Do it yourself Reputation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TrueDarkFusion, Jul 13, 2008.

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  1. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am currently working on making the rep system more dynamic. That means increasing the rate at which the message changes for rep and what it says. The current rep messages kind of suck and there aren't enough so I am coming to you guys for ideas. Fill out the chart below and I will use some of the best ideas. Note that all sentences must be able to follow, User is... So for example: User is doing a barrel roll. Also guys make sure the messages make some sense with the actual level of rep so for -50 rep don't say User is doing a good job.

    Oh and let's make this a contest. Here are the prizes for the users that come up with the most that I end up using.
    1st: 50 rep
    2nd: 25 rep
    3rd: 10 rep

    Note that you do not have to fill out the whole chart!

    Hint: Try to make your messages contain some of the following qualities. Funny, Forge relevant, Forge Hub relevant, Halo relevant, internet relevant, gaming relevant

    Current Contest Scores
    TheYavimayan: 16 ---1st
    Rawr: 10 ---2nd
    Mikey: 7 ---Forfeit
    Titmar: 5 ---3rd
    CaMOfo: 3
    linubidix: 3
    Matty: 3
    JAYclash: 3
    Wakko45: 3
    xX5w33ny70ddXx: 2
    SargeantSarcasm: 2
    xSharpshooter94: 2
    Tex: 1
    Vicious Vice: 1
    Juggernaut448: 1
    java9script9: 1
    Verno: 1
    IxGunxSlingerxI: 1

    Rep Level Messages
    2000: User is Titmar (TheYavimayan)
    1900: User is like Oh - Em - Gee (JAYclash)
    1800: Users is a Toll Free Number (Verno)
    1700: User is a FH addict (TheYavimayan)
    1600: User has their Proforge in your Forgedome
    1500: User is a rep ***** (Matty)
    1400: User is the rep system.
    1337: User is 1nt3rn3t s4vvy (TheYavimayan)
    1300: User has a large collection of your shoes (Titmar)
    1200: User is getting a restraining order on Dragoncoals (Mikey)
    1100: User is not a troll, I repeat, user is not a troll (Rawr)
    1000: User is 10 to the power of 3 (SargeantSarcasm)
    950: User smells of elder berries (TDF)
    900: User is over NINE HUNDRED! (Juggernaut448)
    850: User is doing the Yes Dance (TDF)
    800: User is a LOLCat (Mikey)
    777: User is a fan of Bungie (TheYavimayan)
    750: User is belonging all your base (TheYavimayan)
    666: User is coming for your soul (TheYavimayan)
    650: User is chocolate rain (Wakko45)
    600: User has divided by zero (Titmar)
    550: User has a large collection of your shoes (Titmar)
    500: User is a ninja squirrel (java9script9)
    475: User is in your base sniping your doodz. (TDF)
    450: User has candy in their van... want some? (Titmar)
    425: User is sexy enough to play customs with TDF & Yavi (TDF)
    403: User is forbidden (TheYavimayan)
    400: User wants to be a Southerner like Nitrous (TDF)
    375: User is a lie! (IxGunxSlingerxI)
    360: User is a hardcore gamer (TDF)
    350: User is breathable (TheYavimayan)
    325: User is messaging Sarge for recon (TDF)
    300: User is SPARTAAA! (TheYavimayan)
    275: User is a former troll and has revoked his former ways (Rawr)
    250: User is eatting a bagel (Rawr)
    225: User is almost as cool as Cold Storage (Tex)
    200: User needs a life (Wakko45)
    180: User is a triangle (TheYavimayan)
    160: User is out of the mud (Rawr)
    150: User is a regular appearance on crimewatch (Matty)
    140: User is a text message (TheYavimayan)
    120: User is the height of the temple (in cubits) (TheYavimayan)
    117: User is Master Chief (TDF)
    110: User is Supercentenarian (TheYavimayan)
    100: User is Centenarian (TheYavimayan)
    90: User is Reptacular (JAYclash)
    80: User haz repburgers (linubidix)
    70: User is a Forge Fairy (Mikey)
    69: User is getting lucky tonight (Mikey)
    60: User is acute (Mikey)
    50: User is a typing Sock Monkey (xSharpshooter94)
    40: User is a Yam Farmer (Wakko)
    30: User is lowering their cholesterol by eating cheerios. (Rawr)
    20: User is Forging (TDF)
    10: User is a monitor (TDF)
    0: User is a user (TDF)
    -5: User is in need of interlocking (xX5w33ny70ddXx)
    -10: User is interlocked with a double box (TDF)
    -20: User is being attacked by a squirrel (TDF)
    -30: User is missing his shoes (TDF)
    -40: User is spamming with power weapons (xX5w33ny70ddXx)
    -50: User is never gonna give you up (linubidix)
    -60: User is never gonna let you down (linubidix)
    -70: User is Rick Rolled (CaMOfo)
    -80: User is geolocked into Foundry (TDF)
    -90: User is going to be strapped to a rocket and hurled at ph33rforums (Rawr)
    -100: User is an infraction (CaMOfo)
    -200: User is pwned by a traffic cone (xSharpshooter94)
    -300: User is trapped in a fence box (TDF)
    -360: User is suffering from the red rings of death (Mikey)
    -400: User is unable to forge his way out of a wet paper bag (Vicious Vice)
    -500: User is wasting space (CaMOfo)
    -600: User is almost as creepy as DQ (TDF)
    -700: User is on fire (TDF)
    -800: User is under threat from the banhammer. (Matty)
    -900: User is laughing at the banhammer (Rawr)
    -1000: User is eating bat guano (Mikey)
    -1100: User is a troll, FIRE THE MISSLES! (Rawr)
    -1200: User is a super-sad face :C (SargeantSarcasm)
    -1300: User is bringing the Bubonic Plague (TheYavimayan)
    -1400: User is in a coma from spamming to much (Rawr)
    -1500: User is Joto Libre (TDF)
    -1750: User is about to become Fail (Rawr)
    -2000: User is never going to get recon (TheYavimayan)
  2. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

    Likes Received:
    -2000: Is lower than low.
    CaMOfo likes this.
  3. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wait...So I'm not sure if I'm getting this. So you're making defualt messages we send? Or..? Idk? But is

    "Dude, this map is ub3r 1337 4@x, +repzorz" Thats be... like, -50 or something?
  4. Verno

    Verno Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    0: User is, well, we don't know yet

    2000: User is Ghandi
    1900: User is Yoda
    1800: User is a database on inside jokes
    #4 Verno, Jul 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2008
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is kind of what TDF is looking for, except for all of them at once:

    50: User is DOING A BARREL ROLL!
    40: User is well on his way
    30: User is blarrr
    20: User is blarrr
    10: User is doing a good job.
    0: User is new! LAWL NUB!

    That kinda thing, even tho that sucked, alot
  6. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ohh. Ok... this shuold be fun. I'll edit with 'em.
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow TDF, you have quite a list to fill in there...
    First, use the one's you currently have, you know, "Diamond in the rough," "Spectacular Aura", etc etc.

    Though for some you could use:

    Randomly located in +rep:

    This user is as famous as The Godfather.
    This user is the King of Rep.
    That's Right, Be Jealous
    This is a Witty User.
    This is an Intellectual User.
    This user is a Rep *****.
    This user is a Supreme Rep *****.
    This user is a Hax0r.
    This user has 1337 Skills at Rep.
    This user might as well have Recon.
    If you see this user In Real Life, you better kiss his ass.
    (After the above)Well, just kiss this user's ass.


    Anyway, that's all I can come up with atm =/

    Be ready for lots of spam TDF. I will be reporting all that I see...
  8. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    80: User is super 1337 hax
    70: User is like, omgwtf epic amegah.
    60: User is definition of Win.
    50: User is charging mah lazzerr.
    40: User is Working on finding lazzerr.
    30: User is getting to the choppa!!
    20: User'll I'll get there one day.
    10: User is the goverener of California.
    0: User is...
    -10: User is fail.
    -20: User is Uber fail.
    -30: User Epicly uber failz.
    -40: Seriously this dude shuold be banned.
    -50: WTF?!?
    #8 LOL zombie, Jul 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2008
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -2000: User Has Failed.

    Um... no specific numbers-
    User haz repburgers
    User is quite unpopular
    User is better than you
    User could get away with murder

    That's all I can think of ATM.
    #9 Linubidix, Jul 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2008
  10. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The sentence has to complete "User is..."

    So it would have to be something like User is getting to the choppa!
  11. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I edititid* it. I couldn't of how to do User is... for the last couple.
  12. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    just random ones at the top of my head.

    50: keep it up and youll be as awesome as Toochie soon
    40: Squirrels respect you, heres your shoes back
    30: Your almost as awesome as that one man that draws
    20: your good, but im better *starwolf*
    10: kitty go meow meow, cow go moo, chicken go cluck cluck, how about you!
    0: Oh teh noes, an army of squirrels has taken your shoes!!!
  13. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    2000+ User is God
  14. AllseeingEntity

    AllseeingEntity Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    50: user has been doing something right...
    40: user is well on their way
    30: user doesn't have much to brag about
    20: user is off to a good start
    10: user is new to the forum scene
    0: user is a baby dinosaur
    -10: user is testing the waters
    -20: user is acquiring a bad name in these parts
    -30: user is close to the point of no return
    -40: user is treading deep waters
    -50: user is past the point of no return

    these are just ones i thought off the top of my head... i will probably do more later
  15. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    User haz cookies
    User is beyond the point of no return
    TDF owes user a cookie
    Admit it, you're jealous of User.

    I know, the last to arent "User..." but I thought they were good.
    #15 Linubidix, Jul 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2008
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    Here is one....

    +2000: "User is almost as cool as Titmar."

    Here are more...

    +100: "User is gettin to teh Choppa."
    +110: "User is aboard teh Choppa."
    +130: "User is flying in teh Choppa."
    +140: "User is landing teh Choppa."
    +150: "User is so cool, we have ran out of Internet meme's."
    #16 Mikey, Jul 13, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2008
  17. X5

    X5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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  18. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Stuff like this is best.

    User is interlocked with a double box
    User is in monitor mode
    User is being attacked by a squirrel
  19. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    User is wedged between 2 un-interlocked boxes.
    User is merged with the crane
    #19 Linubidix, Jul 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2008
  20. AllseeingEntity

    AllseeingEntity Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    user is stuck in crane
    user is stuck in mongoose wheelie and can only hope to get out
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