Well, I guess you can call me a graphics guru. I have had PS CS2 for about a year now. Here's some work. Tags/sigs: ^All pentooled. Large Pieces (LPs): Muse Abstract Sweet Home Chicago Logos/Avatars: Cole is meh name if you want to know why it says that. I know my portfolio is long, but I hope you all took a look. I'm pretty optimistic about getting a position, so enjoy! - Dizfunk (Cole)
I like some of these sigs. Ilike the chief one and the guitar on(Muse) most. I have GIMP so can I make pics like these?
No offense, but a guru? Yeah, I don't think so. Let me explain: ^ These three signatures have potential but they still have a lot to go. I really suggest you work on blending the stock/render/focal with the background of the signature better. It just looks like you pasted in a stock, pasted in a cool background image over it, and then just erased over the middle area where the stock is with a soft brush. It doesn't look good at all. Creative, but there is just so little going on. There is so much contrast in the signature, that my eyes don't know where to go. The best signature is one in which the colors cause the eyes to move in from the outside to the focal. This one doesn't do that because the colors are so unbalanced. This could be nice, but the white brushing above his head (which may be there for lighting?) takes away a lot of the depth. Also, since ALL of the background is blurry and he and the C4D or whatever are sharp, it just looks totally fake, like you just pasted him on. Again, it just doesn't look good. This is nice but there is no depth. It is just flat and boring. Also, it looks like you just cropped the guy out of one image and pasted him into another. I could go on, but I don't think I need to. You have some skill and you are familiar with the basics of Photoshop. My advice is to, when you finish a signature, go back to it and fiddle around with the lighting, depth, and blending. Try different combinations of filters, brushes, and adjustments.
Obviously you don't know much about critiquing people. You say it looks pasted on, but most of these sigs took me 30 minutes to an hour. Around 20-30 layers. You might know a lot, and I appreciate the criticism, but I don't think telling me all of my tags stink helps me. I know you told me what to improve on, but I have included all of these effects into my signatures. I guess you didn't notice.
Lulz, are you stupid? 30 minutes to an hour is NOTHING for a signature. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Most artists take upwards of four hours to create a masterful signature. You think Van Gogh or Michelangelo completed their famed works in 30 minutes? Yeah, I don't think so. Also, did I in ANY PLACE say that your signatures are bad? No. I did not. I gave you constructive criticism. I told you what was wrong with your signatures and how you could make them better. I'm helping you and you're just being stubborn. Fine, don't improve. Do I care? Not one iota. Ha, trying to edit your post to hide what you said before? Realized just how simple it made you sound? Obviously, I do know a lot about critiquing people. I told you what was wrong and how to fix it. And 20-30 layers STILL IS NOTHING. Most of my signatures have over 90 layers. 90! And you obviously haven't included all of these effects in your signatures, at least not skillfully. If you had, I wouldn't have had anything to criticize, now would I?
Well I didn't know how to say it. It is hard for me to accept criticism without seeing the other's work. I'm sorry if I like...I don't know offended you? But. Whatever.
Here's what I said in the shoutbox if you didn't catch it. Whisper I like most of your sigs, but some effects are over-contrasted. And some aren't that great, like the gift to your friend. Meh. Otherwise, great job. Sorry for drawing conclusions so fast. Also, some you can't find the focal. It is just a blur or a mess. But what I said before. Great job.
wow dizfunk, your being really rude right now, whisper took time to give you his opinion and your being a jerk about it, let alone i like how you refer to yourself as a graphic guru and only make sigs. Thats pretty funny. Learn some respect.
I know how to but I am on break from graphics at the moment because I just don't have the time. Over the summer maybe...
Pff? Photoshop and GIMP? Noobz! This sig is straight outta MSWORD '07. Maybe... 12 layerzzz. Gradientzzz! Ride the wave, boys. Lol. Seriously, though, nice work on the stuff. I wish I had taken the time to learn photoshop well enough to make coo things like that.
I like your lps but your sigs have too much negative space because the focals are too small imo and you need to add a little more contrast to them to give them depth