In the description of certain armor pieces, there are hints that they actually improve your armor abilties. For example, th FJ/PARA shoulder piece says that it's built specifically for airborne units because of it's light weight (farther Jetpack jumping?). The Scout shoulder piece says it improves stealth (longer Stealth ability?). Does anyone know if these armor pieces actually enhance your armor, or do they not do anything?
They do absolutely nothing. It's the same thing with the armor description in Halo 3; it's just to tell a story for the armor. Bungie knows better than to have to pay for advantages in gameplay, making the system inherently unbalanced.
Talking about armor pieces, they all look the same! The only one thats looks different from the others of its kind are those large ones that are below the default.
you think? They may be more subtle wit the difference, but I don't think so. Plus there are probably more helmets and body armor that hasn't been seen yet. I can't imagine that ALL of them are purchasable, I think bungie will save the sweeter looking ones for achievement unlocks
Flaming helmet thank you very much =D I don't care how much more obvious I can be seen, FLAMING ****ING HELMET =D
Im talking about the beta. The full will obviously have more armor selections that are more noticeable.
yer armor does have special abilities. The police one for eg allows night vision. No source, just heard in podcast i think.
Bluntly, I disagree. Night vision is for campaign in retail. Most likely not helmet specific either. Bungie, or it didn't happen.
Prove me wrong, ohh you can't, you should take your hand of your face now The descriptions are much more in depth now than in halo 3. Why would the descriptions distinctly fit the new armor abilities? Don't knock it down until you have proof it won't happen. Makes sense now Bungie has moved to loadouts, what's to say they won't go overkill and give some light improvements to gameplay with armor specialities?
I'm pretty sure the hitboxes are the same regardless of which armour you use, exactly for the reason of making armour permutations aesthetic only. Why would they then give certain armour pieces abilities that specifically make them better or worse for gameplay? It simply makes no sense, and your reasoning of the descriptions alone is pretty spurious. Bungie like to add detail in such things, it's immersive and creates the impression of detail and backstory in the universe. Possibly in Campaign, I could see that working, but even then it's basing an advantage on what helmet a player uses which just ruins the idea of customisable armour as only certain helmets etc. are worth wearing. I honestly see no real evidence or even basic reasoning for this idea, it's not in keeping with aesthetic armour variations at all. Considering you've been pretty quick to call uncited claims in the past, I can't see how you're defending this one so strongly when it's a) got no backup and b) doesn't make much sense.
If you were in his position, can you prove yourself right? They aren't that much more descriptive. Isn't it possible that they couldn't come up with reasonable backstories for these new armor perms, and decided to play off the armor abilities? Hey guys! Since Bungie makes so much money off of the Halo series, thay've decided to make Reach available for all platforms! ...well, don't knock it down unless you have proof it won't happen. Bungie has branded "BALANCED MULTIPLAYER "on it's chest. It's known that the team understands FPS multiplayer mechanics, so having an ability, even a tiny one, that not every player has access to equally (like your supposed AA-boosting armor perms that people need to buy with cR to get) is contradictory to the Halo matchmaking system. It's not gonna happen because Bungie sees how unfair armor perms with special effects on AAs is.
yer theres like a whole suit when you unlock all the achievements its a iron man suit and you get a super jet-pack which makes you fly across a whole map in 10 seconds and when you hit someone while flying you kill them instantly. oh and you cant die (shhh lets see if anyone believes it)
I completely agree TBH, it sounds stupid but it does have reasoning behind it. Both sides have reasoning, it just takes bungie to confirm it. My ideas are not spurious, they have as much fact behind them as yours. "That's not bungies style" VS "It's possible from the descriptions of the armor" is just as factual as mine, if not less. Nope, that's exactly why I called that card, no-one can (except for bungie employees). Completely possible, just as possible as the armor permutations giving special abilities. Uhh, Bungie kinda confirmed that on the ODST box, you should check the Reach BETA sticker on the front Who says it won't unbalance the gameplay, Bungie works in mysterious ways. I would expect the matchmaking system is only going to be matching up similar ranks so only similar ranks would be playing together, not a level 50 with some bullshit armor ability raping a level one? I'm sorry but unless your a designer for Bungie, I won't take "But they wouldn't do that" as a reason. ORLY!?!? - Seriously, unless someone just owns me with some facts by Bungie then it's possible until proven wrong (with facts).
Bungie has said time and time again, the armor doesn't change anything. Plenty of people have the silly flashlight, it doesn't change it. You really should get your facts straight/use Google before you come in here with accusations and then back them up with a "well, find a source", when it would just be an inconvenience. As it just was to myself. "Reach also grants players the ability to add various accessories to their armor, such as flashlights and bandoliers, which affect aesthetics only." Armor Permutations - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more
I understand where you are coming from but "well, find a source" is from both parties here and people have sided with the "That can't be true" party because it is unorthodox. I garuntee if I told someone that there were loadouts in halo reach before the information was released about it, it would have the same reaction. I believe Bungie are evolving from skill now and are jumping on the bandwagon for rewarding players for whoring the game out, eg. credits. Halopedia can be editted by any man and his dog, it is a reference, not fact, so it should not be presented as fact. Nothing much has been released about the full game yet. Maybe it was not added in the BETA because it did not need to be tested. Bungie has already noted that they are testing for bugs and network problems. Bungie has signed with activison, obviously a move to increase profits. Re-playability is a profit maker.
Let's say that there is a helmet that grants a special ability that is really useful, let's say it has a enemy highlight just for fun, kind of like ODST's, follow? Now lets make the price 50,000cR. Alright, that'll take some time to build up to buy, right? Lets say you'd approximately have to be around level 40 to acquire it. (Even though levels aren't in Reach) Okay, now to all the other players who aren't interested in that helmet, that buy other helmets, chest plates, shoulder pieces etc, the players that just don't feel like playing a billion games to save up to that amount of cR, (i.e. myself) they're now at an immediate disadvantage simply because they wanted to buy other armour permutations. Now even though I am also around level 40, I do not have that special helmet with enemy highlight, and will have to play a lot more games to save up for that, in the meantime I am continuously being destroyed by other players who have saved up for it. All specialized armour pieces would do is make every player save up for the best one, making all the characters the same. Why on earth would they do this? How wouldn't this destroy the balance?
Whilst this is true in principle, I think there is more reason to side with it not being true based on other factors (hitboxes being the same regardless of armour size to not interfere with gameplay based on armour choice). Also, as for an official source, I just found this. Whilst it's not a direct 'No' in answer to the question, it does imply pretty strongly that there are no practical benefits or downsides to any armour choice, which is as it should be imo. Sure this is about the Beta, but if they're testing armour perms in the Beta why on earth wouldn't they test the single biggest impact they're going to have if this is true? Tbh in that sense I'd call the Beta proof enough in itself, there's no real reason to put in just a couple of aesthetic only options at all if the final game is gonna have abilities based on them. That needs balancing, thus would be in the Beta instead of just aesthetic only choices.
no, you dont seem to understand. see, one does not need any proof to accept the null in this case. since armor perms have no affect on gameplay in the beta, one can accurately assume that it will be the same for the final game. to make a claim as you did, you need proof, you need a reliable source for believe you. and that is the key. people believing you. yeah, youre free to make wild claims, and nobody can "prove" you wrong. but unless you have proof, nobody is going to believe you, nobody is going to take you seriously, and nobody is going to believe. because there no "facts" when it comes to something that hasnt been released yet. even stuff that bungie says is technically subject to change. the truth is what the general populous believes it to be. so unless you have evidence thats going to change the opinion of the general populous, all youve got is a random statement that nobody is going to give a **** about.