-Divine Wind-

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dj DiN, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    Download Divine Wind
    by - Nosirrom Mij (aka) Dj DiN
    This is my finest map. It took over 3 weeks to make. I have interlocked, save-stated, and for the first time ever, I geo-merged and used the infinite money glitch on this map to give it a look that is not only clean, but original and unique. It is a Japanese-themed village symmetrically constructed with two opposing bases. Cosmetically I have made use of scenery pieces to create fountains, blue flame torches, pagoda roofs, japanese lanterns, and boarhead scultpures. As beautiful as it is, it also serves it's tactical purposes as well. All angles provide needed cover against spawn camping and sniper fire. Also, all the heavy weapons (Rocket Launcher, Spartan Laser, Sniper/Beam Rifle, Flamethrower, and Warthogs) have a three minute respawn time. There is a "pillbox" in the center of the map with a sniper rifle for suppressing fire, however the room is also filled with fusion coils and propane tanks so a strategically thrown grenade will end the snipers reign in a beautiful fireworks display. I have also stitched the initials of the group I'm in on the ceiling (photo is below). This map plays on all symmetrical game variants, and it also plays most assymetrical game variants. It plays especially well on team KoTH and team slayer, but it can be played on pretty much anything, including infection. You will not be disappointed with this map, so download it and die honorably, BANZAI!!!
    Divine Wind pictures (North-end; from left to right)
    Corner House A
    The pill box
    Alley behind the pill box
    Corner House B
    Divine Wind pictures (South-end; from left to right)
    Base B Exterior
    Base B Interior
    Stairway to Heaven
    Hoghead Towers
    Base A Exterior
    Base A Interior
    Above the map
    Custom Map Tournaments logo stitched in the ceiling.
    Some of my other maps and my fellow forgers

    My Maps
    The Trainyard New!!!

    B@st@rd C@stle

    Kill House II

    Narroughs - Third Bridge Pic

    LE610N's Maps
    Se7enth Column

    High Treason



    Fleabus 7's Maps
    Lost Echo



    Patchwork Zombie's Maps

    Kamakazee means Divine Wind in Japanese.
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Hey I saw this on Bungie files forums!. I will try it out because it looks very original and the idea is also creative. My suggestion is that maybe you should have not included the "dark" part of foundry (the bases or normal starting points).
  3. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    I don't see why the "dark" parts shouldn't have been included
    There needs to be a moderately safe area for attackers to spawn and without the "dark" area the map would be too small

    Good work on the map though, some things need straightening up and interlocking more would improve the aesthetics MOAR
  4. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks very well built great job 4.5/5. Nice interlocking, i like the man cannon && the building are well built &&&& neat, the pictures are nice, & had good detail. i like the map & good luck w/ other maps.
    #4 TKOwnedU5, Sep 24, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2008
  5. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    Thanks, but what do you mean "dark areas"? the back room? If so, I like to use all of the map for team based maps. If the map is too small, then there's more likely to be spawn camping.
  6. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Looks like a lot of camping spots and shield doors on this map =( Also, people will just shoot the choppers until they fall down and then use them and I don't think that is what you intended. Since there isn't much cover in the middle the turrets will be too powerful and people will camp.
  7. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What are you talking about, there is plenty of cover and it doesn't matter it someone uses the choppers, good for them they wont survive long. Also, have you even played the map? Or are you just bashing someones hard work based on a quick look at a couple pictures. I placed more than enough cover around the entire map. You can't get more balanced than this. And there are only two shield doors that you cannot camp behind. I'm sorry dude, no disrespect, but you don't know what you are talking about.

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