DLC isnt working

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Novak, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. Novak

    Novak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry if this is the wrong forum to put this, I looked at all of them and figured this would be the most appropriate without getting people pissed off

    Alright so I downloaded the new maps on my old account and they worked fine. My account got banned, corrupted, or something, I dont really know what, so I had to make a new one. On this new account, the new maps dont load up when I open up Forge but on my brothers account they do. Even though its on the Xbox, it only loads on my brothers account, not mine. I bought them on my original account, so I was wondering if maybe thats why they dont load for me. But why then would they only load up on my brothers account?

    LEGION Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW try dl the maps again i had a similar problem with the dl on vegas i just re-dl the maps and then it worked fine
    if not it's probably due to u getting "banned, corrupted,"
  3. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought the DLC installed on the HDD?
  4. Novak

    Novak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would re-downlaod them, but my old account can't even log into live. Since I bought them on that account, I'd have to pay again to re-download them. I'm still on one of those free 1-months cause I just made one of those and I'm planning to buy more time when it runs out. Dyou think the reason they wont load is because it's a free 1 month?
  5. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I had a very similar problem I could not figure out hoe to fix it so now I am going to wait until the maps become free good luck with getting them back.
  6. E93

    E93 Guest

    you don't pay to re-download
    anything you've already downloaded on a console
    and had it saved to the Hard Drive, it will
    be up for re-dowloads, and you don't have to repay,
    since you've done it once :)

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i have a little different issue, when i play halo 2 the downloaded maps are all there, no waiting time no internet. when i play halo 3, i have to wait for them to upload, and i have to be connected to the internet. does anyone know y

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