10: User has just picked up some ammo ---- 0: User usually is just camping with a Mauler ---- -225: User created Epitaph
-140 User is using the noob combo. -180 User is camping with a shotgun. +140 User is great at placing respawn points. +180 User is a Premium Member -360 User is suffering from the Red Rings of Death +150 User is an Internet meme.
90: User has cheez repburgers. 70: User has bunless repburgers. 42: User is the meaning of life. 69: User knows how to make people happy. 777: User is lukems/Stosh/Marty/etc. Thats all for now. By the way, I noticed that 1337 is above 1400. Might wanna fix that.
User likes bad rep? User is the uncool kid at ForgeHub. User didn't see the rules link. User is listening to Pain by ThreeDaysGrace. User has a Fisher Price Computer. User is the Bus Driver. User should make another GT. User is Rick Roll. User is a stupid face. (my favorite I made) User -(noun) noob on forgehub.com.
2- User just got a Double Kill 3- User just got a Triple Kill 4- User just got a Over Kill 5- User just got a Killtacular 6- User just got a Killtrocity 7- User just got a Killamonjaro 8- User just got a Killtastrophe 9- User just got a Killapocalypse 10- User just got a Killionaire