
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ryobit, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. ryobit

    ryobit Ancient
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    Dissension- A strong disagreement; a contention or quarrel; discord.

    Dissension was an idea I've had since Halo 2. Back then my younger brother and I would play a lot of split screen 1v1 but never had an even battle since the maps lacked balance. Even now I haven't been able to play a 1v1 in a balanced map. So I decided to make Dissension.

    Dissension is perfect for 1v1 Slayer games. It's a symmetrical map that has two bases on each side where fighting usually takes place. The battles will normally be mid-ranged but things can go close range very quickly in the ground. To promote constant movement and to ensure that the match revolves around controlling the high ground the primary weapons on the map are Battle Rifles and Carbines. There is also a Rocket Launcher in the bottom center of the map and a single mauler on each base.This is to give a secondary goal to players, control of the power weapon and to give players a way to deal with it. There are also plasma grenades in each base in case they are needed for close quarter scenarios.

    Due to the maps design camping is almost completely impossible to do since a player atop the bases is fairly easy to spot and a player in the ground
    can be seen from atop the bases or by moving around the high ground. However since there's enough cover in the ground a player can still move around
    stealthily every once in a while.

    There's also 2 teleporters in front of each base but well covered to keep the action unpredictable.

    Main overview of the map


    Corner overview of the map

    View of the A Base


    View of the B Base


    Rocket spawns in the bottom center, inside the open single box.


    A good 'ole sticky can take care of the Rocks'


    ...and Maulers!


    The scenery in the map is all placed with a purpose in mind. It's all to allow the player to get from point A to point B (No pun intended)


    Weapons on map:

    8 Battle Rifles
    Notes: 4 on each side, respawn every 30 seconds and have 2 spare clips.

    6 Covenant Carbines
    Notes: 3 on each side, respawn every 30 seconds and have 2 spare clips.

    2 Brute Maulers
    Notes: 1 on each side, respawn every 60 seconds and have 0 spare clips.

    1 Rocket Launcher
    Notes: It's in the bottom center of the map, respawn every 90 seconds and has 1 spare clip

    Equipment on map:

    6 Plasma Grenades
    Notes: 3 on each side and they respawn every 10 seconds.

    8 Frag Grenades:

    Notes: 4 on each side and they respawn every 10 seconds.

    It's highly recommeded that this map is played without the use of the motion sensor so that a player moving in the ground can have a better chance at moving around without getting picked off by a player in the high ground.

  2. BanditK

    BanditK Ancient
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    Congrats on making a good first map post. i have to looks like a well built map with solid gameplay and i would probaly go a couple rounds before i get tired. what i dont like aout smaller sized maps is that someone is gonna evtully learn all the spawns and get good at spawns camping. this map looks good maybe for a 1v1 or 1v1v1 but probly not 2v2 imo.
  3. ryobit

    ryobit Ancient
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    Thank you. I still haven't tested 3 man FFA. Haven't really thought about it. However I have tested 2v2's and they went very well. It's balanced enough and adds another tactical layer to the match.

    I didn't even consider spawn camping so it's good that you mention that.
  4. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    map looks well but some wall look a bit slanted
  5. ryobit

    ryobit Ancient
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    Thanks. I tried to make it as good looking as possible to the best of my abilities but I'm not sure which walls you're talking about?

    If it's the main walls used to seal in the map I honestly can't see where they're slanted. If you're referring to the wall in the tactical jumps image it's easy to see why it's like that if you look at it in game. The walls aren't one top of the box, they're behind them and held in place by the boxes.

    The last wall isn't held completely by the boxes and is slanting a bit. I knew this but I think a little slant might add something to the map.

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty straightforward man. As said before, this is a quality first post! Nice job and keep the maps comin.
  7. ryobit

    ryobit Ancient
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    Thanks :squirrel_giggle: Yeah it's meant to be very straightforward. Simple and balanced is what I was going for here.
  8. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Actually a very good looking map.

    Only suggestion I have is to straighten up those slanted walls that do not line up exactly right.

  9. ryobit

    ryobit Ancient
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    Thank you. Guess I'll do a quick forge-through later tonight and straighten it up.
  10. buff jack

    buff jack Ancient
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    nice map got say it looks like a dream to play to bad i cant post pics . *said face* ):
  11. Ch3ds chup

    Ch3ds chup Ancient
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    good map.... but i have to agree to definately should fix the slanted walls that block off the other half of the map...
  12. ryobit

    ryobit Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments guys but for the life of me I can't see where the walls need to be straightened up. I made some changes to the inside which I'll be updating later today but the main walls are still basically the same.
  13. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Yeah, this post is okay. It isn't perfect, there are some sections where things need to be straightened out, I can see them just from the pictures.
  14. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Those dont sell your map well. I would take some new ones, and consider tidying some stuff up, like the 2 bridges on the first pic, that arnt even in line..
  15. ryobit

    ryobit Ancient
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    Good/Bad I still thank you all for the feedback.

    I've already addressed a bunch of the issues with the map since this morning but haven't been able to update. I think I'll be able to do it in a few hours though. I'll also take some new pictures when I can. The main walls aren't perfect but I think I improved upon them a bit. I've cleaned up some areas in the map as well as fixed the center bridge.

    However I try not to focus too much on the main walls since they have a solid purpose and as long as they fulfill it I think it's fine. Of course I understand that sloppy walls make for a not so aesthetically pleasing map so I try to put some effort into it so that they look at least decent but I doubt I'll ever try to make them absolutely perfect.

    I also discovered some new things I can do with Forge in general but I'll leave that for my next map.
  16. icebubba2005

    icebubba2005 Ancient
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    I like it for 1v1 but 2v2 or larger it would be kinda tough. YOu prob could get by with less weapons like the 8 carbines is kinda overboard in my part. Over 7/10
  17. ryobit

    ryobit Ancient
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    Well there's only 6 Carbines. However your post does make me think about something. The Battle Rifles only really spawn in 2 parts of the map. The reason why I put that many in the first place is because most people don't want BR starts but the BR and Carbine is a very important weapon to control the map because it has the most uses.

    Anyway the point is that I'll be doing a quick edit to spread the BR's a little more around the map like I did with the Carbines.
  18. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Other than a few clean up issues this map makes for great small party games. I think this has better gameplay and is more solid than Exile.
  19. ryobit

    ryobit Ancient
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    Thanks for all the replies guys. I updated the map with a lot of things. Among these:

    -Added a layer to the main wall
    -Cleaned up some things within the map
    -Added more cover to the ground
    -In addition to cover the scenery also allows for more efficient movement
    -Changed the maps power weapon to a rocket launcher

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