Well I know you have to buy it but is there a way to download it for free? If its illegal tell me and I'll get this locked , but I don't feel like paying for it right now.
I don't know. I can't condone getting it for free illegally, but I'm sure you can. Please just buy it though if you want it. I don't have the game, but I'm sure you can just get it used off ebay or something and that won't be too hard.
Lol well its not something you buy.It uses the online play system valve/steam which is probably the biggest online play system to date.But back to the point you download it there isn't a PC CD that I'm aware of besides the one for 360.And its about 50-99 bucks for it so thats why I'm spectacle to get it. But thanks anyway =).
Well, i usually don't mind when people steal music because there's so many ways to listen to it for free such as the radio, tv, or internet, but games and movies are a bit different. I've never heard of a game that you didn't have to buy a disk for to play that was popular, let a lone have it be free legally. I highly doubt that you will be able to find it, but if you do pm me. I think i played the original half life at my cousin's house when I was little and I had nightmares. Lol.
it is 20 bucks off steam, otherwise, don't ask for help stealing something here. Do you go to your friend's house asking him the best way to steal from wal-mart? no? then don't do it here.
Uhh read the ****ing thread.I clearly say if this is illegal tell me and I will get it closed. Obviously you have to be a douche about it and make no sense nice job =). Thanks zander lol. O yea and how do you know I don't go to my friends house asking that?
Of course its illegal to download it for free. Unless there is some sort of offer. That is a very absurd question if you ask me.