
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by buddhacrane, May 19, 2008.

  1. spankysully

    spankysully Ancient
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    wow buddha 10 pages aready...

    this map is truely awesome, it does take some getting used to, but it only took 5-10 mins....

    ps. im the grey guy in the pics ;)
  2. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Ok, I played a 1v1 on this map and it was really fun. I like how you have so many different sections, so its not all just one area. Other than that- well, this map is really twisted. It reminds me of Shift (in my signature). If you don't mind, I think I'll add you to my "selected favorites in my signature.
  3. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    Ha, this map made my head spin. But it was fun showing it to my friends. I liked the idea behind Shift, but it wasn't executed well, so good job on this. 4/5.
  4. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    To be honest I would rather people did not compare this to Shift. They are two rather different maps. Shift is just a regular map tilted slightly, it still has a designated "Floor".

    My map is more of an optical illusion based map. It may be tilted but that is where its similarity to Shift begins and ends. My map is about making it feel as though you can walk on walls and aims to disorientate and alter your perspective of the map as you play it. It's just that I had to make the map on an angle to achieve this effect. The map being on an angle is a by-product of my goal.

    So yeah, the two maps are very different once you think past the obvious fact that they both happen to not be flat.
  5. Sixpakvb

    Sixpakvb Ancient
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    Wow...just wow....it's an insane map, it gives a whole new feel to the game...I love starting a slayer match on it and people are utterly confused. I've never seen a map like this, it's completely unique and deserves attention. This will most likely get featured some time,and is the best map I have right currently (and maybe ever if bungie doesn't give us better items and other things for forge.) I tried 1 flag CTF and it was great fun, except that the flag return point didn't work because of it's position. I moved it and it worked fine. Keep up the good work, and thank you for making such a wonderful map.
  6. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Ah I never properly checked the flag would score OK, I just assumed it would.

    Damn looks like I need a V3...

    Anyway it would appear the novelty of this map has already worn off after only 3 days. This was all the way on 3rd page when I came to check it today.
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Nah mate, the novelty hasn't worn off. I think we're all just waiting for it to get feature.
  8. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Lol, OK.

    Well anyway I've made version 1.3 now and have fixed the issue with the flag return point. I've also made the description for the map more accurate. I stated that it supported KOTH and Territories when it actually supports Crazy King and Land Grab.

    I also blocked in a couple of gaps with bridges to make some of the larger gaps between walls less obvious.

    Hopefully that's it for adjusting the map now!
  9. wooly_mamoth

    wooly_mamoth Ancient
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    This map is CRAZY!!!

    played it with some mates and it was great fun though the shotgun is a bit over powered as it is close to the shield doors
  10. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    The shotgun is the only power weapon on the map, but it has a 180 respawn time and no spare ammo to balance it out. You're only gonna get a max of 5 kills out of it. I wanted to have a power weapon on the bridge and I decided that was the best one.

    You can approach the shield doors from both sides so you can't completely camp behind them. Plus there is even a two-way teleporter that flips you to either side of the shield door. A good player can easily combat against a shotgun weilding shield door camper with what I've provided.

    There is also a mauler to combat the shotgun hidden in the upside down room.

    I don't think the shotgun ruins the map. Or at least I hope people don't think that it does. I've tried to make things as balanced as possible while providing a nice variety of weapons.
    #110 buddhacrane, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 22, 2008
  11. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I now feel sick and dizzy. Well done!
  12. wallstreet

    wallstreet Ancient
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    (1st Post)
    that was very good, probally the 3rd type of map like that ive seen
    but it was definetly the best, excellent job,
  13. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    yea i threw up after testing it. Good job. 5/5 lol
  14. squirrel stud

    squirrel stud Ancient
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    you made me sick!!!

    .....and squirrels aren't supposed to get sick
  15. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    From testing this with many people, this map is excellent. Sure, most people feel too sick to kill anything but you've definitely created an instant classic
  16. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Shifted maps are gaining in popularity, I see. Now it is my job to post an upside down mongoose track...
  17. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    MC Escher

    Reminds me of Escher:

  18. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    Reviewed By: Vicious Vice

    Enjoyment: 9/10
    Running around and jumping has never felt so awkward and natural at the same time. This expertly crafted map throws you into the 5th dimension and doesn’t let you out. You will fight a person on the wall while you are on the floor… or is he on the floor and your on the wall… there is no right answer and it wont matter you will be too busy running up walls, throw grenades with ridiculous bounce patterns and the unusual jumps that will keep you guessing to where you will land.

    Balance: 8/10
    Since this map is awkward in play the shotgun/mauler rules all. The only possible escapes from these weapons are precise escapes or the mighty brute shot to slay your opponent and propel you away at the same time. Some players spawned in a certain area more than others but that is because it is slightly more separate than others. Taking into consideration that this map is a unique angle this map is well balanced, a 3v3 may cause some problems but a 2on2 is perfect unless you get motion sickness.

    Durability: 9/10
    There is no way to escape, no holes to lose grenades, there are no major choke points that a player can just control from and spawn camping is basically impossible. This map is a good example that a unique idea can also be well built and still look good.

    Aesthetics: 9/10
    This map is stunning, each of the rooms are unique in their own way. The bridge walkway is probably the most unique feature. I cant even begin to explain the feeling you get from walking on the bridge. Are you going fall off? Are you on the wall? How are you even walking the same way? (doesn’t make sense? That’s the idea) Even the only flat room is unique because your really on the ceiling the mongoose, barrels and teleport on the roof.. I mean floor are such a great touch and are truly a site to behold.

    Originality: 9/10
    Some people will compare this map to shift. To the untrained eye that is an understandable comparison. But this map is not shifted or tilted it is completely distorted. There is no up or down there is only the 5th dimension. Walls are sideways signs are upside down. Moongoose on ceilings. The wall is the floor the floor is the wall… MASSHYSTERIA!… IM GOING NUTS!!!(The 5th dimension plays your mind).

    Overall score (Average of the above): 9/10
    What can I say about this map that I haven't already mentioned. That it is one of the most unique maps made. That it's fun. That it works for almost all gametypes. That the creator even uses the symmetry/asymmetric options for better gameplay in objective based games. Just download it now you will not be disappointed… a little motion sickness maybe but that never hurt anyone... to much.
    :: puke ::
  19. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    thanks all i have to say
    this map is amazing
  20. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Thank you Vicious Vice for the in-depth review. I loved reading every word. Your break down of the features of the map shows you have truly experienced this map and understood what I was trying to achieve.

    "The 5th Dimension" sounds like a good name for if/when I make my next optical illusion based map.

    Thanks again.

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