looks honestly like crap... Forgehub had one of the best "feels" of any forum I've ever been on. And now its gone. : sadface :
The 'Feng-Shui' of this site is unappealing. The dark gray background is too wide, leaving the user feeling too constrained. A suggested improvement would be light gray, or even white. Also, the shoutbox was a little easier for me to read on the right, but that's just me, I think.
Well, more of the problem is that it doesn't scale to fit your current monitor resolution. It seems to be fixed at approx 900-1000 px. Meaning only people running 1024x768 will see the site properly. ^^ Must be fixed.
yeah i always thought that forgehub was nice because it wasn't like all the other "vb" forums that just don't feel good. the word press days
I miss the regular Forge Hub... I was finally getting used to it, and you guys went and changed it, darn it!
On auto-subscription: You can easily change the setting from default to 'Never subscribe to topics' in the Profile Options section of your Control Panel. On the shoutbox: Currently, I have it disabled, because I can't stand it. On size dimensions: I'd put my resolution down to 1024x768, but it distorts my screen because my laptop display is a wide-screen 1200x800.
look until they restore the ranking system it'll be bad, because i just got teh askar rocket launcher and now im a crappy "senior member" and since my name has changed from Iv0rY Snak3 to aBlAz3 and i don't know how to change it back everyone is treating me differently which is really annoying if they fix this, i will be teh happyz ps they should allow you to have a show gamercard option like before,
It needs work although it is getting allot better as they keep adding to it I don't like the way you HAVE to close off all the code with [/ ] this ruined all my old posts.
So you're complaining that you don't have your 'kewl status'? FPIC EAIL Who cares? It's not how much you post, but how well you post.
Meh, Till all the kinks get worked out, I guess it will be fine, but the old fourm looked newer, and I hate this fourm type becuase EVERYONE uses it...
I think this forum is is looking better, but I do miss the side navigation, along with the shoutbox being at the side. When its at the top of the page its just too distracting. It also bothers me that whenever I go to the "Home" page button I get logged out of the site and have to log back in. Outside of that I love the new features that have been added. I can't wait until everyone else catches onto them.
I do not post a lot but I post good in quality. Its not quantity that counts, quality does. And to everybody else, give it some time to kick in. Just be happy with what you got now the Staff will work in the stuff you miss and work out the kinks. Its all good, be patient. Tis be a lot of work for the Forge Hub staff.
Its alright. At first I hated it. I am getting used to it though. Personally I think it was fine with the old one.
I think it is on its way to being great. I just need to get used to it, and they need to fix a few things up, which they already are.
Well, now that I've had time to look around, I'm starting to believe that this was a great change. In fact, it is already just as good as the original, barring a few aesthetic annoyances. I especially like the way videos are linked here.