
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by buddhacrane, May 19, 2008.

  1. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I remember I played this yesterday with a bunch of friends. I'd have made it a bit neater, but it's awesomely trippy.
  2. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    Very fun map, all my parties I've been with in past 2 days have enjoyed it, love the concept, but all need a minute afterwards to catch their balance. ;) Great Job!
  3. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Thanks for all the great comments.

    I'm not exactly sure how I could've made it neater, absolutely every object is at a perfect 45 degree angle, otherwise the whole effect wouldn't work.

    The only way I could've possibly made it neater is with some interlocking, but that would have been quite literally impossible, just sticking them at the right angle ontop of each other took hours, trying to interlock them without a point of reference just would not be do-able.

    As it was I had to save and exit with every single piece of scenery.

    I think you'd be very hard pressed to find an optical-illusion based map like mine that is any neater. Infact, I'm almost positive you wont. The nature of the forging style required to achieve the effect makes it very hard to do any interlocking.
  4. Tai Therin

    Tai Therin Ancient
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    This map is just insane. After looking at it for hours, I figured out some of the methods you used to make the effect, such as the subtle tunnel curve to make that one room look sideways, but other parts just make me wonder how you accomplished it. Overall, This map holds up in a actual slayer game, but the mauler and shotgun become extremely overpowered when coupled with the shield doors and the upside down room.

    Great job overall though, looking forward to your next map.

    XxNAPALM FURYxX Ancient
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    dude that is so cool ill have to play it cause my eyes are about to explode cause i can't tell where the surface to play on is
  6. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Whenever people try to camp the shield doors with a mauler or shotgun I just throw a plasma at one side of the shield door, hop through the teleporter, and throw a plasma at the other side of the shield door. The shield door camper will get exploded no matter what side of the shield door they're trying to hide on.

    That was the whole point of those two two-way teleporters. To prevent the shotgun/mauler being over-powered next to the shield doors. You just have to use your noggin, and the teleporters.

    The reason the shield doors are even there in the first place is to prevent turret gun ownage.
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    well, if you were looking for a point of reference, here you go, once you have your first (bottom) pieces placed & interlocked, all you have to do is set up objects lined up with that item, whether or not it's on the top or the bottom of the item, that is entirely up to the layout (with there being some hills and whatnot) if it is at the bottom of the map, then simply save-quit, but if it is on the top of the map, you're in luck, and all u'd have to do is set the item down, n save quit your object, oh snap, i just realized, you would have to save-quit one way or the other, lolsauce, oh well, one way or the other, interlocking those boxes will help drastically in the small amount of gameplay that is to be had.

    ALSO "hard pressed to find...that is any neater." I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure people are working pretty hard since slant & distortion, to get something pretty unique on there own ;-) i mean you didn't patent your upside down room, so don't expect people to not rip that idea off...btw, i am not said people, i work on more competitive based maps...i just know people will be inspired by distortion...
  8. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Thanks for the tip. That probably could help with interlocking but you're gonna have to do even more "Save" and "Exit" stuff. Bare in mind I did only spend a day on this.

    I hope people do come up with more maps of this style. Preferably ones that are more of an optical-illusion style like mine, rather than just a normal map that is angled slightly. If people can do a fully interlocked map of a similar style to mine, that is neater, then I will be very impressed.

    I don't think the upside down room would make for a good style to have across a whole map but it does help break up the style a little bit if it's part of something bigger. You can only have 4 grav lifts after all and I used up all mine just in that tiny room.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what other people can come up with, I myself am working on a new distorted map that should add something new.
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    First off, im glad you took no offense by what i was saying. Second, i would just like to say wow at the fact that you only spent a day working on distortion, that is utterly amazing. Thirdly, something new??? I can't wait!
  10. ZCT

    ZCT Ancient
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    Thought I would just pop in and say " Something NEW?? With a Roof?"

    Lol j/k I still love playing on this map
  11. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    dude this is wickid confusing i cant tell witch is the floor and witch is the cieling, nice map i thinklol
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    The answer is "Everything". (But what was the question?)

    Anyhooooooo. A roof is something I am going to try to implement in my new map but I'm not going to drastically reduce the size of the map just so people can look at a roof that serves no real purpose.

    Oh and my new idea is to create a room with 3 walkable sides that looks like the Escher painting "Relativity". I plan to add more stuff too of course (object space permitting)
  13. Killamanjaro123

    Killamanjaro123 Ancient
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    holy crap that is crazy, congratz on the feature
  14. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Whoa. Taths rlaely cfonsuing. I LVOE IT!
  15. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    Why is this not featured yet?!?!?!
  16. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Are you joking?
  17. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    sorry, I don't go to the front page much anymore.
  18. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    Jeez, this map looks freaking sweet!
  19. nanimctutu

    nanimctutu Ancient
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    wow i can't wait to try this out it looks very disorienting. I wonder how it plays
  20. Mount Killamonjaro

    Senior Member

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    I D/L this before Forge Hub Thread and practically got sick. Love the map!

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