Do kids have the right to play halo?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Y35 <3, May 10, 2008.

  1. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    Yah, Azrius, I'm one of those spoiled rich teenager types, but I certainly don't act like a God on Xbox Live (thank god!). Those kinds of people bother me the most. I'm talking about the prideful and arrogant elite of Xbox Live. These are the players that are genuinely the best and they know it. They won't hesitate a second when killing a teamate to procure a power weapon, or completely ignoring your recon data on enemy movements. They regard themselves as "one man teams", and they're good enough to function as one. Although little kids can get extremely annoying, their immaturity and naivity are slightly more excusable and far less bothersome than the utmost arrogance and disrespect exhibited by some of the older "professionals".
  2. Ty

    Ty Guest

    XBOX Live is kind of like the worlds a-hole, it's where all the poop hangs out. Bad parenting and insecure people, amazing at how easily a service is ruined.
  3. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I stopped reading after the first paragraph. You can say what you want, but you aren't going to enforce any of those things you said. Kids can still cheat scream and whine all they want, it is over the internet. That means if you don't like it, stop playing and stop complaining, simple, isn't it? (Or mute them)
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I watched these two Caucasian kids ask their grandmother for the movie White Chicks at Tower Records. I mean, wtf. I informed the grandmother of what the movie was about. Then she turned white (whiter than white, lol) and scolded the two kids. Then they gave me death threats when she wasn't looking.


    *Sniff* That's the most kiss-assiest comment I've ever received. I'm so happy.
  5. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    kids are awsome when they call positions and play well as well as collaborate with thier teams, so really no the only people that should play halo are adults and kids who act like adults
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    In essence, that's maturity. So yes.

    You can't measure maturity by age. You simply have to know them to figure it out. You can't just assume that they are mature, or that they aren't.
  7. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    omg i am sick and tired of all of this discrimination against kids and kids playing Halo. I am a kid, i believe that the ratings are there to stop kids from playing it who can't distinguish real life from video games. I realized that its just a game, and play it for fun. I think that all the adults and teenagers out there on XBL should be setting examples for kids instead of making fun of them dissing them or getting them to be pissed at you. I think that everyone should just leave this topic alone, and stop asuming that the majority of kids are all rich spoiled brats who play Halo. I assure you there are some kids out there that are. I will not say if i am or am not because i am not one to judge myself. I believe that all of you who don't think kids should have a chance to play Halo are very cruel, because Halo is a very good game, but is not suitable for some kids. Overall i think that kids should be allowed to play Halo no matter who they are, what they are like, and how they treat other people. Because once again, that is very discriminatory. Thank you for reading.
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I don't see how a kid playing an A/O game like GTA is a good thing.
  9. SergeantSmeg69

    SergeantSmeg69 Ancient
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    i can partly understand some kids being able to play halo but gta thats a different ball game completely, but i surpose i started playing gta when i was 15, so i don't know but it specially shouldn't be for those kids who scream and shout on xbl
  10. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Don't care either way.

    Only time I get pissed off because of little kids is when their parents decide to raise a fuss because a rated M and up game is too violent for their 8 year old kid to be playing and they demand it be softened up or banned from the country.

    Here;s an idea, DON'T BUY IT FOR THEM!!! You stupid **** you're ruining it for the rest of us. Grow the balls to tell your kid "No you can't have Grand theft Auto IV. I don't care that little jimmy down the road has it. It's too violent and I don't want you playing it!"
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Exactly how I wanted to say it, minus the vulgarities.

    It's odd that these parent groups exist. I mean, I even saw that thing where that Rightist guy was complaining that Mass Effect was a sex simulator. Man, it makes me sad to be part Conservative.
  12. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    *shrug* I call things the way I see 'em, Nemi. You're among those here who actually bother to post well-structured responses.

    Did anyone see the Fox "News" story on Mass Effect? Look it up on Kotaku. If the conservative webjournal made you sad, then this will probably make you want to cry.

    My whole theory is that parents who've turned their little angel into a hate-filled, waste of space fleshbag don't want to admit the fact that they should have been spayed and neutered a LOOOONG time ago. They don't want to accept that they're been terrible and/or clueless parents. People don't like accepting responsibility for their own mistakes, you see.

    So, what do they do? They join/start/support parent groups (The irony is that the leaders of many of these parent groups are either single or barren, having never been parents or holding the knowledge that they never will be parents) and try to tell other people how to raise their kids, all the while trying to cover up their own woeful inadequacies.

    Hence, the vast majority of these groups is likely to be made up of busybodies who seem to think that no one can be responsible for themselves (All the while encouraging the idiots who don't WANT to take responsibility) and idiots who don't know any better, with the occasional intelligent, concerned parent who is terribly misguided.
  13. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    its not the kids fault, their parents are the ones that have bought the game and most likely the system
    and also parents are teaching kids, and letting them watch movies/tv/etc content that is way over their head
    this is where we get little kids and swearing from
  14. iahamp240

    iahamp240 Ancient
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    I acctually think you should not play LIVE if you are younger than 13, I respect all players unless they say that they are the best then i kick their ass.
  15. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    As long as the kid makes intelligent decisions in the middle of MM combat, as well as not hold a bullhorn toward his (or rarely, her) mic, I'm perfectly fine with them. But if they scream in their mic, but that isn't what I'm concerned about (because I have the power to mute people). Instead, I dislike it much more when they don't know what they are doing, or randomly run around the gamefield. They aren't becoming a productive member of the team, and in slayer games especially, even though it isn't good in other games, it leads to easy kills for the other team.

    Come to think of it, I used to hear something called responsible parents, lol.
  16. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    its not to "discriminate" against kids, its to stop their whiney voices from shattering any glass objects that are near my tv.
  17. S-Pac

    S-Pac Ancient
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    Well, I do play with kids under 18 and few of them are well behaved. But I don't purposely go online and yell at kids or adults because "it's the cool thing to do". I do when people cross the line or go out of their way to piss me off. It includes but not limited to, Team killing, contently belittling or insulting me( I can't get 15+ kills ALL the time), etc. I do mute people when they become annoying and I submit a bad review to avoid them.
    Yes I was a kid once. But when I was 14, we didn't have the internet or an XBox. So I don't know how I would've been like if we had either of those at that time.
    But I understand where you're coming from on kids wanting to have fun and the adults that complain about them need to grow up themselves.
    But it's the kids who need to learn to respect their elders also. I don't care if their teacher gave them a bad grade on their math test or their daddy's can't buy them the latest cloths fashion or their girl/boyfriend dumped them or if their parents beat them constantly. That shouldn't be anybodies problem on XBL.
    #37 S-Pac, May 21, 2008
    Last edited: May 21, 2008
  18. IPokeSnails

    IPokeSnails Ancient
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    Kids should not be allowed on their xbox until a) their voice has broken b) Theyve gone through puberty... Depends which one comes first
  19. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Holy Necro-post batman!

    Ok, well... I think that the kids should be able to play, because it is not their fault for being like that. It's just the human life cycle working. Also, if you play with a kid like that, theres a feature called the "mute" function for a reason.
  20. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    They have rights too. Sure, they're generally more annoying arseholes than the rest if the community (especially the ones that still revel in the novelty of being able to swear at complete strangers and get away with it), but you were a kid once too.

    Personally, I dislike them because I am jealous. That's right, I hate the fact that they're 11-ish and they ALREADY have a 7th generation console and the best game ever... It pisses me off. I wish I had an Xbox then. When I was their age, I still had a PS1. I got Xbox live less than a year ago, when I was 15. I could legally buy Halo 3, but even if I couldn't i would have got someone else to buy it for me. I don't care what people think if they think that I shouldn't be playing a game because I'm not old enough to play it. Their opinion changes nothing in my eyes. A good example is Gears of War. It's an 18-rated game. By law I cannot buy it. That didn't stop me playing it round someone else's house (who also shouldn't have owned it), deciding that I want it, and getting someone to buy it for me. After that ordeal, the last thing I would give two shits about is the 24-year old burk on the other end of the mic who is criticising my age.

    Maturity>Age btw. Some of the mods on this site are younger than me and have proof that they're more mature than me :)

    EDIT: ****. Necro-posted thread. Sadfaic.
    #40 EpicFishFingers, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009

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