Well another month of forging and fixing but v2 is complete DOWNLOAD LINK: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details There are some improvements on the map > new structures > more geo merging and interlocking > new weapons and equiptment > adding new cover WEAPONS > 6 BRs - 30 secs > 4 SMGs - 30 secs > 2 Plasma Rifles - 30 secs > 1 Plasma Pistol - 30 secs > 2 Neederlers -60 secs > 2 Beam Rifles - 60 secs > 1 ShotGun - 30 secs > 1 Spartan Laser - 60 secs EQUIPTMENT > 7 Plasma Granades - 10 secs > 8 Granades - 10 secs > 1 Oversheild - 120 secs VEHICLES > 2 Warthogs STORY this base camp is used for combat training, marines use this to make tactics and plans to destroy the enemy. Spartan Now use this too but it is more of an intense fight. Here are some pictures RED BASE BLUE BASE RED OUTFRONT BLUE OUTFRONT SNPER TOWER RED SNIPER TOWER BLUE MIDDLE SOME MORE PICTURES Thanks everbody at Forgehub.
nice map everything seems so placementyy a like will dl as soon as i get xbox map you should make some sort of oddball game this map seems perfect for it
Im going to be onest with up i think the map is really simple.The best thing i like is how you did the tripod arch.Its pretty cool.I just think that theres like no sctructure in the map.Mybe what you could of done is Like put some of the towers at an angle,im talking about the back corner of the foundry.But dont get mad,its just my opion.Good Job though.
Looks pretty smooth, the mancannons might fail the player at some moments but thats just me and my history with them, the blue and red bases need a little more, I think they could use maybe another box or two in next to the main one, I really like the geo-merging looks smooth and clean. 4.3/5
While the interlocking and geomerging is good, the Lines Of Sight (LOS), and lacking geometry creat a problem Try filling in the map, so a player does not feel like there running across a foundry canvas. When you do so, it will mostly take care of LOS problems on this map. by adding geomertry to those wide ofpen spaces, it will add cover also. Also, there may be spawn problems, not to mention the look of some seriously lacking weapon sets. remember this: One cannot simply forge one's way to a feature.
The map looks pretty good, but I would suggest adding some geometry around the bases - some barriers don't take the place of a good ol' geomerged box. Do the Warthogs work well on the map? It seems as if you control the warthog in the base, you will have an advantage, but that can be fixed by adding some geometry. I also do not really like the mancannons, they are back and could have been interlocked into the sniper tower boxes to make a clean, yet functional lift up. I also noticed that the weapons spawns are too short for the power weapons on the map. Normally a spartan lazer is set to 90-120 for a map like this, but testing different settings would work well. The snipers should also have a longer respawn time, I can't really say how long, because the map is more open and the snipers could dominate. Both of the two weapons I mentioned have a set amount of ammo, so you can't just set ammo to one clip and move on with your life. The shotgun, I think should have a 45-60 second respawn, seeing as the map hassome close quarters, but not fully close quarters and it should be set to 0-1 clips. Other than what I have mentioned, the map seems good in design and I would love to see a v3
The 3 dimensional feel with this is good, but two warthogs seems a little too much with the few lines of sight, same for the laser. You might think of replacing the laser with rockets. Still some great interlocking and placement here.
Fix your download liiiiiiiink! This is the part where I tell you that your interlocking and geomerging is good, and to keep it up. Don't expect me to.