The only thing school is good for is socializing. And you can do that outside of school. And you never get to talk, most of the time.
Give you all a tip: enjoy your highschool, it's a lot easier than you think. You'll never revisit those freedoms again. I miss it.
My school system added a Vo. Tech /Adv Tech School for that. You can go into mechanics, computers, engineering etc. All of it is very career oriented. Best thing the schools have ever done imo
Yeah, my school district is doing something similar this coming year. They are allowing students to enroll in these academies. They are all on campus, two on the campus I am at this year and one at the campus I will be on next year. They have a medical one where students will actually learn most of their material from watching and participating in an actual hospital, another one that involves preparing students for careers behind a camera whether it be movies, television, etc, and then finally one for technology, engineering, and mathematics. I would totally do the engineering one if it was on the campus I'd be going to next year.
me neither, I find many things a waste of time, but you need to learn them just to say you have the experience. You'll most likely forget lots of it and will prbly not have to use a lot of it in a career. School sucks for kids today with all the pressure and stuff that just makes it overall just a crappy experience. but there is a bit that you need to know. like speaking in front of people, reading, and being able to think and make sense of your thoughts. Without school, we'd all be dead due to things like overpopulation, natural and man made destruction, etc. School sucks, but a lot of it is needed in order to really think and progress in today's society. Lol, there u go, now have fun in school for nine more yrs. I only have 6 1/2 more BUT I'm starting a new school in 3 days, so i'd kinda like to be u in some ways, because you've know people and stuff prbly, me, I'm stuck in some foreign country starting at an international place that I barely know! good luck
I like school, but I also don't like school...make sense? School is like food, water, oxygen and other bodily necessities, you need it to live. You don't go to school, you won't be living for long. It's a simile, please don't take it to literally.
I like most aspects of school. While you do need it for most careers that should not make you like it. I like it for what it is, I enjoy learning new things. What I don't like about school, is being forced to learn things you don't enjoy. I find photography and gym both to be wastes of classes. I would much rather take classes like thermodynamics or Analysis of Algorithms. I don't really like tests of grades for that matter, but I will never be able to change how education works in public schools. To sweeny I am happy to say I knew how to simplify your problem. Can you Verify this identity? I could never do it. tanxcos^2x = (2tanxcos^2x + tan(-x))/1-tan^2x
For people that don't think calculus is used, that is probably one of the most ridiculous statements I have heard. It is one of the most used mathematical skills in the world today. Most things dealing with our economy are calculus oriented. Banks are very calculus oriented, many different careers have it. I personally like school, I find it a good way to socialize with friends, especially ones you would feel awkward socializing with outside of school. I enjoy the broadness (highschool) so I can try things out to see what I want to do. As a freshmen in high school I had no idea what I wanted to do, but I have a solid idea now, which I thank not only my out of school influences, but my in school influences. I would never give up my high school education for anything, although I love missing school, it's more for the fact of sleeping in, and not working on anything, but in an overall aspect, I would want to go to school. It's a hell of a lot better than work. Then again, I had a shitty job.
I cannot seem to get it. This section of Trig was by far the hardest, and it was struggle, so I don't remember alot. But either you cannot verify, or you wrote it down wrong. Here is the math I did up until I got stuck (Any questionable math move I did, I highlighted the steps in red): I am going with the right side of the equation, since it is least simplified. (2tanxcos^2x + tan(-x))/1-tan^2x I notice the 1-tan^2x, but realize that it is 1+ tan^2x = sec^2x, not -. So then I look at (2tanxcos^2x) which is essentially (tanx + tanxcos^2x) [The issue with doing this, is you can't actually add a value to another value locked in multiplication, meaning that I cannot add the tanx's because one is being multiplied by cos^2x. The only way to fix this is to seperate the two: making it (tanx+tanx)(cos^2x) which would really throw a gear in the direction I am attempting to head. So, I will take my chances, and assume what I just did is math legal); so I factor it: (tanx(1+cos^2x)+tan(-x))/1-tan^2x Again, I silently swear because I cannot simplify 1+cos^2x into sin^2x, because it is a (+) not a (-). So I look elsewhere, and this is where I get hazy about what I remember. To my knowledge, in the case of (-x) proceeding sin/cos/tan, cos drops the (-), while sin and tan move it to the front. I can't remember if this is right, but I knew there was a rule involving (-) and cosine dropping it while sin and tan kept it, so I decided that this must be one of those cases. So, I do something potentially math illegal: (tanx(1+cos^2x) - tanx)/1-tan^2x So, now that I have done that, I will progress. To be honest, the main reason I went ahead and did it was because there was nothing else I could apparently do, so I went with this which opened new doors towards simplifying. However, if I am wrong about the negative being distributed, the following means nothing: So I realize that now I can factor tanx again, leaving me with: (tanx(1+cos^2x - 1))/1-tan^2x Well, looking in the brackets, I realize that 1+cos^2x - 1 is actually just cos^2x, since the ones cancel each other out. Now I am left with: (tanxcos^2x)/1-tan^2x Great, I am close. Actually, I hit a dead end. Unless there is an obvious rule I am missing... tanxcos^2x =/= (tanxcos^2x)/1-tan^2x ... because that would mean 1-tan^2x would have to equal 1, which I know it doesn't. So I am stumped by this one. Then again, I think I did math illegal stuff, and it is late, so I am functioning with a tired brain. I'll attempt this again tomorrow, but I would really like some clarification on whether or not (in the case of sin(-x), cos(-x), tan(-x) ) tan and sin displace the (-) and cos drops it.
You were right about the tan(-x) == -tanx. I tried this problem so many times I can't even start it back up. It lost me an A on a test too.I think I got it. Please check it. tanxcos^2x = (2tanxcos^2x + tan(-x))/1-tan^2x Working only with the right (tanx (2cos^2x-1))/(1-(sin^2x/cos^2x)) I turned the tan(-x) to -tanx then factored it out Then I turned 1 into cos^2x + sin^2x but -(1)=-1(cos^2x +sin^2x) which is -cos^2x - sin^2x sooo (tanx(2cos^2x-cos^2x-sin^2x))/((cos^2x-sin^2x)/cos^2x) the 2cos^2x-cos^2x == cos^2x I also multiply by the reciprocal which flips the denominator. (tanx(cos^2x-sin^2x))*(cos^2x/(cos^2x-sin^2x)) The cos^2x-sin^2x cancel out so you're left with tanxcos^2x
By George, I think you've done it. I completely overlooked changing 1 into sin^2x+cos^2x. That was my fault in this section, I always looked for ways to make it simpler, and tried to avoid making the problem more complicated to arrive at such answers.
Yeah me too, took me about 30 min to get it. I didn't have that time on the test. I kinda think we took over this topic though.
I hated my elementary school, I didn't learn much and was very strict. High school, I'm learning practically things and it has a way better system of things.
Everybody hates school! But it's not a waste of time either! Want to drop out and become a bum? Be my guest! But for now, stay in school, get good grades, and be successful in life! I'm in 8th grade and hate school to death, but still try hard and get great grades because I know that it will help me get a good job and all! Plus, it's one of the only places I see my friends!
I absolutely hate the actual school part of school (like the work). But now i'm in high school (Freshie!!!) and its more fun but there's more work. The only thing i like about school are my dumbass friends (they're not really dumbasses, I go to a charter school, they just act like dumbasses) lol anyway...
I'm the same way. I didn't like high school or middle school. When in school, I hated it. I never wanted to go to class. All I wanted to do was stay home and do what I love doing, learning 3DS Max, Photoshop, learning programming, learning to mod Halo CE, and other computer related stuff. The only part of school I liked was high end math courses, Trig, Calculus, ext. My school also didn't offer any tech classes. The most we got was classes learning Microsoft Office. Now that I'm out, I regret not paying all my attention to my Junior and Senior year classes and not trying. I could have gotten much more from high school. Now that I'm in college, I love school. I'm learning every thing that I wanted to stay home to learn in High School. I don't have to get up early, I don't mind doing homework (it's stuff I'd be doing anyway) and the teachers are actually knowledgeable in the area your studying. You don't have to truly enjoy middle/high school but you should at least try and get what you can out of it. If you aren't being challenged, talk to a councilor and take some tests. Get yourself in more advanced classes. You'll be glad you did.
Let see, it's the middle of winter where I live, nothing to do outside, and I have tests/homework almost everyday. So yeah I pretty much dislike school, but I like hanging out with my freinds.
I actually like school, the whole learning concept and everything appeals to me. It's the homework and coursework and exams, that's what gets me bored. I don't like being forced into doing stuff by people who act as if they'll always have more power then me... And homework is just out of my hours... I go to school and I do the work, I don't expect to have to spend another few hours at home working. I think the extra knowledge on topics you won't study when you're older is interesting. I mean you look on quiz shows and stuff and you know the answer to something unrelated to what you're studying! You feel pretty chuffed .
Really depends on who I'm with, and what subject I'm in. For the most part I love school though, seeing as there really isn't anything for me to do outside of school during the week. I greatly disagree with some things that are forced into us for the sole purpose of a hand-full rather useless standardized tests. Also electives need to have higher priories, namely the ones in the arts, and tech branches. I also greatly disagree with the lack of well... moving we do in school. It's not healthy for us to spend that much time stationary in chairs. It annoys me greatly that the staff of my school is so obviously conservative based, which would explain why they have denied a GSA several times... And the football-comes-before-everything mentality that my school has is ****ing irritating to say the least.