Distraction v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by CC Pybus, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    [​IMG] v2




    Finally v2 is here! Sorry I took so long to release it but I have been busy but ayway it's finally here and is a huge improvement onthe last. I got loads of great feedback on the first version and over 300 downloads please help get this map more attention as I think it is alot better than the first. For people who read the original thread here is the list of changes and fixes if you don't want to read all of the post (please do though):


    • The game now supports 16 people!
    • The biggest complaint was that people could stand in th bottom o the pit and not die, this has now been fixed by adding longer slopes funneling the humans into a smaller area, the floor is also lowered so you can now see the teleporter sticking out slightly. (there are pics further down)
    • The second problem was the mancannons outside of the map sometimes did not fire you to you death this has been fixed.
    • The pallets now have two weapon holders on top preventing people from accidently tipping them and falling through.
    • Humans now do no damage so they cannot destroy the pallets themselves to betray people.
    • Because humans deal no damage the pistol can no longer destroy the fusion coils so instead after 2 mins th humas recieve 3 firebomb grenades to distract the zombie.
    • You now score 1 point for being the last man standing.
    • Pallets now have a respawn ate of 20
    Even if you did read the original thread please read on, as there are new screenshots and more info.

    What is it?

    Well you've all seen those infection mini-games like duck shooting and jenga and this mini-game also uses an infection varient. However unlike Jenga tower where the humans simply wait to die, in this game the humans can prevent their deaths, thats where the distraction comes in.

    I will use pictures to help explain.

    First here is an overview of the map, at the moment it won't make much sense :p As you can see I have tried to interlock as much as possible and make the map as good-looking as possible.


    This is the floating base and is the place where the humans will spawn, as you can see the entire floor is made from pallets supported by reciever teleporters (Now with weapon holders on top to keep the steady). Underneath the pallets which you cannot see is a shield door (I will explain why later ;)


    This is where the zombies spawn and canot escape as they start with no grenades.


    Now I'll explain the aim of the game. Each round lasts 3 minutes, in the 3 minutes the zombie will try to shoot fusion coils that fly across the room using the sniper and BR that he starts with (both have infinite ammo).


    If they manage to shoot one of the coils at the right time the pallets will either break (they no longer flip around and jumble up because of the weapon holders). Here are some pictures of two successful shots :) As you can see the humans are thrown about. (The shield door is to stop the zombie cheating by simply shooting the pallets directly).


    When a fusion coil is hit it definatley doesn't mean you are going to fall and die, you can still easily stay inside the base, this is because each pallet has a respawn rate of 20 and there is a minimum runtime of 2 pallets meaning there is always a floor to stasnd on. However there is an equal chance that you will fall into the pit to your death :(

    Here is the pit: (I had to make the pit funnel you into a smaller area and the floor has been lowered down since the last version this means it no longer looks like spikes but it mean now that you cannot cheat).


    Two people epic failin


    Both humans and zombies are invunverable, the only way to die is to fall to your death, you only have one life so if you die you are out for the round :( So basically the aim is to survive for 3 minutes!

    You may be thinking that it must be difficult to survive when only one succesful shot could be the end of you! This is where the DISTRACTION comes in :D


    To help the humans survive for the hectic 3 minutes there are a number of way to distact the zombie trying to make precision shots.

    1. The first is very simple, all humans spawn with a plasma pistol simply shooting the zombie in the face with these is enough to put them off alot of shots, watch your ammo as it is limited, here is how distracting the pistol actually is:


    The other three distractions will become available via late respawns further into the round

    2. The second way to distract the zombie will appear after 30 seconds. This item is a flare and will greatly put off the zombie for a few seconds while you prepare your self. This will respawn again 30 seconds after use. Here it is and how it helps:


    3. The third way to distract the zombie will repaw at 1 minute and is a needler, when the needles explode on the zombie, the zombie will be thrown back and put of from their shots, watch your ammo as it is limited. Here it is in action:


    4. The last distaction will spawn at 2 minutes (well done if you make it that long) It is 3 firebomb grenades (it used to be a magnum but the pistol was less of a distraction and more of a cheat),There are only three so use them well and don't waste them, they will more or less blind the zombie so they are quite handy, here they are being used:


    So theres the map :D


    You can now score by being the last man, this rewards 1 point unlike in version one where no points were awarded you also lose a point for dieing so it a test of survival.

    #1 CC Pybus, Aug 28, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  2. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    its good to see the glitches fixed, the gmae was fun but there were a lot of kinks
    one that you didnt take care of, (there really is no way)
    if you time it and the zombie blows up the fusion coil you can get blasted out of the map
  3. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    wow i loved the idea of the first versions of this but this is just awesome one of the best mini games i have seen so far 5/5
  4. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    How excactly do you fall to your death? Dont you need to go past a death barrier? Or have you done something to make then die when they fall off.
  5. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    i played v1 and it was great!!
    v2 seems so much better
    great job and very creative original idea
  6. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Amazing map! Love the idea of shooting the fusion coils to send the humans to there deaths! It looks equally fun to be both the human and zombies! The pit looks very profesional and well done. Anyway, great map, great idea, great forging skills! 5/5

    Keep Forging!
  7. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    If you look closely at the bottom of the pit you can see teleporters they take you outside of the map and you die :D

    Thank you :)

    That happens very rarley
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I saw you post the first one and it looked very awesome and original and a bit like Battleship variant. This is pretty awesome. Nice job here man. This is epic man.
  9. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    yah i played the first version all the time, and now i see that these changes will make t much much better, nice job
  10. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Thanks for teh good comments please remember to rate and, please come back to give feedback after playing it if you have time :D
  11. shortspeedy

    shortspeedy Ancient
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    I'm making a map similar to this, it's infection and you have to shoot fusion coils but yours looks better. Good improvements.
  12. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    This reminds me a lot of Hobo heights and Purple bunker, almost like they inspired you except this one takes you skills at shooting and distracting you enemies to the test. Very interesting and original. My only question is that how many spare clips does the needler have, since it spawns every 60 seconds it could become annoying.
  13. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I like this map a lot! the idea is cool and the pit and even cooler. i like the floating andi nterlocking. good job!!!!!!!!
    CC Pybus likes this.
  14. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    thanks again for the good feedback, annoyingly someone voted 1 star for both the map and gametype can everyone please rate it so annoying little kids can't rate it low and make it look bad, thanks
  15. PUNJA

    PUNJA Ancient
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    its qued to download man. i looked at the last one when it first came out and thought you could have done better. but something i liked on the last one was how it looked like there were death spikes in the pit. but this looks sweet man
  16. H@lo Cr@zy

    H@lo Cr@zy Ancient
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    I like the fall to your death idea
  17. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Yeh i had to get rid of them because i needed to make the pit smaller as people could just stand in the pit and not die.
  18. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Ah yes I remember this map. It will be featured sooner or later I tell you! I never really got to play it more than once because my xbox broke the next day. :( However, if it really had as many kinks as people are saying, I'll come back and download the new version when I get it back.
  19. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Dude this looks sick,
    If only i didn't have RRoD i would love to play this,
    Seems like a fun twist, and also your interlocking is near perfect.
  20. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, I hope you all enjoy it and can get back with some feedback, bungie and forgehub ratings are appreciated ;)

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