5v5 slayer map. under water tunnels that leads to each base. sword in middle of the map and snipers on each side. Escape tunnels leading all around the map. weapon list: Sniper x2 DMR x4 Needler x2 Sword x1 Plasma Grenade x4 Frag Grenade x4
Wow, looks great, I really like the way the map looks, kinda has that one base on sandtrap that you can go under feel to it. I would add a weapon list with all the spawn times and clips in it, so people can see what to expect.
put a weapon list, will put spawn times later when i get home and a walkthrough clip. also if anyone downloads the map check out my gaurdian remake as well if you dont already have one, its near perfect. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I will put a flythough up tomorrow