Someone really ought to make a map similiar to foundries distortion, but larger and on sandbox. unless someone already has, and in that case someone should give me the link and this whole post is pointless
If anyone were to do that, it should be the creator of the original, buddhacrane. Ask him if he's planning on it.
Doesn't this belong in Forge Discussion? Anyway, like Ace said, you should message Buddhacrane and ask him to consider it. Would you like to make the map if he gave you permission to?
Wait, Buddhacrane has the map copyrighted? Nobody else can make a disorienting map without getting yelled at? Why does it have to be Buddhacrane?
Why should there be a remake? What would that contribute at all? The textures on Sandbox objects are monotonous. The variety of colors on Foundry allows you to see how truly distorted the map is.
I dont see any need to remake a forged map unless it was missing something which by definition it is not.