User is related to Soulja Boi. (a negative number) User needs to GTFO. User lessthanthrees ForgeHub. User is wasting space. User got out of Cold Storage.
-80 User is getting Rick Rolled... -70 User is posting a wall of text... +500 User is spending too much time in the IRC.
+1200 User is getting a restraining order on Dragoncoals. -1200 User is TheYaviMayan +1600 User is cool as /b/ -1500 User is a necroposter +80 User is a Guitar Hero
User is Blanket. (Mj's child) User is a moderator's son. User is Ronald McDonald. User works for Bungie.
-1800: User is in a shituation ^^^^ LINUBIDIX STOLE THAT ONE!!!! Honestly he is at my house and he saw it just before i posted it. That *****