Well i've been starting to notice A LOT of geomerging in maps now a days. It seems very common in maps and its being done by new forger's to forgehub. But I've noticed in some of these maps that these guys will have a geomerged single open box in the ground, but they well also have some open single boxes in the map that also could've been geomerged into the ground or perhaps should've been merged into the ground for a smoother walk. These maps im seeing by unknown forgers to me have geomerging, but all i see is one geomerged box or something in the map. Now im not saying all of the novice forgers do this, but do you think that some of these forger's are finding maps with geomerging in it and deleting the rest of the map JUST so they can have that geomerged item? I think it is quite possible but i want to know what other forge hub users think about this.
I see what your saying. I guess they just don't have the patience for things like that. Which I can understand, until I remember that they apparently had the patience to delete all other items on the map...
I can understand this to a certain degree, like a good crane geomerge is worth saving and using. One way to tell though would be to look at the budget, if the map is glitched (which most maps are nowadays, especially those that use geomerging well, advanced techniques seem to go hand in hand) then deleting stuff around a desired geomerge would break the glitch, rendering the map pretty useless. Unless these novices are really good with the budget glitch, even though they can't geomerge, then they'd be pretty screwed. They could have just picked up the stuff they wanted to delete and moved it, but this also seems a bit too foresighted for a novice who can't even be bothered to geomerge a single box
That reminds me, How the heck do you geo-merge into the crane? I've tried and failed, though I can geo-merge anywhere else.
I wish I knew, I just use a glitched canvas where its already done, my friend made it. Its pretty embarrassing actually as he is my forging novice in all ways but this, I really need to get around to learning it one day.
No, they're just ametures, so they make bad decisions. I don't think someone would delete everything on a map just to have a couple geomerged boxes, which would take more time and effort than just geomerging the box.
That's a lot of work for just one geomerged item, especially when geomerging isn't really a very hard thing to do. Still, I suppose there are some who would do it (though if they're that averted to learning something new or asking for help, I can't really say that there's anything we can do).
my map has only 1 geomerged double open box in the middle and i defidently didn't take it from another map
I doubt it, geomerging isnt too hard and how can you be too lazy if yer sitting on yur couch moving yer thumbs.
I think it's more likely that they spent forever geomerging one object...were like yay I did it..and then couldn't get any more because it's too hard for them.
Haha, Just it happens my friend did that a few minutes ago. I told him I'd do it for him, but he insisted no no no. I'll do it better than you could. He was annoyed after it fell though the floor three times.
When I get back to London I'll get my friend to put it on his fileshare and PM you with a link. It isn't budget glitched though.