Debate Do violent video games make violent kids?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by texturedlemur, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    if video games made people do this **** there would be at least one a day maybe bush news sorry fox news should look at where people get the guns and why they strike at thier peirs.there is a percentage of physcopaths out there most of them male and most of them play video games this does not mean the games made them do it its easier to blame something than to look at the real issue gun control because guns dont kill people...oh wait yes they do
    #21 ezekeil20five17, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2008
  2. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I was going to post on which side everyone is on, but Titmar beat me to it!

    This forum contains no debate, and thus shouldn't be in the debate forum, off topic maybe. But not the debate forum. I'm not going to support my reasons for this, because I'm going to agree with all y'all.

    And lookie here, argument! My little cousin has gotten rather angry when playing games that have little violence in them such as Kirby: Air Ride (or whatever). I have seen him personally get very angry at his sister during Wii sports games. I don't think it is the video games fault though. My aunt and uncle, his parents, raise them on not disciplining harshly. I think this is wrong, I was hit (lightly, but enough to get the point) for the same behavior and I turned out rather well I think. I can't believe I posted my side, but video games when combined with bad parenting do cause violence.
    ~Randle $candal
  3. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    No! No Game Can **** With Somebody's Head! It Was Previously ****ed!

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    No not at all.

    Bad parenting, bad environments, and mental problems make violent people. Video games do not.
  5. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    I'm sorry... who has been assassinated since Halo 3 came out?

    Silly Jack

    That said, I believe games can have a negative effect in some cases, especially when situations such as previous mental health issues or violent tendencies arise. Even a bad upbringing (not just parenting, but bad socialization too) combined with video games could possibly be a source of violent ideas, although not necessarily of violent tendencies.
  6. DarkMsage

    DarkMsage Ancient
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    I've been playing Unreal Tournament, Doom and Quake-like games since I was like 3 years old. I'm turning 15 soon and I have only commited one violent act. I punched a kid in the face for being an ass and saying some racist **** about Chinese kids. The only time a game has EVER been used as practice is when Columbine used a game (I forget which one) and modded it to look like their school, and killed virtual students and stuff.

    A whole bunch of people blamed the V-Tech's shooter's behavior on videogames, but his roommate said he never played games, the only thing slightly like that was that he watched wrestling sometimes.

    People are scared and they want to know why kids are acting out. It might be because the parents are neglectful, or maybe overprotective, or maybe because there's so much pressure to do well in the world. However, instead of realizing this, people use videogames as a scapegoat, so they don't have to realize their own mistakes.

    That's my two cents.
    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  7. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I mean, when I play GTA4, it's fun being able to drive into anything and go anywhere, but when I actually drive in real life, it has no effect
  8. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    I must admit, a noob could get frustraded and be in a bad mood and kill somone if the tick him off...
  9. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    Kind of, it's a "risk factor". Some phsycological expert named David Walsh said that in this month's gameinformer on page 32.
  10. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    One can't even point the finger at video games. How much violence do you think kids learn from movies or TV (i.e. the real world). I mean come on. How can you begin to think a round plastic disc, that is made for entertainment purposes, is going to teach a kid to do violent things. Another thing, the parents aren't exactly the target here for buying the games, i think it falls more in that they don't teach their kids that the way the characters in the video games act isn't necissarily the way you should act in the real world's society. So i go with 'NO' video games don't make children violent, but the lack of diference could be the source.
  11. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Violent games make dumb kids violent. Anyone who is too stupid to realise the world doesn't have groups of people jumping into helicopters and killing everyone should not be given computer games.

    But aslong as you have some common sense I don;t think it would make violent kids.
  12. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Mastar, I agree that what you presented does influence a hefty number of murderers, but it is definitely not all to blame. A child can be taught morals by various people that are in their lives. Those morals can be completely ****ed up, and not put anything against stealing/murdering/rape, all that stuff. Also, you have to take into account the people who really have a problem and are mentally unstable. Those misanthropes are definitely the most dangerous, because they are usually the ones with a plan to cause harm, and an efficient and intelligent one at that.

    As far as video games, it can make a child more prone to violence, but that's only if they totally absorb everything they see and are not taught that it is wrong.
  13. Puffy Goodness

    Puffy Goodness Ancient
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    Umm... Of course not. Video games are awesome and everyone knows awesome things are not bad. But in all seriousnessish the real reason there is violence is a whole mixture of things:parenting, idols, religion or absence of?, and possibly where your born.
    #33 Puffy Goodness, Jun 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2008
  14. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    to me violent video games get rage out of me. When I get ticked I come home, play halo, kill people and teabag them. I think killing virtually makes it so people won't kill as much in real life.
  15. Ryon

    Ryon Ancient
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    DimmestBread is absolutely right, if I'm ticked off I go play a shooter and I'm fine and good to go (although there are some kids who act differently). I think its more the worlds fault (with all the current wars, terrorism, movies, music and much more) and can be the parents if they dont watch what their kids do or they are just brought up in the wrong neighborhood.
  16. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    Rapists Killers connected to video games purely coincedence its just a person who enjoys 2 things video games and killing people simple as that

    I think it makes them less violent because they can go shoot civilians up in GTA IV instead of in real life which is why i believe all kids should play GTA its good for you
    Did you know:

    100% of violent people drink water? Does that mean water is deadly? o no's maybe we should stop
    100% of violent people eat food? Okay everything you thought was normal is really making you into a little terrorist mothafuka

    On a serious note many violent people have alchohol problems its still legal and it better stay legal because im going to still drink it either way Ha suck it government
  17. Bretonfish09

    Bretonfish09 Ancient
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    I agree 100% with Ryon: DimmestBread is right. So NO, videogames aren't to blame for violent kids. people against video games are usually people who've never played them. Ever notice that? Or were you all too busy killing people becuz u were influenced by violent games? lulz
  18. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    It's true , people use anti-semitism as a reason to be against the whole idea , if someone can give me solid reliable EVIDENCE that games do actually effect casualty/murder figures then ill start to believe them.
  19. The God of Grunge


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    The colimbine kids didn't use Doom to practice. It was confirmed by one of the kids in a journal entery. He said he made the map that looked like his school because he thought that it had interesting terrain and a cool layout.

    Yeah, I'm sure pro wrestling is to blame(/sarcasm). No pro wrestling federation could cause someone to take acts of violence, unless they watched XPW or some hardcore **** like that
    #39 The God of Grunge, Jul 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  20. fornozo

    fornozo Ancient
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    In my opinion i do not believe that video game make kids more violent in most cases BUT i do believe that there might be a connection in some cases mixed with bad parenting and a bad background and poor conditions.

    But since some parents let their 9-year old kids buy GTA4,COD4,Halo3,Gears and assassins creed there is no point having the age limit on games.
    Since the age limit is there for one reason to "protect" kids from inappropriate things that those games include like i would not want to see my 9-year-old son walking in to a stripp club on GTA.

    And it is like this just because a few kids may be inspired to violence with video games it does not mean everybody is.

    For example if you live in the suburbs with a single parent and 3 brothers and sisters you will have a tough time not getting in to fight and things like that.
    But if you live in a better part of the town with somewhat better conditions you will not get into fights and thing like that as easy as if you live in the suburbs.

    Once again this is how i think it is.
    #40 fornozo, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
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