I think the majority of the people who dislike school are those who talk in class, don't turn in work, and get on the teacher's bad side. Also, if you believe that your classes are easy (even your supposed 9th grade ones) take something even more advanced. Heck, I'm taking three AP (college courses) next year in replacement of my normal classes. If I manage to pass the final exam I can save potentially thousands of dollars in tuition fees.
no i get the point of school and i understand we need to go but i don't get why we have so much homework 5 textbook pages is a minimum for one subject and I have 9 subjects a day so yea i hate school
This. School is sooooooo easy even AP courses IF you pay attention and READ when you need to. If you do that tests and homework are a breeze.
All of these except getting on the teacher's bad side. Teachers love me, even though I never listen to them.
I dislike school for how boring it is and how much stress it puts on me but I know it's important so I deal with it. But it'd be great just to sit at home all the time.
School is important to our society, but IMO it's almost completely worthless (aside from the social factor). 99% of the things you learn in school are hearsay; they are the "accepted norms" of our society. By being schooled you are merely having your judgment clouded by the views of others that assume themselves correct. Though in some cases they may be correct (in the sense that something "likely" is correct), school should be about preparing individuals to make choices and judgments of their own, not to accept those things said by others. Absolutely everything in this world that is taken as "fact" can be doubted, save for the fact that you think and therefore exist. Being in school and learning are two far different things as it stands in our culture. However, schooling itself is worthwhile to our society, for schooling is the only means by which one may get into esteemed universities and make business contacts and obtain a degree for use later on in life. It's sickening how standardized things are, and it pains me to say that school is worthless because it shouldn't be. As a wise man once said, don't let your schooling interfere with your education. The current standardized system of education fails on so many levels that it's almost immeasurable. P.S.: Before the inevitable "well u must suck at school then if u hate it so bad" remark, I'd like to inform you that this year I am a Junior in the International Baccalaureate Program (IB), I am taking seven 5.0 weighted courses (AP/IB Chemistry, AP US History, AP/IB Physics, IB English A1, AP Calculus AB, IB Spanish IV, and IB Theory of Knowledge) and I have A's in every single one of them. In fact, I've had straight A's all through my schooling career, and I'm not homeschooled or involved in any of that private schooling crap. You can even ask Felipe dos, weaselJOE37, or Muskrat01 for confirmation of these facts, as they attend the same school I do. That is all.
I can live with it. I go to an all boys school, which kinda sucks, but has its advantages. You are less distracted with members of the opposite sex around, so you can be more focused on your work. Also, the dances at my school more than make up for the lack of girls around (lets just say it's a 5:1 ratio). Trust me, I get my wheels a-turnin' once in a while. The work isn't too hard, but if you procrastinate it tends to accumulate, and then it gets to being a pain in the ass. BTW forgot to mention I'm grade 9.
I had to quote this because I whole heartily agree with it. So much time is wasted on standardized testing BS.... and the "No child left behind act".